"Studi ini menetengahkan transformasi pembangunan persekolahan di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan melalui penguatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK/ICT). Disadari bahwa pembangunan persekolahan di kabupaten tersebut masih jauh tertinggal. Oleh karena itu, ICT dianggap sebagai media zaman untuk membantu mengakselerasi transformasi pembangunan persekoloahan di daerah ini. Dalam core teori transformasi pendidikan pada model pembelajaran di abad 21 melalui kontribusi teknologi dan mempertimbangkan situasi problematika sosial, maka penulis menggunakan Soft System Methodology (SSM) sebagai penuntun bagi masalah problematik tersebut.
Penulis mengembangkan penelitian di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan dengan melibatkan sembilan (components) sekolah sebagai lokus penelitian. Melalui interview/ diskusi secara formal maupun informal dan juga studi literatur, maka penulis menemukan sejumlah situasi problematis tentang pembangunan persekolahan melalui penguatan ICT. Dengan mengadaptasikan teori NIES dalam kerangka kerja model systems thinking yang dikategorikan dalam tiga level yaitu makro (institutional) level yang meliputi sistem aktifitas tentang peraturan daerah tentang pendidikan dan sistem optimasi anggaran pendidikan di daerah bagi pembangunan persekolahan; kemudian meso (organizational) level yang meliputi sistem aktivitas pada manajemen sekolah, kepemimpinan sekolah, dan teknologi pendidikan; serta mikro (individual/operational) level sebagai sentra dari pengembangan ICT sekolah yang meliputi sistem aktifitas kompetensi guru.
Selanjutnya, melalui perbandingan dan debating, maka penulis mengimpulkan bahwa pembangunan persekolahan bagi penguatan ICT di daerah tersebut masih mengalami berbagai kelemahan diantaranya sumberdaya dari makro level sampai pada mikro level. oleh karena itu, direkomendasikan agar dikembangkan koordinasi dan komunikasi antar berbagai pihak bagi perubahan melalui komitmen yang sama dengan terus melakukan proses bottom-up and top-down bagi penguatan ICT berbasis sekolah (school-based ICT) di sekolah berdasarkan kebutuhan pembangunan pendidikan pada pembelajaran di abad 21.
This study perpetuates transformation of schools development in South Central Timor Regency by strengthening Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Schools development of this Regency are still left behind. So, ICT is considered as current media to accelerate and help transforming schools development in the region. The core theory of transformation in education of this 21st century learning model over the contribution of technology and considering this social problematic situation, then, the writer develops Soft System Methodology (SSM) as a guide for solving this problem interest as well.
The writer develops research in educational chamber of South Central Timor Regency included nine selected schools as locus of study. Through formal and informal interview/ discussions and literary study, the writer found kinds of real world problematic situations about schools development to strengthening ICT. Then, by adapting NIES theory in framework model of systems thinking which are categorized into three levels as macro (institutional level) which covers activity system of educational local regulation and optimum budgeting for schools development; Mezzo (organizational) level which covers school management, school leadership, technology in education and the micro (individual/operational) level as the center of ICT development which involves school teachers competences.
Over the comparison and debating, the writer concludes that schools development to strengthening ICT still bears kinds of shortcomings in resources from macro through micro levels. So, the writer suggests to develop coordination and communication among parts for improvement through the same commitment to keep up bottom-up and top-down procession in order to strengthen school-based ICT around schools based on the need of educational development in this 21st century learning."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013