ABSTRAK Nama : Dannissa AryaniProgram Studi : Kajian Wilayah EropaJudul : Partai Alternative f r Deutschland dan Pengaruhnya Dalam Peningkatan Gerakan Populisme Sayap Kanan di Jerman Penelitian ini berfokus pada partai sayap kanan Alternative f r Deutschland AfD yang dianggap oleh media sebagai partai populis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti kemunculan gerakan populisme di Jerman dan bagaimana partai AfD yang dianggap partai populisme sayap kanan modern mendapat dukungannya, serta bagaimana media di Jerman melihatnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan teori utama populisme milik Cas Mudde ditambah dengan analisis wacana kritis milik Teun Van Dijk untuk analisis medianya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populisme muncul di Jerman pada dekade awal pasca perang dunia kedua dan berkembang hingga saat ini, hingga muncullah partai AfD yang semakin mendapat dukungan karena memberikan alternatif baru bagi warga Jerman dan dari empat media yang analisis masing-masing memiliki pandangan tersendiri mengenai partai AfD, tergantung dari ideologi medianya. Kata kunci: populisme, Alternative f r Deutschland, ideologi, media massa di Jerman
ABSTRACT Name Dannissa AryaniStudy Program Kajian Wilayah EropaTitle Alternative f r Deutschland Party and its Influence on the Rise of Right Wing Populism in Germany This research is focused on right wing party Alternative f r Deutschland AfD of Germany, which labelled by the media as Populist Party. The purpose of this research is to identify the emergence of populism in Germany and how AfD which is labelled as the modern right wing populist party receive the support from German people, also how the leading medias in Germany see this phenomena. The methods used in this research is qualitative method with the main theory of populism by Cas Mudde and additional critical discourse analysis theory by Teun Van Dijk to analyze the media articles. The result shows that populism in Germany emerged since the first decade of post WWII in Europe and is still developing until today and the AfD party received a big amount of support from the people because of its ldquo alternative rdquo policies. Finally, the leading medias analyzed indicates that each has its own view towards AfD party, depending on their media ideology. Keyword populism, Alternative for Germany, ideology, mass media in Germany"