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"Since the analytical result of the frictional resistance of a rotating disk has been reported by Kérrnén (l92l), many studies have been done experimentally or analytically on the characteristics of the three-dimensional boundary layer at the disk surface. Frictional resistance of an impeller of a turbo-machinery is calculated by applying that of a rotating disk flow. To improve the performance of a turbo-machinery, attempt was done by applying a drag reduction to the tlow. Thus, the drag reduction phenomena have been studied on a rotating disk in drag reducing additives (Watanabe, K., l978) or a disk with hydrophobic wall (Watanabe, K., and Ogata, S., 1997). However, the drag reducing method reported in the past remains a problem- that the degradation or the durability becomes the iitilure forthe practical application.
In this study, the experiments were carried out the measurement on the frictional moment, velocity fluctuation and protlle and flow visualization of an enclosed rotating disk in order to obtain a new passive drag reduction wall that is excellent in the durability and is practically applicable. An approximation theoretical analysis base on the momentum integral equation -also has been accounted for axial clearance ratio effects for the case of separate boundary layers onthe disk. This theory has been checked against experimental results.
lt is well known that fluid in the boundary layer ata rotating disk surface flow with keeping a flow angle (Gregory, N. et al., 1955); By considering this flow pattern, was made a disk with a new passive drag reduction wall by an etching method. The disk with many fine spiral grooves is made of aluminum. The number of the spiral grooves varying at 120, 144, 150, 155 and 160 with 0.l and 0.2 mm depth each. The clearance between the disk and the housing wall was varied at l, 3, IO, 20 and 30 mm thick.
Experimental result showed that for the close clearance l mm the moment coefficient in the turbulent region in the Reynolds number range of 4x 10" S Re S 6x 10? for the disks of l50 and |55 grooves with 0.1 and 0.2 mm depth, the drag reduction ratio was obtained about 15 %. While for the large clearance 20 mm for the disk of 144,150 and 155 grooves with 0.1mm depth in the Reynolds number range of 3.3 x to? < Re <4.0x105 the drag reduction ratio was obtained about 11 % .
The experimental results of the velocity fluctuation, velocity profile and the flow visualization also add other evidences: the fine spiral grooves control the secondary flow of the boundary layer and have the effect which delays the generation oft he local turbulence in the transition range, and reduce wall skin friction in the turbulent region."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In this study, the limiting maximum drag reduction asymptote for the moment coefficient of an enclosed rotating disk
with fine spiral grooves in turbulent flow region were obtained analytically. Analysis which were based on an
assumption for a simple parabolic velocity distribution of turbulent pipe flow to represent relative tangential velocity,
was carried out using momentum integral equations of the boundary layer. For a certain K- parameter the moment
coefficient results agree well with experimental results for maximum drag reduction in an enclosed rotating disk with
fine spiral grooves and drag reduction ratio approximately was 15 %. Additionally, the experimental results for drag
reduction on a rotating disk can be explained well with the analytical results."
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jourdain, Robert
New York: Brady Publishing, 1991
004.56 JOU h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ezra Bonita
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran implementasi program ASCA yang dijalankan oleh masyarakat layanan lembaga WVI di ADP Kebon Pala. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya rangkaian kegiatan ASCA yang memiliki alur yang teratur dari pengenalan sampai pembagian keuntungan. Layanan keuangan yang tersedia dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan finansial keluarga. Implementasi ASCA tidak lepas dari adanya dominasi masyarakat sebagai pengurus dan penerima layanan ASCA yang menggambarkan terwujudnya konsep self-help groups.

This study was aimed to describe implementation of program ASCA what was executed by client of organization WVI in ADP Kebon Pala. This study used qualitative method and descriptive approach. Result of this study show that ASCA’s activity has well-regulated process. The financial service could be used for the family financial needs. Implementation of ASCA couldn’t be separated from domination of community as boards and customer of ASCA that describing realization self-help groups’ concept."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Rotating Machinery, Vibro-Acoustics & Laser Vibrometry, Volume 7: Proceedings of the 36th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2018, the seveth volume of nine from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Rotating Machinery, Hybrid Testing, Vibro-Acoustics & Laser Vibrometry, including papers on; Rotating Machinery, Vibro-Acoustics, Experimental Techniques, and Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometry Methods."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Florida: IBM Personal Computer Software, 1986
005.43 DIS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Glossbrenner, Alfred
Berkeley Osborne: McGraw-Hill, 1993
004 GLO f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arga Muhammad Diwang E.
"Indonesia adalah negara pertanian yang besar. Sebuah negara pertanian Sudan selayaknya terus mengembangkan teknologi-teknologi yang dapat mengefektifkan kerja dibidang pertanian baik itu teknoiogi bertani atau pun teknologi pengolahan hasil pertanian.
Salah satu dari teknologi ini adalah mesin pengering berputar. Kelebihan dari mesin pengenng ini adalah memaksimalkan panas yang diberikan dengan mekanisme pemutaran ruang pengeringan yang berbentuk silinder (pipa). Dengan begitu periu ditunjukan banwa memang benar sistem kerja silinder berputar ini dapat memaksimalkan panas yang diberikan untuk pengeringan.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan menguji secara langsung ke Iapangan bagaimanakah panas ini dapat dimaksimalkan Ialu dibandingkan dengan bila silinder tersebut tidak berputar.
Hasil yang didapat ternyata menunjukkan bahwa Iebih besar kalor yang dapat ditransfer oleh sistem ini ke dalam ruang pengeringan (bagian dalam silinder) dibandingkan dengan bila silinder tidak diputar.

As a well known agricultural couiltry, Indonesia, therefore must expand their technologies to support the development on agricultural sector. Wether in farming and the yields proccessment.
One of this technology is a rotary dryer. It produces the advantage to optimize the applied heat by rota_ring the cylindrical rotary chamber.
This research conducts a direct field testing to demon trate how the heat can be optimized and compare the outcome with a non-rotary dryer.
Research result shows that more heat was transferred to the rotary chamber than using a non-rotary dryer.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karmila Putri Maulidya
"Gangguan pada Vertebrae yang umum terjadi berupa Disc Degenerative Disease (DDD) dimana intervertebral disc atau diskus tulang belakang mengalami kerusakan dan tidak dapat menopang vertebrae sesuai fungsinya. Pengobatan terhadap DDD dapat dilakukan secara konservatif dengan terapi dan obat-obatan, maupun secara operatif dengan mengganti intervertebral disc. Terdapat beberapa metode operasi pemasangan implan yang masing-masing memiliki cara insersi berbeda. Di antara metode insersi tersebut, TLIF merupakan metode dengan tingkat invasi paling minimum dan dapat diminimalkan lagi dengan menerapkan prinsip Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS). Prinsip ini bertujuan untuk memperkecil ukuran sayatan operasi pada saat insersi implan, dapat dilakukan dengan bantuan teknologi atau dengan modifikasi geometri implan. Penelitian ini akan mengembangkan desain geometri implan TLIF menjadi modular lepas pasang dengan sistem pengunci horizontal dan vertikal. Bagian modular perlu diuji keberhasilannya menggunakan prototipe hasil fabrikasi stereolithography (SLA) maupun Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM). Desain implan kemudian dimanufaktur dengan material PEEK untuk dilakukan pengujian simulasi Metode Elemen Hingga dan eksperimental kompresi. Geometri modular memiliki pengaruh menurunkan kekuatan mekanik implan dibandingkan geometri nonmodular. Akan tetapi penurunan kekuatan tersebut masih pada batas aman kemampuan mekanik yang dibutuhkan oleh implan. Oleh karena itu, dengan dikembangkannya desain geometri modular ini, prinsip MISS dapat dicapai dan kekuatan mekanik yang dibutuhkan tetap dapat dicapai oleh implan TLIF.

Disorders of the Vertebrae commonly occurs is Disc Degenerative Disease (DDD) in which the intervertebral discs or spinal discs are damaged and cannot support the vertebrae according to their function. Treatment of DDD can be done conservatively with therapy and drugs, or operatively by replacing the intervertebral disc. There are several surgical implant methods, each of which has a different way of insertion. Among these insertion methods, TLIF is the method with the minimum level of invasion and can be minimized by applying the principles of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS). This principle aims to reduce the size of the surgical incision at the time of implant insertion, which can be done with the help of technology or by modifying the implant geometry. This research will develop the geometry design of TLIF implants into a detachable modular system with a horizontal and vertical locking system. Modular parts are required to be tested for success using prototypes produced by 3-dimensional stereolithography (SLA) printing and Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). The implant design was then manufactured with PEEK material for the Finite Element Method simulation and compression experimental tests. Modular geometry has the effect of reducing the mechanical strength of the implant compared to non-modular geometry. However, this decrease in power is still within the safe limits of the mechanical capabilities required by the implant. Therefore, with the development of this modular geometry design, the MISS principle can be achieved and TLIF implants can still achieve the required mechanical strength."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai persepsi anggota arisan mengenai manfaat dari arisan. Dalam hal ini penelitian memfokuskan pembahasan mengenai apakah persepsi anggota arisan mengenai manfaat keuangan dari arisan dapat mempengaruhi keputusan mereka mengikuti kegiatan arisan. Apakah persepsi mengenai manfaat sosial juag dapat mempengaruhi huubungan diantara keduanya. Peneliti menemukan bahwasanya terdapat pengaruh yang positif antara persepsi anggota mengenai manfaat keuangan dari arisan terhadap keputusan mengikuti arisan. Namun, sebaliknya persepsi manfaat sosial tidak mempengaruhi keputusan anggota mengikuti arisan. Persepsi manfaat sosial memiliki potensi menjadi penguat/pelemah hubungan antara persepsi manfaat keuangan dan keputusan mengikuti arisan dilihat dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan.

This study discusses the perception of arisan members regarding the benefits of arisan. In this case the research focuses on the discussion of whether the perception of arisan members regarding the financial benefits of arisan can influence their decision to participate in arisan activities. Whether perceptions of social benefits can also influence the relationship between the two. The researcher found that there was a positive influence between members perceptions of the financial benefits of social arisan on members decisions to join arisan. However, on the contrary the perception of social benefits does not affect the decision of members to join arisan. The perception of social benefits has the potential to be a reinforcer/weakener of the relationship between the perception of financial benefits and the decision to join arisan viewed from the results of the tests conducted."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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