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DiSaia, Philip J.
Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2007
616.994 DIS c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Get the evidence-based, practical guidance you need to provide state-of-the-art care to women with gynecologic cancers. From diagnosis through medical and surgical management, Berek and Hacker's Gynecologic Oncology, 6th Edition delivers invaluable knowledge and expertise on every aspect of gynecologic malignancies. Ideal for gynecologic oncologists and fellows, general gynecologists, and medical and radiation oncologists, this new edition clearly translates basic science to clinical practice, making it your go-to source for everyday reference. Features: concise, comprehensive coverage ensures."
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2015
616.994 BER
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noviyani Sugiarto
"Latar Belakang. Malnutrisi pada pasien kanker ginekologi merupakan masalah besar yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kelangsungan hidup pasien. Sayangnya, belum banyak penelitian yang dilakukan. Tujuan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan status gizi pasien kanker ginekologi sebelum dan sesudah perawatan di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Metode. Studi yang dilakukan adalah dengan kohort prospektif yang melibatkan pasien kanker ginekologi yang dirawat di bangsal ginekologi Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Juni 2016 sampai Mei 2017. Kami menggunakan teknik sampling konsekutif, food record, dan pengukuran antropometri lengkap untuk pengumpulan data. Kami menggunakan parameter indeks massa tubuh IMT untuk menilai kategori malnutrisi, dan pemeriksaan antropometri dan laboratorium untuk parameter status nutrisi lainnya. Untuk menganalisis data nutrisi, kami menggunakan NutriSurvey 2007 dan untuk data lain yang kami gunakan SPSS IBM 21.0. Hasil. Ada 96 subyek yang menjalani dan menyeselesaikan semua pemeriksaan dan data untuk penelitian ini. Proporsi malnutrisi berdasarkan IMT adalah 24 , sedangkan berdasarkan Malnutrisi Skrining Alat MST , prevalensi malnutrisi adalah 62,5 . Berdasarkan penurunan IMT, 20,8 pasien mengalami penurunan IMT setelah pengobatan. Lingkar Lengan Atas LILA dan serum albumin pasien menurun secara signifikan setelah pengobatan. Kesimpulan. Lingkar Lengan Atas LILA dan serum albumin pasien menurun secara signifikan setelah perawatan.

Background. Cancer malnutrition in gynecologic cancers cases were big problem that can affect survival rate. Unfortunately, not many studies has been done. Objective. The aim of this study is to find out the nutritional status changes of gynecologic cancer patients before and after treatment in Gynecology Ward Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Method. This is a prospective cohort study on gynecologic cancer patients treated in Gynecology Ward Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta. The study was done from June 2016 to May 2017. We used consecutive sampling techniques, food record, and complete anthropometric measurement for data collection. We used body mass index BMI parameter for appraising malnutrition categories, and anthropometric and laboratory examination for other parameters. For analysing data, we used NutriSurvey 2007 for nutritional data and SPSS IBM 21.0.for other data. Results. There were 96 subjects underwent all examination and data completion for the study. Proportion of malnutrition with BMI was 24 , while based on Malnutrition Screening Tool MST was 62,5 . There were 20,8 patients that experience reduction of BMI after treatment. Mid upper arm circumference MUAC and albumin serum of patients decrease significantly after treatment. Conclusion. Mid upper arm circumference MUAC and albumin serum of patients decrease significantly after treatment."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Wijayanti
Kanker merupakan salah satu penyakit dengan angka kematian yang tinggi. Kasus
kanker di dunia tiap tahun terus meningkat. Kekambuhan akan kanker sendiri ini
menimbulkan ketakutan pada pasien. Takut kekambuhan kanker adalah salah satu
masalah psikologis yang paling penting diantara pasien kanker. dukungan sosial
merupakan strategi koping penting untuk dimiliki keluarga saat mengalami stress.
Dukungan sosial keluarga dapat berfungsi sebagai strategi preventif untuk
mengurangi stress dan konsekuensi negatifnya. Metode penelitian menggunakan
desain kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan jumlah sampel 153
penyintas kanker ginekologi menggunakan kuesioner ILES dan FCRI dan
dianalisis menggunakan korelasi pearson. Hasil penelitian diperoleh adanya
hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan sosial dengan ketakutan kambuh
penyintas kanker ginekologi dengan p value 0,001 dengan dukungan emosional
yang paling besar diterima oleh penyintas kanker. Kesimpulan semakin besar
dukungan sosial semakin berkurang ketakutan kambuh kanker, sehingga
diharapkan dukungan sosial lebih ditingkatkan pada penyintas kanker ginekologi.

Cancer is one disease with a high mortality rate. Cases of cancer in the world
each year continue to increase. This recurrence of cancer itself creates fear in the
patient. The fear of cancer recurrence is one of the most important psychological
problems among cancer patients. social support is an important coping strategy
for the family when it comes to stress. Family social support can serve as a
preventive strategy to reduce stress and its negative consequences. The research
method used a quantitative design with cross sectional approach, with the number
of samples of 153 survivors of gynecological cancer using the ILES and FCRI
questionnaires and analyzed using Pearson correlation. The result of the research
showed that there was a significant correlation between social support and fear of
relapse of gynecological cancer survivors with p value 0,001 with the greatest
emotional support received by survivors of cancer. Conclusions The greater the
social support the less the fear of recurrence of cancer, so it is expected more
enhanced social support in survivors of gynecological cancer."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Patiyus Agustiansyah
Nama : Patiyus Agustiansyah/NPM 1506706023Program Studi : Kajian Administrasi Rumah SakitJudul : Analisis dan Implementasi Lean pada Persiapan OperasiKanker Ginekologi di RSUP dr. Mohammad HoesinPalembangIndonesia saat ini memiliki beban kanker ginekologi besar yaitu insidensi,morbiditas dan mortalitasnya. Salah satu penanganan kanker ginekologi adalahpembedahan yang akan membantu kesintasan pasien. Waktu tunggu penjadwalanoperasi kanker ginekologi hendaklah memperhatikan progresifitas kankersehingga waktu tunggu operasinya tidak melebihi 2 minggu. Waktu tungguoperasi menggambarkan mutu pelayanan rumah sakit.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah,untuk menganalisis waktu tunggu penjadwalan operasi kanker ginekologi diRSUP dr. Moehammad Hoesin Palembang dengan menggunakan prinsip Lean.Hasil penelitian menunjukan penegakan diagnosis selama 43.844 menit dan waktutunggu operasi selama 66.700 menit, dengan menerapkan prinsip lean makapenegakan diagnosis 10.328,5 menit dan waktu tunggu operasi 10.325 menit.Kesimpulan penelitian, pada current state terdapat 26 aktifitas; 12 aktifitas VA value added ratio / VAR waktu 0,46 ; VAR jarak 89,6 dan 14 aktifitas NVA waste pasien dan 4 waste aktifitas petugas. Aliran proses yang menghambat bottle neck terdapat di pendaftaran, di poliklinik, di pemeriksaan penunjang dandi bagian praoperatif waktu tunggu paling lama . Future State memiliki 15aktifitas VA VAR waktu 33 ; VAR jarak 95,8 dengan 8 aktifitas NVA waste aktifitas pasien dan 0 waste aktifitas petugas, dengan waktu tunggudiagnosis 10.328,5 menit sedangkan waktu tunggu penjadwalan operasi 10.325menit. Hasil perbandingan current state dengan future state didapatkanpeningkatan aktifitas value added sebanyak 7,7 dengan penurunan waktutunggu 81,3 dan penurunan jarak tempuh 0,42 . Analisis akar masalahpenyebab waktu tunggu lama penjadwalan operasi kanker ginekologi di RSMHdikarenakan kekurangan SDM registrasi, rekam medis, DPJP dan keterbatasaninfrastruktur CT scan, kamar operasi dan instrumen dan kelemahan mengelolaproses penjadwalan operasi tersebut. Saran peneliti adalah peningkatan kinerjadan penambahan SDM, membuat regulasi untuk memprioritaskan pelayananpasien kanker ginekologi, serta integrasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen RumahSakit di setiap unit pelayanan.Kata Kunci : prinsip lean, value added VA , non value added NVA , waste,waktu tunggu penegakan diagnosis, waktu tunggu operasi, kanker ginekologi

Name Patiyus Agustiansyah NPM 1506706023Program Studi Hospital Administration StudyTitle Lean Analysis and Implementation of Gynecology CancerOperative Scheduling in General Hospital dr. MohammadHoesin RSMH PalembangIndonesia currently has gynecologic cancer burden in the incidence, morbidityand mortality. One of gynecological cancer treatment is surgery which will helpthe survival rate of patients. The waiting time of gynecological cancer surgeryscheduling should bu focused to cancer progression so the waiting time should notexceed 2 weeks. The waiting time operation illustrates the quality of hospitalservices.The purpose of this study was to analyze the waiting time of gynecologiccancer surgery scheduling in RSMH by using the principles of Lean. The resultsshowed that establishing diagnosed need 43,844 minutes and the waiting timeoperation was 66,700 minutes. By applying Lean then the diagnosis establishing10,328.5 minutes, and operations waiting times 10,325 minutes. The studyconclusion showing for 26 activities of current state with 12 VA activities VARtime 0.46 VAR range for 89.6 and 14 NVA activities with 14 patient rsquo swastes activities and 4 employee wastes activities. The process flow whichinhibits bottle neck were lies in the stage of registration, at the outpatient clinic,at the laboratory examination and at the preoperative division the longest waitingtime . The waiting time for diagnosis process were 43.844 minutes, while thewaiting time scheduling of operation process were 66.700 minutes. Future Statehas 15 VA VAR time of 33 VAR range of 95.8 with 8 NVA activities and 8patients waste activity and 0 employee waste activities. The waiting time for adiagnosis process were 10328.5 minutes, while the waiting time for operationscheduling process were 10.325 minutes. The comparison between the currentstate to the future state resulted increasement of the VA activity for 7.7 with areduction in waiting time for 81.3 and mileage decrease of 0.42 . Analysis ofroot problems revealed that the long waiting times for scheduling process ofgynecologic cancer surgery in RSMH were due to lack of human resourcesquantity registration, medical records, doctor in charge and the lack ofinfrastructure CT scan, operating rooms and instruments and managerialweaknesses in managing the process of scheduling the surgery. Researcherssuggest to improve the performance of existing recruitment human resources,make regulations of a priority of gynecologic cancer patients, as well as theintegration of Hospital Management Information System in each unit.Keywords lean principles, values added VA , non value added NVA , waste,value added ratio, waiting time for establishing diagnosis, surgery waiting times,gynecological cancer"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yati Afiyanti
"Objectives: This study aimed to gain insight into the unmet care needs and health care service barriers experienced by Indonesian gynecological cancer survivors after cancer therapy.
Data Sources: Twenty purposively selected women who had completed gynecological cancer therapy for at least 1 year participated in a descriptive qualitative study. Data were collected through in-depth interviews
and thematically analyzed.
Conclusion: The analysis constructed two themes and seven subthemes: (a) unmet care needs (subthemes: late side effects; cancer recurrence; stigma of cancer transmission; social-economic concerns), (b) deficient
functions of health care services (subthemes: short consultation time; unempathetic health professionals; and inefficient time and cost for the health care services). The gynecological cancer survivors experienced
shortages of informational, psychological, and socioeconomic support after cancer therapy because of the deficient quality of the health care services.
Implication for Nursing Practice: Nursing interventions couldmitigate the unmet care needs of gynecological cancer survivors after cancer therapy through patient-centered care services and multidisciplinary collaboration."
Elsevier, 2021
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yati Afiyanti
"Objective: The number of gynecological cancer survivors is
increasing in Indonesia, and these women often require physical
and emotional support from their male partners as primary
caregivers. However, the male caregiver`s need for biological,
psychological, and social support is often neglected. This study
aims to assess the demographic and clinical determinants
affecting the unmet supportive care needs of the gynecological
cancer survivors` husbands in Indonesia. Methods: This
cross‑sectional survey involved 152 husbands of survivors who
were recruited by a consecutive sampling method in two national
referral hospitals. A self‑administered Cancer Survivors` Partners
Unmet Needs Questionnaire was used for data collection.
Multiple linear regression was performed to analyze the data.
Results: The majority of participants (97.4%) reported at least one
unmet need. The primary unmet needs were legal services (71.1%),
financial support (70.4%), cancer recurrence concerns (69.7%), and
ongoing health support (66.4%). These needs were significantly
associated with the wife`s radio‑chemotherapy and lower
household income (P < 0.01) and also related to the husband`s
education level, duration of caregiving, and wife`s cancer stage.
Conclusions: Husbands of gynecological cancer survivors in
Indonesia reported a need for legal, financial, and health‑care
information and assistance. Multidisciplinary professionals
should be involved in developing policy and interventions which
facilitate the social‑economic protection of survivors and their
husbands, as well as comprehensive care needs to enhance the
women`s survival rate."
Wolter Kluwer, 2021
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2007
616.65 CLI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cundiff, Geoffrey W.
"Gynecology has always been a surgical specialty, yet the breadth and complexity of gynecologic surgery continues to expand. Telinde's Atlas of Gynecologic Surgery helps both the gynecologist in training and those already in practice to master this field. The text provides clear and detailed, step-by-step descriptions involved in performing techniques. Each prose is accompanied by meticulous, colorized drawings to maximize the surgeons' understanding of the technique. Included with the text, is access to an online site. The online site provides fully searchable text and narrated videos from most chapters to demonstrate the techniques anytime, anywhere. While specialists perform many of the procedures included in this text each year, in general practices these procedures are done relatively infrequently and consequently, these surgeons look for means to refresh their memories prior to performing them. This text will also serve as a treasured resource for new surgeons and residents who are just incorporating these procedures into their surgical repertoire"
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014
616.105 9 CUN l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clement, Philip B.
"This authoritative reference provides practical, easy-to-use guidance on the histopathologic diagnosis of gynecologic lesions. This visual resource clearly describes the cardinal clinical, gross, and microscopic features of each lesion, as well as the staging system for tumors at each site. Clinical correlations of surgical pathology, clinical data, and immunohistochemical data help in weighing all of the available evidence to form the most decisive diagnoses. "
Philadelphia: Saunder Elsevier, 2008
R 618.107 CLE a
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
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