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Ditemukan 142185 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Gracio Plorentino
"Ubi ungu mempunyai senyawa antosianin yang merupakan suatu antioksidan. Sifat ubi ungu yang ramah lingkungan, murah, dan mudah didapat menjadikan ubi ungu berpotensial untuk menjadi salah satu inhibitor untuk menggantikan inhibitor lain yang bersifat tidak ramah lingkungan dalam lingkungan NaCl 3,5% pada lembaran baja karbon rendah. Metode kehilangan berat digunakan dalam penelitian kali ini, dengan menggunakan variasi lama waktu pengujian (3,6,9, dan 12 hari) dan penggunaan inhibitor X sebanyak 2 ml. Hasil yang didapat cukup baik dimana efisiensi tertinggi didapat pada waktu pengujian 9 hari dengan efisiensi 37,16%.

Anthocyanin from sweet potatoes acts as an antioxidant, the caracteristics of antosianin which is environmental friendly, inexpensive, and easy to get makes sweet potatoes very potential to become one of an organic inhibitor to replace other inhibitor that are not environmental friendly in 3.5% NaCl environment at low carbon steel plate. Weight loss method used in this study, using a variety of testing time (3,6,9, and 12 days) and the use of inhibitors X is 2 ml. The result is good enough where the highest efficiency obtained at the time of testing 9 days with 37.16% efficiency."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Bastino Gunawan
"Peneletian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari inhibitor "x" yang berasal dari ekstrak ubi ungu sebagai inhibitor di lingkungan air tanah pada lembaran baja karbon rendah. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan metode kehilangan berat dengan waktu perendaman selama 3, 6, 9, 12 hari.
Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan ekstrak ubi ungu di lingkungan air tanah tidak begitu efektif dengan nilai efisiensi yang didapat pada hari ke-12 sebesar 60,07 %. Kemudian terjadi penurunan laju korosi yang berbeda antara sampel yang di beri inhibitor dan non inhibitor. Hal tersebut dapat menyimpulkan bahwa ekstrak ubi ungu dapat menurunkan laju korosi di lingkungan air tanah.

Intensive search aims to determine the effect of the inhibitor "x" is derived from purple yam extract as an inhibitor in the groundwater at low carbon steel sheets. The methods used method to lose weight with immersion time for 3, 6, 9, 12 days.
From this study it can be concluded that the use of extracts of purple yam in the ground water environment is not so effective with the efficiency values obtained on day 12 at 60.07%. Then decrease the corrosion rate is different between the samples in the given inhibitors and non-inhibitors. It can be concluded that the purple yam extracts can reduce the rate of corrosion in the ground water environment.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andhi Gunaatmaja
"Ekstrak ubi ungu dikembangkan sebagai inhibitor organik untuk mengurangi laju korosi pada baja karbon rendah di lingkungan NaCl 3,5%. Penelitian telah dilakukan dengan perbedaan waktu perendaman (3,6,9,dan 12 hari) menggunakan metode kehilangan berat. Konsentrasi inhibitor ekstrak ubi ungu yang digunakan pada semua waktu perendaman sebesar 6 ml. Ekstrak ubi ungu memiliki zat antosianin yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan untuk menghambat laju korosi. Ekstrak ubi ungu kurang efektif sebagai inhibitor organik pada lingkungan NaCl 3,5% dengan efisiensi 37,63%-43,42% selama waktu uji 3-12 hari dengan efisiensi maksimum pada waktu perendaman 9 hari.

Purple sweet potato extract was developed as an organic inhibitor to reduce the rate of corrosion in low carbon steel in NaCl 3.5% environment. Research has been conducted with different immersion time (3,6,9, and 12 days) using weight loss methode. Concentration of inhibitor purple sweet potato as much as 6 ml for all immersion time. Purple sweet potato extract is a substance that anthocyanins act as antioxidants to inhibit the rate of corrosion. Purple sweet potato extract is less effective as an organic inhibitor in NaCl 3.5% environment with efficiency of 37.63%-43.42% during the test period 3-12 days with maximum efficiency in 9 days."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rangga Adi Putra
"Perilaku inhibisi organik terhadap baja karbon rendah di lingkungan HCl 1M yang berupa ekstrak ubi ungu, telah diteliti dengan pengaruh waktu perendaman (3, 6, 9, dan 12 hari) dan menggunakan metode kehilangan berat. Penggunaan ekstrak ubi ungu sebagai inhibitor organik, karena terdapat kandungan antioksidan yang dapat memperlambat laju korosi. Konsentrasi ekstrak ubi ungu yang digunakan bernilai sama untuk semua waktu perendaman, senilai 6 ml. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ekstrak ubi ungu merupakan inhibitor korosi yang efektif untuk baja karbon rendah di lingkungan asam kuat, hal ini dibuktikan dengan dapat menghambat laju korosi secara signifikan dengan efisiensi sebesar 77,96% - 84,88% selama waktu rendam 3 -12 hari.

Behavior of organic inhibition on low carbon steels in HCl 1M in purple sweet potato extract, has been shown to result with the effects of submersion time (3, 6, 9, and 12 days) and investigated by the weight loss method. Purple sweet potatoes as an organic inhibitor because antioxidant compounds contained in purple sweet potatoes which can reduce the corrosion rate. Extract concentration and immersion time of purple sweet potatoes have the same equation, which are 6 ml. The research results indicate that extract of purple sweet potatoes was an effective corrosion inhibitor for low carbon steels in acidic environment, this results is proved that could reduce the corrosion rate significantly with inhibition efficiency of 77,96%-84,88% with immersion times ranging between 3-12 days."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dobiet Kisan Kaefama
"Penggunaan ekstrak ubi ungu sebagai inhibitor organik untuk material baja karbon rendah di lingkungan air laut pada temperatur 40oC telah diteliti dapat melindungi baja dari korosi. Ekstrak ubi ungu yang mengandung senyawa antioksidan yang berupa senyawa antosianin diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai inhibitor organik yang bersifat ramah lingkungan. Metode kehilangan berat untuk menguji efektivitas ekstrak ubi ungu sebagai inhibitor dengan variasi konsentrasi (0, 0,44%, 0,89%, dan 1,33%) dan lama waktu perendaman selama 4 hari, memberikan hasil yang cukup baik untuk menghambat laju korosi pada baja karbon rendah dengan efisiensi sebesar 11,40%-41,13%.

The using of extract purple potatoes as organic inhibitor for low carbon steel material in seawater environtment at 40oC operating temperature had been tested that it can used to protect steel from corrosion. Extract of purple potatoes which contain antioxidant are expected can be used as a eco-friendly organic inhibitor. Weight loss method that applied to test the effectiveness of extract purple potato as inhibitor with different concentration of extract purple potato (0%, 0,44%, 0,89%, 1,33%) and the immersion time is 4 days long, give a good result that it can inhibit corrosion rate of low carbon steel with vary efficiency, from 11,40% to 41,13%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panjaitan, Leon Valentino
"Ubi ungu adalah salah satu bahan organik yang tersedia di alam yang mempunyai fungsi sebagai anti oksidan. Fungsi dari anti oksidan yang terdapat dalam kandungan ubi ungu ternyata dapat dikembangkan menjadi inhibitor yang menghambat laju korosi baja karbon rendah pada lingkungan air laut. Inhibitor ubi ungu diharapkan dapat menggantikan inhibitor organik sintetis yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Pengembangan inhibitor ubi ungu diharapkan ke depan menjadi inhibitor yang ramah lingkungan, biodegradable, dan murah. Metode pengujian pencelupan atau immersion dilakukan dengan variasi penambahan konsentrasi 2 ml, 4 ml dan 6 ml dan waktu pencelupan selama 5 hari untuk mengetahui kadar optimal penambahan sirup ubi ungu. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa inhibitor ubi ungu mampu menurunkan laju korosi hingga 49.49% dengan penambahan 6 ml.

Purple Potato (Solanum Andigenum) as one of organic materials that exist in nature have function as an antioxidant. The antioxidant function that exist in sweet potato can be developed as inhibitor to reduce corrosion rate of low carbon steel in NaCl 3,5 environment. Purple potato inhibitor is expected to replace the use of synthetic organic inhibitors which is not evironmental friendly. The developing of purple potato inhibitor is expected to become inhibitor that environmental friendly, biodegradable and cheap. The immersion methode is used with the variation of concentration addition 2 ml, 4 ml and 6 ml and 5 days of immersion to determine the optimum concentration addition of purple potato. Result shows that purple potato inhibitor capable to reduce corrosion rate up to 49.49% with 6 ml additon."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Koresy Mangaraja Yanpieter
Perbedaan konsentrasi yang ditambahkan pada baja karbon rendah mempengaruhi perilaku inhibisi ekstrak ubi ungu dalam larutan NaCl kadar 3,5% pada temperatur 500C telah dilakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode kehilangan berat. Ekstrak ubi ungu sebagai green inhibitor digunakan karena mengandung senyawa antioksidan yang dapat menghambat laju korosi. Pada penelitian ini, waktu perendaman sampel baja karbon rendah untuk semua konsentrasi sama, yaitu selama 4 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ubi ungu sebagai inhibitor korosi efektif untuk baja karbon rendah dalam larutan NaCl kadar 3,5% pada temperatur 500C, karena dapat menghambat laju korosi secara cukup baik dengan efisiensi sebesar 21,3-31,27 % dengan penambahan konsentrasi ekstrak ubi ungu sebesar 4-6 ml.

The differences of concentration were added on low carbon steel affecting the behavioral inhibition of purple sweet potato in NaCl solution levels of 3,5% has been investigated using weight loss method. Purple sweet potato extract as green inhibitor is used because contains of antioxidant compounds that can be inhibiting the corrosion rate. In this experiment, the immersion time of low carbon steel for all the conditional concentrations are equal, it?s about 4 days. Results of this experiment showed that purple sweet potato extract as corrosion inhibitor is effective for low carbon steel in NaCl solution levels of 3,5% at temperature 500C because can be inhibiting corrosion rate fairly with an efficiency of 21,3-31,27% with addition concentration of purple sweet potato are 4-6 ml. "
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian pemanfaatan ekstrak tumbuh-tumbuhan sebagai inhibitor korosi
belakangan ini semakin meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya permintaan
penggunaan bahan-bahan kimia yang ramah lingkungan. Pemanfaatan ekstrak
tumbuh-tumbuhan sebagai inhibitor korosi menjadi penting mengingat
karakteristiknya ramah lingkungan (green inhibitor), mudah ketersediaannnya,
sumberdaya yang melimpah dan dapat diperbaharui, prosedur produksi yang
sederhana, dan biaya produksi yang cukup kompetitif. Dalam penelitian ini
dilakukan pengujian eksperimental efek sinergis jenis inhhibitor baru yaitu
ekstrak ubi ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.) yang memiliki kandungan utama
antosianin dengan inhibitor komersial berbasis amine (aniline) dan dengan
inhibitor asam askorbat.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis laju kororsi dan efisiensi inhibisi
korosi logam baja (API 5L) di dalam lingkungan air terproduksi menggunakan
inhibitor campuran ekstrak ubi ungu dan inhibitor komersial berbasis amine
(aniline). Selain itu dilakukan pula analisis laju korosi, efisiensi inhibisi,
mekanisme proteksi dan model lapisan inhibisi korosi logam baja (API 5L) di
dalam lingkungan 3,5% NaCl menggunakan inhibitor campuran ekstrak ubi ungu
dan asam askorbat.
Metode pengukuran laju korosi dan efisiensi inhibisi dilakukan
menggunakan elektrokimia kurva polarisasi. Mekanisme korosi diteliti dengan
menggunakan metode Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Untuk
menganalisis model lapisan inhibisi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode
Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) spectroscopy.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pencampuran ekstrak ubi ungu
memiliki kemampuan sinergis dengan inhibitor komersial berbasis amine (aniline)
pada fraksi volume ekstrak ubi ungu sebesar 25% dengan menghasilkan efisiensi
inhibisi sebesar 82,14%. Sebagai pembanding, pada sistem yang sama
penggunaan esktrak ubi ungu saja menghasilkan efisiensi inhibisi 68,30%,
sedangkan penggunaan inhibitor komersial berbasis amine (aniline) saja
menghasilkan efisiensi inhibisi 74,88%.
Penambahan volume ekstrak ubi ungu dari 1 mL hingga 4 mL kedalam
inhibitor asam askorbat 10-4 M meningkatkan efisiensi inhibisi korosi logam baja
(API 5L) dalam larutan 3,5% NaCl dari efisiensi inhibisi sebesar 23,37% menjadi
57,52%. Campuran inhibitor korosi tersebut berpengaruh terhadap kurva
polarisasi anodik maupun katodik sehingga dapat berperan sebagai mixed
inhibitor. Pengujian EIS menunjukan proses korosi dikontrol oleh mekanisme
pasivasi yang ditunjukan oleh adanya peningkatan tahanan permukaan korosi.
Pada lapisan permukaan terjadi proses adsorpsi dan pembentukan kelat
organo (flavonoid) logam dimana ekstrak ubi ungu dengan kandungan utama
antosianin berperan sebagai pembentuk metal-chelated. Pembentukan kelat
ekstrak ubi ungu-Fe-asam askorbat terjadi pada gugus hidroksil dan karbonil.
Lokasi terjadinya ligan kelat ekstrak ubi ungu dengan kandungan utma antosianin
terjadi pada ikatan 3?, 4? Dihydroxy cincin B atau 3-Hydroxy 4-Carbonyl cincin C;

Research of utilization of plant extracts as a corrosion inhibitor recently
increased along with the increasing demand for the use of chemicals that are
environmentally friendly. Utilization of plant extracts as a corrosion inhibitor
becomes important given the characteristics of environmentally friendly (green
inhibitor), easy availability, resources are abundant and renewable, the production
procedure is simple, and the production costs are quite competitive. In this
research, experimental testing of the synergistic effects of new types inhibitor ie
extract purple potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) which has the main content of
anthocyanin with commercial inhibitor-based amine (aniline) and with ascorbic
acid inhibitors.
The study aims to analyze the rate of corrosion and metal corrosion
inhibition efficiency of steel (API 5L) in the produced water environment using a
mixed inhibitor purple sweet potato extract and commercial-based inhibitors of
amine (aniline). In addition, the corrosion rate analysis was also performed,
inhibition efficiency, protection mechanisms and models of metal corrosion
inhibition layer steel (API 5L) in the neighborhood of 3.5% NaCl using a mixed
inhibitor purple sweet potato extract and ascorbic acid.
Method of measuring the rate of corrosion and inhibition efficiency was
performed using electrochemical polarization curves. Corrosion mechanisms
investigated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). To analyze the
model layer of inhibition were calculated using Fourier Transform Infra Red
(FTIR) spectroscopy.
The results showed that mixing purple sweetpotato extract has the ability
to synergistically with commercial inhibitor-based amine (aniline) in purple
sweetpotato extract volume fraction of 25% with a yield of 82.14% inhibition
efficiency. For comparison, the same system using purple sweet potato extract
only produce inhibition efficiency of 68.30%, while the use of commercial-based
inhibitors of amine (aniline) alone resulted in inhibition efficiency of 74.88%.
The addition of purple sweet potato extract volume of 1 mL to 4 mL into
ascorbic acid inhibitors 10-4 M improving steel metal corrosion inhibition
efficiency (API 5L) in a solution of 3.5% NaCl of inhibition efficiency of 23.37%
to 57.52%. The corrosion inhibitor mixture affect the anodic and cathodic
polarization curves so that it can act as a mixed inhibitor. Testing EIS shows the
corrosion process is controlled by the passivation mechanism indicated by an
increase in the surface resistance of corrosion.
On the surface layer of a process of adsorption and formation of organo
chelates (flavonoids) in which the metal purple sweet potato extract with the main
content of anthocyanins act as forming metal-chelated. Location of the chelating
ligand purple sweet potato extract with the main content of anthocyanins occur in
bond 3 ', 4' dihydroxy ring B or 3-Hydroxy 4-Carbonyl ring C.;Research of utilization of plant extracts as a corrosion inhibitor recently
increased along with the increasing demand for the use of chemicals that are
environmentally friendly. Utilization of plant extracts as a corrosion inhibitor
becomes important given the characteristics of environmentally friendly (green
inhibitor), easy availability, resources are abundant and renewable, the production
procedure is simple, and the production costs are quite competitive. In this
research, experimental testing of the synergistic effects of new types inhibitor ie
extract purple potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) which has the main content of
anthocyanin with commercial inhibitor-based amine (aniline) and with ascorbic
acid inhibitors.
The study aims to analyze the rate of corrosion and metal corrosion
inhibition efficiency of steel (API 5L) in the produced water environment using a
mixed inhibitor purple sweet potato extract and commercial-based inhibitors of
amine (aniline). In addition, the corrosion rate analysis was also performed,
inhibition efficiency, protection mechanisms and models of metal corrosion
inhibition layer steel (API 5L) in the neighborhood of 3.5% NaCl using a mixed
inhibitor purple sweet potato extract and ascorbic acid.
Method of measuring the rate of corrosion and inhibition efficiency was
performed using electrochemical polarization curves. Corrosion mechanisms
investigated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). To analyze the
model layer of inhibition were calculated using Fourier Transform Infra Red
(FTIR) spectroscopy.
The results showed that mixing purple sweetpotato extract has the ability
to synergistically with commercial inhibitor-based amine (aniline) in purple
sweetpotato extract volume fraction of 25% with a yield of 82.14% inhibition
efficiency. For comparison, the same system using purple sweet potato extract
only produce inhibition efficiency of 68.30%, while the use of commercial-based
inhibitors of amine (aniline) alone resulted in inhibition efficiency of 74.88%.
The addition of purple sweet potato extract volume of 1 mL to 4 mL into
ascorbic acid inhibitors 10-4 M improving steel metal corrosion inhibition
efficiency (API 5L) in a solution of 3.5% NaCl of inhibition efficiency of 23.37%
to 57.52%. The corrosion inhibitor mixture affect the anodic and cathodic
polarization curves so that it can act as a mixed inhibitor. Testing EIS shows the
corrosion process is controlled by the passivation mechanism indicated by an
increase in the surface resistance of corrosion.
On the surface layer of a process of adsorption and formation of organo
chelates (flavonoids) in which the metal purple sweet potato extract with the main
content of anthocyanins act as forming metal-chelated. Location of the chelating
ligand purple sweet potato extract with the main content of anthocyanins occur in
bond 3 ', 4' dihydroxy ring B or 3-Hydroxy 4-Carbonyl ring C., Research of utilization of plant extracts as a corrosion inhibitor recently
increased along with the increasing demand for the use of chemicals that are
environmentally friendly. Utilization of plant extracts as a corrosion inhibitor
becomes important given the characteristics of environmentally friendly (green
inhibitor), easy availability, resources are abundant and renewable, the production
procedure is simple, and the production costs are quite competitive. In this
research, experimental testing of the synergistic effects of new types inhibitor ie
extract purple potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) which has the main content of
anthocyanin with commercial inhibitor-based amine (aniline) and with ascorbic
acid inhibitors.
The study aims to analyze the rate of corrosion and metal corrosion
inhibition efficiency of steel (API 5L) in the produced water environment using a
mixed inhibitor purple sweet potato extract and commercial-based inhibitors of
amine (aniline). In addition, the corrosion rate analysis was also performed,
inhibition efficiency, protection mechanisms and models of metal corrosion
inhibition layer steel (API 5L) in the neighborhood of 3.5% NaCl using a mixed
inhibitor purple sweet potato extract and ascorbic acid.
Method of measuring the rate of corrosion and inhibition efficiency was
performed using electrochemical polarization curves. Corrosion mechanisms
investigated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). To analyze the
model layer of inhibition were calculated using Fourier Transform Infra Red
(FTIR) spectroscopy.
The results showed that mixing purple sweetpotato extract has the ability
to synergistically with commercial inhibitor-based amine (aniline) in purple
sweetpotato extract volume fraction of 25% with a yield of 82.14% inhibition
efficiency. For comparison, the same system using purple sweet potato extract
only produce inhibition efficiency of 68.30%, while the use of commercial-based
inhibitors of amine (aniline) alone resulted in inhibition efficiency of 74.88%.
The addition of purple sweet potato extract volume of 1 mL to 4 mL into
ascorbic acid inhibitors 10-4 M improving steel metal corrosion inhibition
efficiency (API 5L) in a solution of 3.5% NaCl of inhibition efficiency of 23.37%
to 57.52%. The corrosion inhibitor mixture affect the anodic and cathodic
polarization curves so that it can act as a mixed inhibitor. Testing EIS shows the
corrosion process is controlled by the passivation mechanism indicated by an
increase in the surface resistance of corrosion.
On the surface layer of a process of adsorption and formation of organo
chelates (flavonoids) in which the metal purple sweet potato extract with the main
content of anthocyanins act as forming metal-chelated. Location of the chelating
ligand purple sweet potato extract with the main content of anthocyanins occur in
bond 3 ', 4' dihydroxy ring B or 3-Hydroxy 4-Carbonyl ring C.]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aldi Putra Laksana
Inhibisi merupakan salah satu metode penghambatan laju korosi, salah satu jenis dari inhibitor adalah inhibitor organik yang memiliki sifat biodegradable sehingga bersifat lebih ramah lingkungandan relatif lebih murah dibandingkan inhibitor anorganik.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari perilaku inhibisi dari campuran ekstrak ubi ungu (Ipomea batatas) dan kunyit (Curcuma longa) pada pipa baja API-5L di lingkungan NaCl 3,5% dengan menggunakan metode kehilangan berat dan polarisasi. Dalam penelitian ini variasi kadar ekstrak ubi ungu dan kunyit yang dicampur berbanding terbalik. Efisiensi tertinggi ada pada kadar 16 mL ekstrak kunyit dan 2 mL ekstrak ubi ungu dengan efisiensi 82,54% sedangkan kadar optimal yang didapat adalah 8 mL ekstrak kunyit dan 6 mL ekstrak ubi ungu dengan efisiensi 74,2%.
Inhibition is one of corrosion protection method, one kind of corrosion inhibitor is organic inhibitor which has biodegradable characteristic thus the inhibitor is environmental friendlier than conventional inorganic inhibitor. This research was done to study the inhibition activity of combination between purple sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) extract for API-5L steel pipe in NaCl 3,5% environment. Weight loss and polarization method were used to measure the inhibitor efficiency. In this study concentration variation between purple sweet potato extract and turmeric extract.It was found that the highest efficiency achieved by 16 mL turmeric extract and 2 mL purple sweet potato extract with 82.54% inhibitor efficiency while the optimum concentration achieved by 8 mL of turmeric extract and 6 mL purple sweet potato extract with 74.2% inhibitor efficiency."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Korosi merupakan kegagalan yang sering terjadi pada industri minyak dan gas bumi Menghambat terjadinya korosi dengan mengisolir logam dari lingkungan terkorosi pada industri minyak dan gas bumi merupakan salah satu cara efektif untuk menghindari terjadi kegagalan korosi. Penggunaan inhibitor alami menjadi pihan utama belakang ini karena aman murah dan yang terpenting bahan tersebut biodegradable dan tidak berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat efek dari penambahan teh rosella merah terhadap inhibitor ubi ungu yang memang dapat digunakan menjadi inhibitor pada baja API 5L pada lingkungan NaCl 3 5.
Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kehilangan berat dan polarisasi untuk melihat laju korosi yang terjadi pada logam lalu dilengkapi dengan data tambahan yaitu pengujian Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy untuk melihat tahan permukaan yang berbubah pada penelitian tersebut.
Pengujian Fourier Transform Infra Red juga dilakukan untuk melihat kandungan yang menginhibisi dari ubi ungu ataupun campuran ubi ungu dan teh rosella merah Pemilihan teh rosella merah dan ubi ungu berdasarkan kandungan antocyanin dan asam askorbat yang dimiliki kedua bahan tersebut Kandungan tersebut bersifat anti oksidan yang berarti dapat menghambat terjadi proses oksidasi yang berarti juga dapat mencegah korosi. Kandungan anti oksidan tersebut bekerja dengan cara adsoprsi pada permukaan logam membentuk lapisan tipis untuk mencegah kontak antara permukaan logam dengan lingkungan korosif. Salah satu faktor pembentukan lapisan tipis pada permukaan adalah konsentrasi kandungan tersebut sehingga pengaruh konsentrasi dijadikan acuan pada penelitian ini. Penelitian ini akan dibandingkan dengan inhibitor ubi ungu yang hanya dicampur dengan kandungan asam askorbat saja.

Corrosion is major cause failure in oil ad gas industry Isolate the metal from corrosion of materials is the most effective way to prevent corrosion for this industry. Nowadays the use of green corrosion inhibitor become a new alternative to achieve that goal it happen because the green inhibitor is safe cheap biodegradable and especially environmental friendly.
This study was conducted to study the effect of addition rosella red tea in purple sweet potato inhibitor which is can be use as inhibitor at API 5L in NaCl 3 5 solution. This study use weight loss and polarization method to see that effect and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy test to prove alteration surface resistance when we add the inhibitor.
Fourier Transform Infra Red test also perform in this study to see which one the chemical substance in purple sweet potato and mixture rosella red tea and purple sweet potato can inhibit corrosion. Purple sweet potato and rosella red tea are selected as corrosion inhibitor in this study because they contain antocyanin and ascorbid acid. They are antioxidant compound which is can inhibit oxidation process it means they can prevent corrosion process. That substance inhibit metal by forming layer and isolate metal surface On the important factor to forming thin layer is concentration of the substance so the concentration substance become variable in this study. In the end this study will compared with the addition ascorbid acid in purple sweet potato
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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