"Pemanis adalah salah satu bahan penambah rasa yang sering ditambahkan dalam produk permen karet, biasanya berupa pemanis sintetik. Kadar pemanis sintetik perlu diperhatikan, karena apabila berlebihan akan membahayakan kesehatan. Analisis natrium sakarin dan aspartam menggunakan metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis Densitometri dengan eluen butanol-asam asetat-air (4:1:1) pada panjang gelombang 260 nm. Limit deteksi natrium sakarin adalah 68,20 ppm dan aspartam 110,67 ppm. Batas kuantitasi natrium sakarin adalah 227,34 ppm dan aspartam 368,89 ppm. Perolehan kembali natrium sakarin adalah 96,22 % dan aspartam 88,76 %. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap dua belas sampel permen karet.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan dua sampel mengandung natrium sakarin, yaitu sampel B (kadar 2,0148 mg/g) dan sampel F (kadar 0,7302 mg/g), dan lima sampel yang mengandung aspartam, yaitu sampel C (kadar 3,7023 mg/g), sampel G (kadar 3,1764 mg/g), sampel H (kadar 2,3310 mg/g), sampel K (kadar 2,3643 mg/g), dan sampel L (kadar 3,187 mg/g). Kadar dalam sampel tidak melebihi batas maksimum yang diperbolehkan dalam permen karet.
Sweetener is one of the flavor exipients which commonly added in the chewing gum products. It is usually made from the essence of synthetic sweetener. The amount of synthetic sweetener are need to be attended, because if there is exaggerate of these synthetic sweetener will be danger in our health. The analysis method of sodium saccharin and aspartame use Densitometer Thin Layer Chromatography with the eluen are butanol-acetic acid-water (4:1:1) and wavelengthment in 260 nm. The limit of detection for sodium saccharin are 68,20 ppm and aspartame 110,67. The limit of quantitation of sodium saccharin are 96,22% and aspartame 88,76%.In this study twelve samples chewing gum are collected and analysis result showed that sample containing sodium saccharin, there are sample B (amount are 2,0148 mg/g), sample F (amount are 0,7302 mg/g) and samples containing aspartame, there are sample C (amount are 3,7023 mg/g), sample G (amount are 3,1764 mg/g), sample H (amount are 2,3310 mg/g), sample K (amount are 2,3643 mg/g) and sample L (amount are 3,1870 mg/g). The amounts which found from samples are not exceed the enability of the maximum limit concentration in chewing gum."