Saat ini tidak ada keraguan bagi siswa-siswi sekolah menengah untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya ke jenjang universitas. Namun, transisi dari sekolah menengah ke pendidikan tinggi adalah tantangan besar bagi mahasiswa tahun pertama. Kinerja mahasiswa pada tahun pertama cenderung menentukan kinerja mahasiswa tersebut di tahun-tahun akademik berikutnya. Penting untuk mencari karakteristik-karakteristik mahasiswa berdasarkan kinerjanya pada awal tahun semester akademik, sehingga dapat dilakukan pendeteksian awal untuk mencegah penurunan kinerja dan meningkatkan prestasi akademik mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan 140 mahasiswa semester pertama. Fitur-fitur diseleksi menggunakan Chi-Square lalu digunakan Fuzzy C-Means clustering untuk mengelompokkan mahasiswa. Dari hasil simulasi, mahasiswa dikelompokkan ke dalam dua cluster dengan kinerja cluster kedua lebih baik dibanding kinerja cluster pertama.
Currently there is no doubt for high school students to continue their education at the university level. However, the transition from high school to university is a major challenge for the first-year students. Moreover, student performance during the first year tends to determine their performance in the following academic years. It is important to find student's characteristics based on their performance at the beginning of the academic semester so that early detection can be done to prevent performance degradation and increase student academic achievement. This study aims to cluster 140 first year students. Features are selected using the Chi-Square feature selection method and then using Fuzzy C-Means clustering to group the students. From simulation result, students are grouped into two clusters with the second cluster's performance is better than the first cluster's performance.
"This dissertation proposes a method for generating polarization based on general polarization theory. The propagate electric field, representing the antenna's polarization, can be decomposed into two virtual electric field components with vertical and horizontal directions. These two orthogonal electric fields can be represented respectively by resonators with vertical and horizontal surface current directions. Integration of radiator and resonator components adapts antenna-filter integration using a single feed. The proposed method is proved on a rectangular radiator and two different types of resonators which are the interdigital and hairpin.
To prove the method, three prototype filtering antennas each with a vertikal, 75°, and 45° polarization and two filtering antennas with circular polarization are designed and validated using measurement. The results of the filtering antenna with the interdigital resonator proved that the proposed method had succeeded in generating 45° polarization at an operating frequency of 4.65 GHz, an impedance bandwidth -10 dB of 300 MHz, and a gain of 5.4 dBi, 6.7 dBi and 6.82 dBi respectively. Filtering antenna with circular polarization using an interdigital resonator is obtained with a frequency of 4.65 GHz, 6.467 dBi gain, -10 dB impedance bandwidth of 224 MHz and 160 MHz axial ratio bandwidth. Filtering antenna with circular polarization using a hairpin resonator is also obtained with a frequency of 2.58 GHz, -10 dB impedance bandwidth of 133 MHz, 3 dB axial ratio bandwidth of 20 MHz and gain of 6.8 dBi which can be used for broadcast satellite applications. The three antennas have bandpass filter gain responses as is a filtering antenna. It is proven that polarization can be generated by integrating two orthogonal resonator components adapting the antenna and filter integration method, where the balance of the orthogonal magnitude of electrical field is affected by the length and width of the square radiator, while the phase difference is stimulated by the gap between the radiator and the resonator."