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Universitas Indonesia, 1984
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Febrika Widharini Widyaka
"[Penelitian mengenai menara gereja Protestan tahun 1901-1942 di Jakarta,
Bandung, Semarang, dan Surabaya dilakukan karena menara gereja dapat
memperlihatkan ciri arsitektur kolonial. Dua belas menara gereja dipakai dan
menjadi sumber data pnelitian ini, yaitu dua menara GPIB Pniel-Jakarta, empat
menara GPIB Koinonia-Jakarta, satu menara GPIB Paulus-Jakarta, satu menara
GPIB Bethel-Bandung, satu menara GPIB Maranatha-Bandung, satu menara GKI
Taman Cibunut-Bandung, satu menara GKI Gereformeerd-Semarang, dan satu
menara GPIB Immanuel-Surabaya. Semuanya merupakan menara gereja Protestan
yang dibangun pada masa Hindia Belanda. Penelitian ini diawali dengan
pengumpulan data dengan cara mendeskripsikan unsur bangunan yang dijadikan
unit analisis, yaitu menara gereja serta komponen bangunan yang ada padanya.
Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menganalisisnya dengan cara memperbandingkan
dan melihat persamaan dan perbedaannya. Penarikan kesimpulan dilakukan
dengan mengintegrasikan komponen yang ada pada menara gereja. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menara gereja Protestan tahun 1901-1942 di
Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, dan Surabaya bercirikan arsitektur Indis dan Art
Deco, terlihat dari komponen bentuk, ukuran, denah, pintu, jendela, lubang
ventilasi, ornamen, serta lonceng atau jam.;This research on tower of the Protestant church in 1901-1942 in Jakarta, Bandung,
Semarang and Surabaya is conducted since church tower is considered as one of
architectural components that can show the characteristic of colonial architecture.
Twelve church towers are taken as the subject of this research, namely two church
towers of GPIB Pniel-Jakarta, four church towers of GPIB Koinonia-Jakarta, one
church tower of GPIB Paulus-Jakarta, one church tower of GPIB Bethel-Bandung,
one church tower of GPIB Maranatha-Bandung, one church tower of GKI Taman
Cibunut-Bandung, one church tower of GKI Gereformeerd-Semarang, and one
church tower of GPIB Immanuel-Surabaya. These churches are built during the
Dutch East Indies period. This research started with collecting data in the way
making description of data collected from churches tower and its components.
Data that are collected is analysed by comparing to see the similarities and
differences, and conclusion is done by integrating the components revealed from
it. This research result shows that Protestant church tower from 1901-1942 period
in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, and Surabaya are characterized by Indis
architecture and Art Deco components that can be seen on the shape, size, layout,
door, window, ventilation holes, ornaments, and bell or clock.;This research on tower of the Protestant church in 1901-1942 in Jakarta, Bandung,
Semarang and Surabaya is conducted since church tower is considered as one of
architectural components that can show the characteristic of colonial architecture.
Twelve church towers are taken as the subject of this research, namely two church
towers of GPIB Pniel-Jakarta, four church towers of GPIB Koinonia-Jakarta, one
church tower of GPIB Paulus-Jakarta, one church tower of GPIB Bethel-Bandung,
one church tower of GPIB Maranatha-Bandung, one church tower of GKI Taman
Cibunut-Bandung, one church tower of GKI Gereformeerd-Semarang, and one
church tower of GPIB Immanuel-Surabaya. These churches are built during the
Dutch East Indies period. This research started with collecting data in the way
making description of data collected from churches tower and its components.
Data that are collected is analysed by comparing to see the similarities and
differences, and conclusion is done by integrating the components revealed from
it. This research result shows that Protestant church tower from 1901-1942 period
in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, and Surabaya are characterized by Indis
architecture and Art Deco components that can be seen on the shape, size, layout,
door, window, ventilation holes, ornaments, and bell or clock.;This research on tower of the Protestant church in 1901-1942 in Jakarta, Bandung,
Semarang and Surabaya is conducted since church tower is considered as one of
architectural components that can show the characteristic of colonial architecture.
Twelve church towers are taken as the subject of this research, namely two church
towers of GPIB Pniel-Jakarta, four church towers of GPIB Koinonia-Jakarta, one
church tower of GPIB Paulus-Jakarta, one church tower of GPIB Bethel-Bandung,
one church tower of GPIB Maranatha-Bandung, one church tower of GKI Taman
Cibunut-Bandung, one church tower of GKI Gereformeerd-Semarang, and one
church tower of GPIB Immanuel-Surabaya. These churches are built during the
Dutch East Indies period. This research started with collecting data in the way
making description of data collected from churches tower and its components.
Data that are collected is analysed by comparing to see the similarities and
differences, and conclusion is done by integrating the components revealed from
it. This research result shows that Protestant church tower from 1901-1942 period
in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, and Surabaya are characterized by Indis
architecture and Art Deco components that can be seen on the shape, size, layout,
door, window, ventilation holes, ornaments, and bell or clock.;This research on tower of the Protestant church in 1901-1942 in Jakarta, Bandung,
Semarang and Surabaya is conducted since church tower is considered as one of
architectural components that can show the characteristic of colonial architecture.
Twelve church towers are taken as the subject of this research, namely two church
towers of GPIB Pniel-Jakarta, four church towers of GPIB Koinonia-Jakarta, one
church tower of GPIB Paulus-Jakarta, one church tower of GPIB Bethel-Bandung,
one church tower of GPIB Maranatha-Bandung, one church tower of GKI Taman
Cibunut-Bandung, one church tower of GKI Gereformeerd-Semarang, and one
church tower of GPIB Immanuel-Surabaya. These churches are built during the
Dutch East Indies period. This research started with collecting data in the way
making description of data collected from churches tower and its components.
Data that are collected is analysed by comparing to see the similarities and
differences, and conclusion is done by integrating the components revealed from
it. This research result shows that Protestant church tower from 1901-1942 period
in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, and Surabaya are characterized by Indis
architecture and Art Deco components that can be seen on the shape, size, layout,
door, window, ventilation holes, ornaments, and bell or clock., This research on tower of the Protestant church in 1901-1942 in Jakarta, Bandung,
Semarang and Surabaya is conducted since church tower is considered as one of
architectural components that can show the characteristic of colonial architecture.
Twelve church towers are taken as the subject of this research, namely two church
towers of GPIB Pniel-Jakarta, four church towers of GPIB Koinonia-Jakarta, one
church tower of GPIB Paulus-Jakarta, one church tower of GPIB Bethel-Bandung,
one church tower of GPIB Maranatha-Bandung, one church tower of GKI Taman
Cibunut-Bandung, one church tower of GKI Gereformeerd-Semarang, and one
church tower of GPIB Immanuel-Surabaya. These churches are built during the
Dutch East Indies period. This research started with collecting data in the way
making description of data collected from churches tower and its components.
Data that are collected is analysed by comparing to see the similarities and
differences, and conclusion is done by integrating the components revealed from
it. This research result shows that Protestant church tower from 1901-1942 period
in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, and Surabaya are characterized by Indis
architecture and Art Deco components that can be seen on the shape, size, layout,
door, window, ventilation holes, ornaments, and bell or clock.]"
[, ], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amera Dewi Tri Aprisanti
"Pelaksanaan pendaftaran tanah untuk pertama kali atas tanah-tanah bekas hak milik adat, khususnya di wilayah Kecamatan Kramat Jati Jakarta Timur telah berlangsung sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku tetapi lebih dari setengah tanah-tanah bekas hak milik adat tersebut belum didaftarkan atau tidak bersertifikat. Masalah biaya menjadi kendala yang utama dalam proses pembuatan sertifikat ini, di samping kendala lain seperti masalah waktu dan sarana, Sumber Daya Manusia, tingkat kesejahteraan warga masyarakat, serta minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang Pendaftaran Tanah. Kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya Sertifikat Hak Milik juga harus lebih ditingkatkan dengan diadakan penyuluhan secara berkala mengenai masalah pertanahan oleh pihak terkait. Selain itu kegiatan pendaftaran tanah secara sistematik diharapkan dapat lebih ditingkatkan pelaksanaannya karena pemohon banyak memperoleh kemudahan dengan tidak perlu datang ke Kantor Pertanahan, serta biaya dan waktu yang diperlukan juga lebih sedikit."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Waworuntu, Osmaliana Osman
Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan penduduk dan pembangunan ekonomi yang semakin pesat, kegiatan manusia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya juga semakin meningkat. Salah satu dampaknva adalah peningkatan limbah yang dihasilkan baik jumlahnya maupun jenisnya. Bila limbah tidak dikelola dengan baik, akan mengakibatkan terjadinya pencemaran. Pada akhirnya akan berpengaruh terhadap keselamatan manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya, sehingga akan mengganggu kesinambungan lingkungan hidup. Oleh sebab itu perlu adanya upaya penanganan untuk mengatasi masalah pencemaran. Salah satu sumber yang dapat menimbulkan pencemaran adalah limbah rumah tangga. Limbah yang berasal dari rumah tangga. terdiri dari bermacant-macam jenis. ada yang dapat digunakan kembali dan ada yang tidak. Lebih dari itu. ada limbah yang tergolong sebagai bahan berbahaya dan beracun (B3) seperti sisa obat-obatan, sisa pembasmi hama dan baterai kering bekas. Baterai kering yang biasa digunakan masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. merupakan sarana yang dapat menyimpan energi kimia dan mengubahnya menjadi energi listrik. Komponen baterai kering adalah logam dan zat-zat kimia lain, maka berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Perindustrian No.: 148/MISK/1985. baterai kering dapat digolongkan ke dalam kategori Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3).
Di DKI Jakarta, setiap rumah tangga rata-rata mengkonsumsi 10 buah baterai kering ukuran besar (UM1), 5 buah baterai berukuran sedang (UM2) dan 10 buah baterai berukuran kecil (UM3) dalam satu tahun. Diperkirakan setiap tahun. puluhan juta buah baterai kering digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan. Dengan demikian setiap tahun terdapat puluhan juta baterai kering bekas yang dapat mencemari lingkungan, karena sampai saat ini belum ada sistem pengelolaan pembuangannya. Untuk mengatasi pencemaran, khususnya yang diakibatkan oleh baterai kering bekas, perlu diciptakan sistem pengelolaannya.
Pengelolaan yang dimaksud adalah suatu upaya yang dilakukan agar baterai kering bekas tidak dibuang atau digunakan secara tidak aman bagi manusia dan lingkungan hidup. Untuk itu perlu diperoleh gambaran mengenai sikap yang meliputi pemahaman masyarakat mengenai pencemaran lingkungan pada umumnya, khususnya perlakuan terhadap baterai kering bekas. Di samping partisipasi masyarakat, maka keberhasilan upaya pengelolaan ditentukan pula oleh adanya sarana baik berupa sarana non fisik seperti peraturan dan sistem pengelolaannya maupun sarana fisik.
Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui sikap dan perilaku masyarakat Jakarta terhadap baterai kering bekas, sehingga terlihat gambaran tentang kesediaan masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi bila disusun suatu sistem pengelolaan dan peraturan tentang baterai kering bekas. Tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kedudukan baterai kering daiam peraturan-peraturan lingkungan hidup khususnya tentang pengelolaan limbah B3. mendapatkan gambaran mengenai pemahaman masyarakat tentang pencemaran lingkungan, mendapatkan gambaran mengenai perlakuan dan anggapan tentang perlakuan masyarakat terhadap baterai kering bekas. serta mendapatkan gambaran tentang kesediaan masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam upaya pengelolaan baterai kering bekas.
Penelitian dilakukan di 6 (enam) lokasi di wilayah DKI Jakarta dengan responden 180 orang ibu rumah tangga dari tiga kelompok permukiman. yang dalam kegiatan ini disebut sebagai permukiman bala'ah (PB) permukiman menengah (PM) dan permukiman atas (PA). Data primer diperoleh di lapangan dengan metoda survei. sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari tulisan baik berupa hasil-hasil penelitian, makalah ataupun peraturan-peraturan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kualitatif deskriptif.
Dari penelitian ini diperoleh kesimpuIan bahwa baterai keying bekas termasuk dalarn kriteria jenis limbah B3, namun secara tersurat belum termasuk dalam daftar limbah B3 pada peraturan-peraturan yang menyangkut pengelolaan limbah B3 yaitu SK Menteri Perindustrian No. 148/MSK/4/1985 tentang pengamanan Bahan Beracun dan Berbahaya di Perusahaan Industri; PP 19/1994 tentang Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun: dan PP 13/1995 tentang Perubahan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19/1994. Mengenai pemahaman masyarakat tentang pencemaran lingkungan diperoleh gambaran bahwa 93,3% responden mengetahui bahwa pencemaran akan mengganggu kesehatan manusia, dan 6,7% yang menyatakan tidak tahu merupakan responden yang tinggal di kelompok PB.

Along with the rapid growth of population and economic development. human activities in accomplishing their needs also increase. One of the consequences is that people produce more waste, in larger amount and variety. Waste. if not properly managed will cause pollution and finally it will endanger human life and other creatures.
One of the source of environment pollution is household waste. Such waste consists of various kinds of things, some of them can he reused but some cannot. There is even toxic and dangerous waste (B3) such as chemical waste, insecticide, and used dry cells. Dry cell in daily use is a device that saves chemical energy and to turn it into electrical energy. Since the component of dry cells, are made from metal and other chemical substances. it is categories as B3. according to the Industrial Minister's Decree No.:148/MISK/1985. is categorized into B3.
Each household in DKI Jakarta consumes 10 big dry cells (size UM I). 5 medium dry cells (size UM2). and 10 small dry cells (size 13M3) every year. Il is estimated that millions of dry cells are used for various needs every year. There for there are the same number of used dry cells pollute the environment and so far there is no waste management system of used dry cell has been designed. To solve the pollution problem especially as the result of used dry cells, a waste management system should be developed. Such system needs to be done as an effort to avoid the environment pollution. A view on people's perception toward environment pollution in general is acquired when deals with used dry cells. To accomplish such effort is determined by not only public participation. but also an appropriate physical and non-physical facilities such as a rule and its management system.
Base on the above matter, this survey is meant:
a. to understand the attitude and behavior of the community towards the B3 waste, which can be the source of environment pollution, especially to get the picture of what people understand about the environment pollution.
b. to understand how the people deal with the B3 waste, to understand the people's idea on their own attitude towards the B3 waste.
c. and to get the picture on the willingness of the community to participate in the effort to control the B3 waste.
The survey has been conducted in 6 locations within DKI Jakarta. on 180 housewives from 3 district groups. Primary data was obtained in the field. where as secondary data was gathered from papers and regulation. This collected data was analyzed in a descriptive qualitative.
The research concluded that used dry cells are categorized as hazardous waste. Although the regulations of B3 waste management (Minister of Industry's Decree No 148/M/SK/1985 on Protection of Industry's Hazardous Waste: Government Regulations (PP)/19/1994 on Hazardous Waste Management: PP/12/1995 on the Modification of PP/19/1994) have not legally included it into the list of hazardous waste.
The result of the survey about people's perception on the environment is that most of the respondent (93.3%) know that pollution will affect human health. while the others (18.3%) do not know and even assume that there is danger to human life. Further study found that some people (37.8%) assume that. if the waste is thrown away far from their place. it will not cause any pollution to them. the pollution stuff that people know includes dust. exhaust fumes. plastic and other waste. Only a small part (5,3%) mentioned that used dry cell is one of the pollutant.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Setijati Sekarasih
"Di dalam praktek masyarakat masih banyak terdapat tanah-tanah bekas Hak Milik Adat yang sebaiknya didaftarkan hak atas tanahnya, agar pemilik mendapat sertipikat sebagai bukti kepemilikan atas tanah. Nyatanya di dalam proses penyelenggaraan pendaftaran atas tanah tersebut masyarakat sering mendapat hambatan yang menyebabkan lambatnya atau tidak dapat diprosesnya pensertipikatan hak atas tanah tersebut. Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut Penulis meneliti bagaimana prosedur pendaftaran tanah bekas hak milik adat dan apa-apa saja yang menjadi kendala di dalam proses tersebut dengan menggunakan metode penelitian normatif dan penelitian eksplanatoris dari segi sifatnya. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui, bahwa proses pendaftaran tanah bekas hak milik adat adalah sebagaimana yang diatur dalam PP 24/1997 jo Peraturan Menteri Negara Agraria/Ka-BPN 3/1997. Faktor kelengkapan data dan komunikasi yang baik diantara pemohon, perantaranya, PPAT, dan petugas pendaftaran tanah sangat mempengaruhi pelaksanaan proses pendaftaran tersebut. Apabila terjadi komunikasi yang baik diantara keempat komponen pelaku pendaftaran tanah tersebut akan mempercepat proses penerbitan sertipikat atas tanah tersebut. Agar PP 24/1997 dan peraturan pelaksanaannya dapat terlaksana dengan baik maka harus didukung oleh : 1) hukum/peraturan itu sediri ; 2) petugas penegak hukumnya 3) fasilitas pendukung peraturan itu ; 4) masyarakat yang terlibat dalam ruang lingkup peraturan itu."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggela Pradiva Putri
"HIV dan AIDS sampai saat ini masih menjadi kasus yang mendapat perhatian di dunia dan Indonesia. Diantara kelmpok rentan penularan HIV, LSL merupakan salah satu populasi kunci penyumbang jumlah kasus baru HIV pada tahun 2015 yaitu 12. Terdapat berbagai faktor peyebaran HIV pada LSL, salah satunya yaitu penggunaan kondom konsisten. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengindentifikasi hubungan penggunaan kondom dengan pencegahan HIV pada LSL di 6 kota di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data Survey Terpadu Biologis dan Perilaku STBP 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi cross-sectional yang dilaksanakan pada Maret-Juni 2018. Populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu LSL yang memiliki pasangan tetap wanita, pria, atau waria. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 773 responden dengan melakukan pembersihan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan penggunaan kondom dengan status HIV memberikan nilai p= 0,059 Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara seks anal dengan status HIV dengan nilai p= 0,027. Perlu dilakukan penyuluhan dan intervensi yang lebih agar pemakaian kondom dapat lebih efektif sebagai metode pencegahan HIV.

HIV and AIDS is still a case of attention in the world and Indonesia. Among the vulnerable groups of HIV transmission, MSM is one of the key populations contributing to the number of new HIV cases by 2015 at 12 . There are various factors in the spread of HIV in MSM, one of which is consistent condom use. This study aims to identify condom use relationships with HIV prevention in MSM in 6 cities in Indonesia using Biological Integrated Survey and Behavioral Survey data STBP 2015 . This study uses a cross sectional study conducted in March June 2018. The population in this study is MSM who have a permanent partner of women, men, or waria. The number of samples is 773 respondents by performing data cleaning. The results showed that the relationship of condom use with HIV status gave p value 0.059 There was a significant correlation between anal sex with HIV status with p value 0,027. More counseling and interventions are needed to make condom use more effective as a method of HIV prevention."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Juwarno
"To those who run the private television station business, news program is marked as company flag carrier. This program has become a determination to know whether this station being operated seriously or not. Therefore, every private television station makes serious efforts to present the program attractively, actual and exclusively as well, to be placed in accordance with each airtime.
One of the news programs that have been evaluated to be successful based on rating, informative and the most favorite, being chosen by the viewers, is ?Seputar Indonesia? produced by RCTI. The result of research finding indicated that people are, with many reasons, are fond of this news program. It has actual news, the journalistic comes to fulfill the wish of public, and the news presenter really understand to keep the profession properly.
Despite the news program with high rating and the most favorite to viewers, yet, there are many things they must put into attention. This is in reference with the research finding that the more people watch certain program, it is not always to say that people are fond to this program. It is ?Patroli? produced by Indosiar and ?Liputan 6? produced by SCTV appeared to be potential competitors to ?Seputar Indonesia?. Therefore, the management of ?Seputar Indonesia? must take innovation in presenting information to the public aiming to the wish and the need of people to get information.
This research provided by second data analyze, from where all survey being done by Asia market Intelligence (AMI) in accordance with the outline of positioning all RCTI program. By changing the presentation of quantitative to qualitative, it can be described why people watch ?Seputar Indonesia? news program and how people evaluate that news program to fulfill the need of information.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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