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Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Alfatih
Jalur jalan Cinjur-Ciawi memiliki perbedaan dengan jalur jalan Cianjur-Jonggol berdasarkan aspek fisik maupun aspek transportasinya. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan pola sensitivitas jaringan jalan terhadap bahaya longsor pada Koridor Ciawi-Cianjur-Jonggol yang dikaji secara spasial berbasis segmen jalan sepanjang 500 meter dengan variabel kemiringan tanah, jenis tanah, frekuensi hujan ekstrim, tutupan lahan, beban kendaraan dan arus kendaraan dengan menggabungkan metode AHP ke dalam analisis overlay intersect. Hasil analisis diketahui bahwa pola sensitivitas pada koridor jalan Ciawi-Cianjur cenderung menyebar pada segmen-segmen jalan tertentu, sedangkan pada koridor jalan Cianjur-Jonggol cenderung mengelompok. Segmen jalan yang sensitivitasnya tergolong sedang lebih sering mengalami longsoran dibanding segmen jalan yang sensitivitasnya tinggi.

Cianjur-Ciawi road line is different from Cianjur-Jonggol road line based on its physical and transportation aspects. This research tries to find the pattern of road network sensitivity to the landslide danger at Ciawi-Cianjur-Jonggol Corridor which is studied spatially based segment of the road along 500 meters with variables of the slope of the land, soil type, extreme rainfall frequency, land cover, vehicle flow and vehicle weight by combining AHP method into overlay intersect analysis. From the analysis result it is known that the sensitivity pattern at the Ciawi-Cianjur road corridor tends to be distributed at certain road segments, whereas at the Cianjur-Jonggol road corridor tends to be clustered. The road segment with medium sensitivity experiences landslide more frequently than the one with high sensitivity.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Cempaka
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosef Dwi Sigit Purnomo
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudolf Doni Abrauw
Kota Jayapura merupakan salah satu wilayah yang berada di utara pulau Papua dan
berhadapan langsung dengan lempeng pasifik, sehingga berpotensi terhadap bencana
geologi, salah satunya adalah longsor, walaupun demikian tidak hanya dipengaruhi
oleh pergerakan lempeng pasifik tetapi juga dari kondisi kemiringan lereng di Kota
Jayapura yang bervariasi dari dataran rendah (0-8%) sampai perbukitan (>45%),
sehingga untuk kajian ini kemiringan lereng serta sesar dan juga kondisi kegempaan
yang sewaktu-waktu terjadi karena kota Jayapura berada pada wilayah rawan gempa
maka sangatlah berpotensi terhadap longsor yang dipengaruhi oleh kegempaan dan
adanya sesar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan wilayah rawan dan risiko
longsor di Kota Jayapura dengan menggunakan dua model pendugaan, pertama
adalah Model Pendugaan Longsor Direktorat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana
Geologi dengan paramater curah hujan, geologi, jenis tanah, lereng dan penggunaan
lahan; kedua adalah Model Pendugaan Kombinasi (Puslittanak tahun 2004 dan Shabi,
H. et. al tahun 2012) dengan parameter kemiringan lereng, curah hujan, geologi, jenis
tanah, jarak sesar dan kerapatan vegetasi. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan
olahan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) serta validasi lapangan menujukkan bahwa
dari total luas wilayah kajian ada perbedaan luas wilayah rawan longsor dengan
klasifikasi tinggi, yang mana model pendugaan pertama menghasilkan luas wilayah
rawan longsor tinggi sebesar 16.780 Ha, sementara itu model kedua sebesar 2.184
Ha. Kedua model tersebut divalidasi dengan data di lapangan dan data kejadian
longsor, menunjukkan bahwa model kedua lebih sesuai dengan kondisi lapangan dan
representatif untuk mengindentifikasi rawan longsor di Kota Jayapura, sehingga dapat
disimpulkan bahwa model tersebut dapat digunakan lebih lanjut untuk keperluan

Jayapura city is one area in the north of the island of Papua and dealing directly with
the Pacific plate, so the potential for geological disasters, one of which is a landslide,
however is not only affected by the influence of the Pacific plate movement but also
of the condition of the slope in the city of Jayapura varies from lowlands (0-8%) to
the hills (> 45%), so that for the assessment of slope and seismic faults and also the
condition that at any time there because the city of Jayapura located in earthquake
region then it has the potential to landslides which affected by seismicity and the
presence of faults. This study aims to map landslide susceptibility areas and risk in
Jayapura by using two prediction models, the first is the Model Estimation of
landslide Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation with
parameters rainfall, geology, soil type, slope and land use; The second is a
combination Estimation Model (Puslittanak 2004 and Shabi, H. et. al in 2012) with
the parameters slope, rainfall, geology, soil type, fault distance and density of
vegetation. Processed research results using Geographic Information System (GIS)
and field validation showed that of the total study area there are vast differences in
landslide-prone areas with higher classification, which first prediction models to
produce high landslide prone area of 16,780 hectares, while the second model of
2,184 Ha. Both models are validated with field data and landslide occurrence data,
showing that both models are better suited to field conditions and to identify landslide
prone representative in Jayapura, so that it can be concluded that the model can be
used further for mitigation purposes.;Jayapura city is one area in the north of the island of Papua and dealing directly with
the Pacific plate, so the potential for geological disasters, one of which is a landslide,
however is not only affected by the influence of the Pacific plate movement but also
of the condition of the slope in the city of Jayapura varies from lowlands (0-8%) to
the hills (> 45%), so that for the assessment of slope and seismic faults and also the
condition that at any time there because the city of Jayapura located in earthquake
region then it has the potential to landslides which affected by seismicity and the
presence of faults. This study aims to map landslide susceptibility areas and risk in
Jayapura by using two prediction models, the first is the Model Estimation of
landslide Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation with
parameters rainfall, geology, soil type, slope and land use; The second is a
combination Estimation Model (Puslittanak 2004 and Shabi, H. et. al in 2012) with
the parameters slope, rainfall, geology, soil type, fault distance and density of
vegetation. Processed research results using Geographic Information System (GIS)
and field validation showed that of the total study area there are vast differences in
landslide-prone areas with higher classification, which first prediction models to
produce high landslide prone area of 16,780 hectares, while the second model of
2,184 Ha. Both models are validated with field data and landslide occurrence data,
showing that both models are better suited to field conditions and to identify landslide
prone representative in Jayapura, so that it can be concluded that the model can be
used further for mitigation purposes., Jayapura city is one area in the north of the island of Papua and dealing directly with
the Pacific plate, so the potential for geological disasters, one of which is a landslide,
however is not only affected by the influence of the Pacific plate movement but also
of the condition of the slope in the city of Jayapura varies from lowlands (0-8%) to
the hills (> 45%), so that for the assessment of slope and seismic faults and also the
condition that at any time there because the city of Jayapura located in earthquake
region then it has the potential to landslides which affected by seismicity and the
presence of faults. This study aims to map landslide susceptibility areas and risk in
Jayapura by using two prediction models, the first is the Model Estimation of
landslide Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation with
parameters rainfall, geology, soil type, slope and land use; The second is a
combination Estimation Model (Puslittanak 2004 and Shabi, H. et. al in 2012) with
the parameters slope, rainfall, geology, soil type, fault distance and density of
vegetation. Processed research results using Geographic Information System (GIS)
and field validation showed that of the total study area there are vast differences in
landslide-prone areas with higher classification, which first prediction models to
produce high landslide prone area of 16,780 hectares, while the second model of
2,184 Ha. Both models are validated with field data and landslide occurrence data,
showing that both models are better suited to field conditions and to identify landslide
prone representative in Jayapura, so that it can be concluded that the model can be
used further for mitigation purposes.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Irsyad
"Tanah longsor merupakan bencana alam yang banyak terjadi di Kabupaten Bogor. Selain faktor alam yang sangat mendukung, aktivitas manusia yang intensif pun menambah kemungkinan terjadinya tanah longsor. Maka perlu diadakan banyak penelitian mengenai wilayah yang rawan terjadi tanah longsor agar meminimalisir dampak yang diakibatkan. Salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk memetakan wilayah potensi longsor adalah dengan menggunakan pemodelan Stability Index Mapping SINMAP , dan data yang digunakan adalah Digital Elevation Model DEM , jenis tanah, serta curah hujan. Hasil dari pemodelan SINMAP berupa Indeks Stabilitas digunakan sebagai acuan menentukan wilayah potensi tanah longsor. Kemudian wilayah potensi tanah longsor ditumpang-susunkan dengan penggunaan tanah berupa permukiman dengan memperhatikan arah hadapan lereng, sehingga didapatkan wilayah rawan tanah longsor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sebaran lokasi wilayah potensi dan wilayah rawan tanah longsor di Kecamatan Jonggol. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 11,12 1.496,52 Ha dari luas wilayah Kecamatan Jonggol berpotensi longsor. Wilayah yang memiliki potensi longsor terdapat di bagian Selatan dan bagian Timur wilayah Kecamatan Jonggol yang merupakan wilayah dengan kemiringan lereng di atas 10 , sedangkan wilayah rawan tanah longsor di Kecamatan Jonggol adalah seluas 84,45 Ha atau 3,11 dari luas wilayah permukiman di Kecamatan Jonggol.

Landslide is a natural disaster occurs frequently in Bogor District. In addition to natural factors that are very supportive, intensive human activity also increases the likelihood of landslides. Therefore, there should be a lot of researches on areas hazard to landslides to minimize the impacts. One of the methods used to map the landslide potential areas is by using Stability Index Mapping SINMAP modeling, and the data used is Digital Elevation Model DEM , soil type, and rainfall. The result of SINMAP modeling in the form of Stability Index is used as reference to determine the potential landslide areas. Then the landslide potential areas stacked up with the use of land in the form of settlements by paying attention to the direction of the slopes, so that the landslide hazard areas are found. The purpose of this research is to know the distribution of potential and landslide hazard areas in Jonggol sub district. The result of this research indicates that 11,12 1,496,52 Ha from Jonggol sub district has landslide potential. Areas that have landslide potential are in the South and East part of Jonggol Sub district, areas with the slope of above 10 . Meanwhile, the landslide hazard areas in Jonggol sub district are 84.45 Ha or 3.11 of the total settlement area in Jonggol sub district.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Humam Abdurrasyid Afif
"Longsor merupakan salah satu bencana alam yang sering terjadi di Indonesia, terutama di daerah yang memiliki lereng yang terjal. Tanah longsor seringkali dapat merugikan manusia dalam bentuk harta benda, kerusakan lingkungan hingga korban jiwa. Kabupaten Kuningan merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Jawa Barat dengan tingkat kejadian longsor yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan memprediksi potensi dan daerah rawan longsor di Kabupaten Kuningan. Metode yang digunakan untuk memperoleh daerah potensial longsor adalah metode Slope Morphology (SMORPH). Daerah rawan longsor diperoleh dengan metode overlay dengan menggabungkan wilayah potensi longsor dan pemukiman dengan memperhatikan arah kemiringan lereng (Aspect). Analisis spasial digunakan untuk menjelaskan sebaran daerah rawan longsor di Kabupaten Kuningan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 24% luas wilayah memiliki potensi longsor tinggi yang tersebar di bagian Selatan dan Barat Laut Kabupaten Kuningan. Potensi longsor yang terjadi di permukiman dapat membuat kawasan tersebut rawan longsor. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan bahwa daerah rawan longsor yang terdapat di permukiman tersebar di bagian selatan Kabupaten Kuningan dengan luas wilayah 2.381 km2.

Landslides are one of the natural disasters that often occur in Indonesia, especially in areas that have steep slopes. Landslides can often harm humans in the form of property, environmental damage and casualties. Kuningan Regency is one of the districts in West Java with a high rate of landslides. This study aims to analyze and predict the potential and landslide prone areas in Kuningan Regency. The method used to obtain landslide potential areas is the Slope Morphology (SMORPH) method. Landslide prone areas are obtained by an overlay method by combining potential landslide areas and settlements by taking into account the direction of the slope (Aspect). Spatial analysis is used to explain the distribution of landslide-prone areas in Kuningan Regency. Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that more than 24% of the area has a high potential for landslides which are scattered in the South and Northwest parts of Kuningan Regency. The potential for landslides that occur in settlements can make the area prone to landslides. The results of the analysis also show that landslide-prone areas in settlements are scattered in the southern part of Kuningan Regency with an area of ​​2,381 km2."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochamad Seandy Alfarabi
"Kabupaten Sukabumi terletak di Selatan Jawa Barat yang dikenal sebagai wilayah yang memiliki keragaman alam. Namun, wilayah ini rawan terhadap bencana, terutama tanah longsor. Penelitian ini berfokus pada Kecamatan Cisolok yang karena aspek topografi, bagian dari Geopark Ciletuh, dan salah satu wilayah pembangunan di selatan Jawa Barat Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh geomorfologi terhadap wilayah rawan longsor di Kecamatan Cisolok untuk mengurangi dampak longsor dan mendukung pembangunan. Metode yang digunakan untuk pemetaan geomorfologi yaitu metode overlay, sedangkan untuk pemetaan longsor menggunakan metode Frequency Ratio yang diintegrasikan dengan SIG. Penelitian ini menggunakan variabel fisik diantaranya lereng, ketinggian, litologi/jenis batuan, struktur geologi, jalan, sungai, penggunaan tanah, jenis tanah, curah hujan, dan lokasi longsor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wilayah penelitian didominasi oleh lahan lereng vulkanik dengan medan yang curam. Wilayah rawan longsor dibagi menjadi empat kelas yaitu kelas rendah dengan persentase 17,03 %, kelas sedang 62,05 %, kelas tinggi 14,4 %, dan kelas sangat tinggi 6,51 %. Variasi tingkat kerawanan longsor di wilayah penelitian dipengaruhi oleh bentuk medan, genesis lahan , dan proses geomorfik.

Sukabumi Regency located in Southern West Java known as region that has diverse natural characteristics. However, it is vulnerable to disasters, especially landslides. Moreover, this study focuses on Cisolok District because of the topography aspect, part of Ciletuh Geopark, and also one of the development area in Southern West Java. This study aims to analyze the influence of geomorphology to the landslide-prone areain Cisolok District to reduce landslides and support the development. This study used the overlay analysis for geomorphological mapping, while the Frequency ratio (FR) method used for landslide-prone area mapping. Several physical variables used in this study, such as slope, elevation, lithology, geological structure, road network, stream network, landuse, soil type, rainfall, and landslide location. The result shows that the study area have diverse geomorphology units dominated by volcanic slope with steep topography. While landslide-prone area consist of four classes; namely 17,03% low, 62,05% medium, 14,4% high, and 6,51% very high. Variety of landslide vulnerability in study area influenced by terrain form, land genesis, and geomorphic process.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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