"Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang profile teofilin dalam plasma
dan urine setelah pemberian.peroral ka psul teofilin yang berisi 300
my teofilin..
Penelitian tersebut dilakukan terhada p 12 orang sukarelawan
yang sehat, berat badan berkisar antara 47 sampal 58 kg. umur
berkisar antara 17 sam pai 28 tahun. Pengambilan darah dilakukan
sebelum obat diberikan, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480 menit setelah
ohat diminum. Urine dikump ulkan pada interval waktu tertentu selama
48 jam. Konsentrasi teofilin daiarn plasma dan urine ditetapkan secara
spektr ofotometri.
Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan kadar terapi teofilin dalam
plasma dapat dicapal dengan pembenian 300 my teofilin. Ada hubungan
antara profil teofilin dalam plasma dan urine dimana waktu untuk
mencapai ekskresi puncak.teofilin dalam urine sama dengan waktu untuk
mencapai kadar puncak teofilin dalam plasma pada t mid. Juga
diperoleh parameter-parameter farmakokinetik seperti waktu oaruh
teofilin (1 1/2), tetapan kece patan eliminasi (Ke), tetapankecepatan
abbsorpsi (Ka) dan ekskresi teofilin dalam urine kumulatif.
The studies of theophylline profile in plasma and urine aftergiven theophylline orally capsule which contain 300 mg theophylline -has been carried out.The studies involved twelve healthy male volunteers, the rangeof body weight are beetwen 47 to 58 kg and the ages are between 17 to28 years old. Blood samples were taken right before the drug wasadministered and 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480 minutes after that.Urine samples were collected at regular intervals over 48 hourperiods. The concentration of theophylline in plasma and urinesamples were determined by spectrophotometric method.From the data obtained, we observed that the therapeuticconcentration of theophylline was reached after given 300 mgtheophylline. There was relationship between theophylline profile inplasma and urine, in which the time needed to reach the maximumtheophylline excreation in urine was same as the time needed to reachthe maximum theophylline plasma concentration at t mid. From the datawe also observed the pharmacokinetic parameters as the half ii:fe-(T1/2) elimination rate constant ( Ke ), absorption rate constant (Ke ) and cumulative urinary excretion."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1988