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"Sertifikat Hak Pemakaian Tempat Usaha (SHPTU) adalah bukti kepemilikan hak pemakaian tempat usaha (kios) di pasar yang dimiliki oleh Pedagang pasar. SHPTU memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi. Oleh karenanya diharapkan SHPTU dapat dijadikan jaminan kredit sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Peraturan Daerah Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Nomor 3 tahun 2009 tentang Pengelolaan Area Pasar. Namun faktanya, meskipun Bank dapat menerima SHPTU sebagai jaminan, Bank hanya menerima SHPTU sebagai jaminan tambahan. Keberatan bank untuk menerima SHPTU sebagai jaminan kebendaan memiliki alasan yang kuat, sebab SHPTU bukanlah hak kebendaan melainkan hak perorangan. Mengingat SHPTU tidak diatur dalam B uku II KUH Perdata, SHPTU bukan merupakan bukti kepemilikikan kios serta SHPTU lahir dari perjanjian antara pedagang pasar, developer dan PD Pasar Jaya. Lebih lanjut SHPTU juga memiliki kesamaan unsur dengan sewa-menyewa sebagaimana pada pasal 1548 KUH Perdata. Karena SHPTU bukan hak kebendaan, maka SHPTU tidak dapat dijadikan jaminan dengan menggunakan pranata jaminan kebendaan. Tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif yuridis dengan menambahkan unsur empiris, dengan analisis data secara kualitatif. Dari hasil analisis dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa SHPTU bukan hak kebendaan, namun mengingat SHPTU memiliki nilai ekonomis dan dapat dialihkan, maka diharapkan pemerintah dapat segera menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat (Para Pedagang Pasar) terhadap adanya suatu pranata jaminan yang dapat mengakomodir SHPTU kios sebagai jaminan kredit.

The Certificate of Right to Use a Business Place (SHPTU) is an evidence of the proprietary of right to use a business place (stall) in the market that owned by market traders. SHPTU has a high economic value. Therefore, SHPTU is expected to be a credit guarantee as contained in the Local Regulations of Jakarta Capital City Number 3, 2009 about the Management of Market Area. Nevertheless, the Bank could accept SHPTU as the guarantee, but the fact is the Bank only accepts SHPTU as an additional guarantee. The bank's objection to accept SHPTU as a material gurantee has a strong reason, that is SHPTU is not a material right, it is an individual right. Considering, SHPTU is not contained in the Second Book of Civil Code, SHPTU is not an evidence of the proprietary of the stall, also SHPTU is created from the agreement between the market traders, developers and PD Pasar Jaya. Furthermore, SHPTU also has a similarity with leasing as contained in the article 1548 of Civil Code. SHPTU is not a material right, thus, SHPTU cannot be a guarantee by using a material guarantee instituation. This thesis uses a juridical normative research method by adding an empirical element and qualitative data analysis. Based on the analysis result, SHPTU is not a material right, yet, SHPTU has an economic value and could be diverted. Therefore, the goverment should fulfill people's need (the market traders) toward the existence of guarantee instituation that could accomodate SHPTU of the stall as a credit guarantee."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Royal, Mark, 1967-
"There are a lot of frustrated people in most workplaces today. We're not talking about the incorrigible office grump or the permanent slacker. Instead, we're referring to dedicated workers who are being prevented from achieving their peak potential by organizational obstacles. Better enabling these employees to succeed represents an untapped avenue for radically improving productivity. Packed with the latest research findings from the prestigious Hay Group, "The Enemy of Engagement" uncovers the hidden impediments to performance - excessive procedures, lack of resources, overly narrow roles, and more - and outlines best-practice solutions for eliminating them. This is not an insignificant issue facing businesses today. According to Hay Group's study, depending on the industry, between one-third and one-half of employees report work conditions that keep them from being as productive as they could be. "The Enemy of Engagement" gives managers powerful new insights and research-based tools for ensuring their teams are both willing and able to make maximum contributions.;"
New York: [American Management Association, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dave Ulrich, Marshall Goldsmith, and other leading lights in the HR fields offer the definitive organizational guide to empowering employees to do great things."
New York: McGraw Hil Professional, 2011
658.314 TAL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabilla Jasmine Nathasa
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir berwisata menjadi kebutuhan bagi setiap manusia di seluruh dunia. Jepang menjadi salah satu negara yang paling ingin dikunjungi oleh wisatawan asing. Wisatawan asing yang berwisata ke Jepang tercatat paling sering mengunjungi Tokyo. Selain menjadi pusat untuk mengatur pemerintahan, Tokyo juga memiliki atraksi-atraksi wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Salah satunya adalah Pasar Ikan Tsukiji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hal apa saja yang menjadi ciri khas Pasar Ikan Tsukiji sehingga menjadi daya tarik bagi wisatawan asing untuk datang berkunjung. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif yang berasal dari kajian kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keunikan Pasar Ikan Tsukiji yang berbeda dari pasar ikan lainnya di negara lain menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi wisatawan asing untuk datang ke tempat ini. Keunikan tersebut diantaranya adalah pelelangan ikan tuna, budaya berdagang dan aneka makanan khas Jepang yang dijual dalam pasar ini.

In the past few years travel becomes a necessity for every people in the world. Japan become one of the most wanted to be visited country by foreign travelers from around the world. Foreign travelers who came to Japan most commonly visited Tokyo. In addition of being the center of governance, Tokyo also has interesting tourist attractions to visit. One of the many attractions is Tsukiji Fish Market. This study aims to identify what are the characteristics of Tsukiji Fish Market can attract foreign tourists to visit. The method use in the writing of this paper is a descriptive analysis derived from the study of literature. The result showed that the uniqueness of Tsukiji Fish Market is different from other fish market in other countries, and that is become main attraction for foreign tourists to come to this place. The uniqueness is tuna auctions, trade culture and Japanese cuisine are sold in this market."
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hewitt, James
England: Wayland, 1979
923.8 HEW f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rika Gelar Rahayu
"Spiritualitas di tempat kerja merupakan sebuah paradigma baru dalam dunia bisnis. yang telah dan terus-menerus mengarahkan kehidupan para pekerja selama l0 tahun terakhir (Marques, 2005). Orang-orang tidak lagi bekerja sekedar mencari uang, namun juga menjadikannya sebagai perjalanan untuk berkembang menuju tujuan yang lebih besar. Semakin banyak orang yang menginginkan suasana kerja yang lehih humanis, lebih sederhana, lebih bermakna, dan terhubung dengan sesuatu yang lebih tinggi (Marques. 2005).
Terdapat banyak perdebatan dan argumen mengenai definisi spiritualitas di tempat kerja itu sendiri. baik yang menyatakan hal tersebut merupakan lawan dari agama ataupun sebagai komplementer agama. Namun intonasi yang muncul secara umum relatif sama. yaitu bahwa spiritualiias di tempat kerja memang membawa dampak yang positif bagi organisasi.
Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mendukung dan mengkonfirmasi model Milliman et al. (2003) mengenai spiritualiias di tempat kerja (workplace spirituality) dan sikap pegawai terhadap pekerjaannya (wok attitudes). menggunakan sampel yang berbeda dan lebih terstruktur. Peneliti mereplikasi (model I) dan memodifikasi model tersebut (model I1) menggunakan dimensi-dimensi perilaku sebagai warga organisasi (kepatuhan, loyalitas, parlisipasi) sebagai variabel endogen dari dimensi spirtualitas di tempat kerja (pekerjaan yang bermakna, rasa kebersamaan dalam komunitas, kesesuaian terhadap organisasi). Adapun dimensi perilaku sebagai warga orgaaisasi (organizational citizenship behavior OCB) dalam penelitian ini diambil dari hasil penelitian Dente el al. (1994).
Sebuah kuesioner berisi 76 item pertanyaan dikumpulkan dari 267 responden yang bekcrja pada enam organisasi (tiga organisasi non profit dan tiga organisasi profit). Mengggunakan Confirmatory Factor Analysis dan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dalam software LISREL 8.71. peneliti menguji 24 hipotesis (Model l terdiri dari H1 a.b.c : H2 a.b.c : H3 a.b.c : H4 a.b.c : H5 a.b.c. Model I. I terdiri dari H1 a.b,c H2 a,b.c ; dan H3 a.b.c). Pada model I. H1 a-c menggambarkan signifikansi hubungan antara spiritualitas di tempal kerja terhadap komitmen organisasi. Hipotesis tersebut ternyata hanya mampu dibuktikan sebagian (H1a dan H1c terbukti signifikan, H1b tidak terbukti signifikan). H2 a,b,c menggambarkan hubungan yang signifikan antara spiritualitas di tempal kerja dan niat untuk berhenti bekerja, yang ternyata hanya sebagian terbukti (H2a dan H2c terbukti signifikan. H2b tidak terbukti signifikan), H3 a.b.c menggambarkan hubungan yang signifikan antara spiritualitas di tempat kerja dan keterlibatan pegawai terhadap pekerjaannya (job involvement) yang ternyata hanya sebagian terbukti signifikan (H3a dan H3c terbukti signifikan, H3b tidak terbukti signifikan. H4 a.b.c (spiritualitas di tempat kerja dan kepuasan kerja intrinsik) memberikan hasil yang unik. karena seluruh hipotesis terbukti signifikan, berbeda dengan hasil penelitian Milliman et at. (2003) yang hanya terbukti sebagian signifikan). H5 a.b.c menggambarkan hubungan yang signifikan antara spiritualitas di tempal kerja dan tingkat kepercayaan diri individu dalam organisasi (organization based self esteem-OBSE) yang setelah diuji juga hanya terbukti sebagian signifikan (H5a dan H5c terbukti signifikan, H5c tidak terbukti signitikan).
Sementara itu, pada model ini seluruh hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan hubungan yang tidak signifikan antara spiritualitas di tempal kerja dan perilaku sebagai warga organisasi, di seluruh jalur gamma (gamma paths). Berdasarkan berbagai literatur dan teori. terdapat kemungkinan spiritualitas di tempal kerja memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan perilaku sebagai warga organisasi apabila terdapat variabel perantara (intervening variable) berupa sikap pegawai terhadap pekerjaannya. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengkordinasikan temuan ini.

Workplace spirituality is a new paradigm in the business world, that keep on growing and has been stirring iii workers' souls for at least 10 years (Marques. 2005). People don't go to work only to earn a living, but also as a journey to grow with much bigger aim. More people looking for a more humanistic work environment, increased simplicity, more meaning, and a connection to something higher (Marques, 2005).
Many debates and arguments on workplace spirituality definitions arise, stating whether it is the opponent of religion or complementary. However the tone is relatively conrnroir, that spirituality in the workplace brings a positive impact after all,
This research attempts to support and confirm the model of Milliman et al. (2003) about workplace spirituality and employee work attitudes, using different and more structured samples. The researcher replicated (Model I) and modified the model (Model II) using organizational citizenship behavior dimensions (obedience. loyalty participation) as endogenous variables of workplace spirituality dimensions (meaningful work. sense of community. alignment with organization values). The dimensions of OCB were taken from a research of Dyne et al. (1994).
A 76 question item questionnaire was collected from 267 employees of 6 organizations (three non profit and three profit organizations). Using Confirmatory Factor analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. (SEM) with LISREL 8.71 software, the researcher examined 24 hypothesis (Mode] I includes H 1 a.b.c : H2 a.b.c : H3 a.b.c : H4 a.b.c : H5 a.b.c . Model II includes H1 a.b,c H2a.b,c and H3a.b.c). In model 1. H1a-c proposed a significant relationship between workplace spirituality and organizational commitment. The result is a partially supported hypothesis (H1a and H1c are supported. H1 b is unsupported). H2 a.b.c proposed a significant relationship between workplace spirituality and intention t7 quit. resulted In a partially supported hypothesis also (112a and 1-12c are supported, H2b is oar supposed). I13.b.c proposed a significant relationship between workplace spirituality and job involvement. and resulted in partially supported (H3a and c are supported, H3b is not supported,). H4 a.b.c (workplace spirituality and intrinsic job satisfaction) has an interesting part, because all hypotheses are supported, different from Miliiman-s study which is partially supported. H5 a,b,c proposed a significant relationship between workplace spirituality and organization based self esteem (OBSE). ended in a partially supported hypothesis (H5a and H5c are supported, H5b is not supported).
In the model II, all hypothesis show insignificant relationships between workplace spirituality and OCB in all gamma paths. There is a possibility that workplace spirituality has a significant relationship with OCB trough work attitude variables as an intervening one, regarding to some literature and proven theories. Further research is definitely needed to confirm the finding."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jones, Mark David
"Based on years of extensive experience working with Disney and other leading Fortune 500 companies, Jones and Kober present the World Class Excellence Model, a groundbreaking new operational model that enables organizations to achieve sustainable results by creating a culture of excellence for internal customers (employees) while building brand with highly satisfied, loyal external customers."
Alexandria, Virginia: American Society for Training & Development, 2010
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Claudia Silvina Widyaningtias
Bonus demografi yang mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 2020 mendatang menjadikan melonjaknya jumlah generasi millennials di pasar tenaga kerja. Kecenderungan generasi millennials menjadi menjadi lsquo;kutu loncat rsquo; dalam bekerja disebabkan oleh preferensi yang berbeda dengan generasi-generasi sebelumnya. Kepedulian generasi millennials terhadap isu lingkungan dan sosial bersinggungan dengan praktik CSR yang dilakukan perusahaan. Survey online dilakukan pada pegawai bank untuk melihat perbedaan tingkat Engagement saat terekspos Coporate Social Responsibility yang berbeda. IBM Statistical Package for The Social Science SPSS versi 20 digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat perbedaan antara CSR Internal dan Eksternal terhadap variabel Job Engagement namun tidak ada perbedaan pada Organizational Engagement. Secara umum CSR eksternal dinilai lebih tinggi oleh karyawan terhadap tingkat Engagement mereka.

Demographic bonus that will reach its peak in 2020 increases the number of millennials in the labor market. The difference in tendency towards career preference of millennials when compared to the previous generation is the main attribute causing them to become rsquo job hopper rsquo . Millennials interest on social and environmental issue is in line with the practices of CSR. Online survey was conducted on bankers to see different level of millennials rsquo engagement when exposed to different categories of CSR practice. IBM Statistical Package for The Social Science SPSS version 20 used to test the hypotheses. This research found that internal and external CSR have more significant influence on job engagement rather than in organizational engagement. Generally, eksternal CSR is perceived higher by employees in terms of influencing engagement level."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zemke, Ron
"Knock your socks off service doesn't just happen. It requires coaching on an ongoing basis. Now, thanks to authors Kristin Anderson and Ron Zemke, supervisors have a practical guide to the day-to-day challenges that arise in training superior customer service people. This newest Knock Your Socks Off book explains how to help frontline employees hone their skills, maintain the motivation to perform, and meet new situations head-on. The authors present a model for successfully coaching anyone, anywhere, and they show readers how to apply it in familiar coaching situations. Everyone can appreciate Zemke and Anderson's strategies for handling the toughest coaching problems. And they will learn a most important new skill- teaching employees to be peer coaches, a growing need in the current era of teams and of doing more with less."
New York: American Management Association, 1997
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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