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Ditemukan 4419 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Edmonds, Paul
New York: Macmillan, 1978
576.15 EDM m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grant, W.D.
Glasgow: Blackie, 1981
574.5 GRA e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This survey of recent scientific progress in usefully applying microbes to both environmental management and biotechnology is informed by acknowledgement of the polluting effects on the world around us of soil erosion, the unwanted migration of sediments, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and the improper treatment of human and animal wastes. These harmful phenomena have resulted in serious environmental and social problems around the world, problems which require us to look for solutions elsewhere than in established physical and chemical technologies."
Dordrecht: Springer Science, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987
576.15 SUR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Molecular biology has in recent years provided major advances in our understanding of cyanobacterial ecology. Perhaps for more than any other group of organisms, it is possible to see how the ecology, physiology, biochemistry, ultrastructure and molecular biology interact. This all helps to deal with practical problems such as the control of nuisance blooms and the use of cyanobacterial inocula to manage semi-desert soils. Large-scale culture of several organisms, especially "Spirulina" (Arthrospira), for health food and specialist products is increasingly being expanded for a much wider range of uses. In view of their probable contribution to past oil deposits, much attention is currently focused on their potential as a source of biofuel."
Dordrecht: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ainayya Salsabiyla
"SNI 8152:2015 tentang Pasar Rakyat merupakan pedoman dalam mengelola pasar rakyat yang salah satunya mengandung unsur sanitasi. Objek penelitian ini adalah Pasar Agung dan Pasar Sukatani, yang secara urut belum mendapatkan dan sudah mendapatkan sertifikasi SNI 8152:2015. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis kondisi sanitasi, sumber pencemar bioaerosol, besar konsentrasi bioaerosol, dan pengaruh kondisi sanitasi terhadap konsentrasi bioaerosol pada kedua pasar. Nilai kuantitatif kondisi sanitasi pasar didapat menggunakan hasil inspeksi sanitasi yang tertera pada Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 519/MENKES/SK/VI/2008 tentang Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pasar Sehat dan diisi oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kota Depok. Hasil inspeksi kondisi sanitasi menunjukkan Pasar Agung mendapatkan nilai 888 dan Pasar Sukatani mendapatkan nilai 2.740 dari nilai maksimal 3.000. Variabel sanitasi yang perlu ditingkatkan lagi pada Pasar Agung adalah drainase dan tempat cuci tangan, binatang penular penyakit, dan desinfeksi pasar, sementara pada Pasar Sukatani adalah kamar mandi dan toilet, binatang penular penyakit, dan kualitas makanan. Jenis sumber pencemar bioaerosol yang diidentifikasi pada kedua pasar adalah tempat sampah terbuka, tumpukan sampah terbuka, sistem drainase terbuka tanpa dan/atau dengan kisi, genangan air, tangki air/bak air, dan keran air. Jumlah sumber pencemar bioaerosol paling banyak teridentifikasi di blok ikan. Jumlah titik pengambilan sampel bioaerosol di udara adalah lima titik untuk tiga jenis blok komoditas, blok ikan, ayam, dan sayur, dengan pengambilan sampel secara triplo dengan waktu pengambilan sampel 30 detik. Pengambilan sampel udara dilakukan menggunakan alat Single-stage Impaction Sampler (Environmental Monitoring Systems, Inc., E6 Sampler, Amerika Serikat) dan media Tryptic Soy Agar untuk bakteri dan Malt Extract Agar untuk jamur. Dilakukan juga pengambilan sampel suhu dan kelembapan udara pada lokasi sampling menggunakan alat multimeter (Lutron, AH-4223, Taiwan), serta intensitas cahaya menggunakan alat luxmeter (MASTECH, MS6612, Hong Kong). Rata-rata konsentrasi bakteri di udara pada tiga blok di Pasar Agung adalah 5.793 ± 3.028 CFU/m3 dan pada Pasar Sukatani adalah 1.782 ± 431 CFU/m3. Rata-rata konsentrasi jamur di udara pada Pasar Agung adalah 1.886 ± 1.097 CFU/m3 dan pada Pasar Sukatani adalah 1.598 ± 329 CFU/m3. Urutan rata-rata konsentrasi bakteri di Pasar Agung dari yang tertinggi adalah blok ikan, blok ayam, dan blok sayur, sementara pada Pasar Sukatani adalah blok ayam, blok sayur, dan blok ikan. Urutan rata-rata konsentrasi jamur di Pasar Agung dan Pasar Sukatani adalah blok ikan, blok ayam, dan blok sayur. Kondisi sanitasi merupakan salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi bioaerosol, yang dapat dipecah lagi berdasarkan sumber pencemar bioaerosol yang terdapat pada setiap variabel sanitasi.

SNI 8152:2015 Pasar Rakyat is a guide made for proper management of public markets, including factors such as market sanitation. The objects of this research are Pasar Agung and Pasar Sukatani, in which the former has yet to receive a certification in SNI 8152:2015, while the latter has received its certification. The objective of this research is to analyse sanitation condition, source of bioaerosol, bioaerosol concentration, and the effect of sanitation condition towards bioaerosol concentration in both markets. The quantitative score for market sanitation is obtained from Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 519/MENKES/SK/VI/2008 tentang Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pasar Sehat dan diisi oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kota Depok. The score of the inspection for market sanitation at Pasar Agung is 888, while the score for Pasar Sukatani is 2.740 from total maximum score of 3.000. Sanitation variables that should be improved at Pasar Agung is drainage and hand washing area, disease-transmitting animals, and market disinfection, while at Pasar Sukatani it is toilet, disease-transmitting animals, and food quality. Sources of bioaerosol that are found in both markets are litter bins, rubbish heaps, drainage with and/or without lattice, water puddle, water tank/water tub, and water tap. The sources of bioaerosol are most found in fish section of the market. Sampling is conducted at five points in three kinds of market section, fish, poultry, and vegetable, and the amount of sample taken is multiplied by three with the sampling time of 30 seconds. The device used for sampling of bioaerosol is Single-stage Impaction Sampler (Environmental Monitoring Systems, Inc., E6 Sampler, USA), and the media used is Tryptic Soy Agar for bacterial bioaerosol and Malt Extract Agar for fungal bioaerosol. Temperature and relative humidity is measured at sampling location using multimeter (Lutron, AH-4223, Taiwan), and also light intensity using luxmeter (MASTECH, MS6612, Hong Kong). Average concentration of airborne bacteria in three market sections at Pasar Agung and Pasar Sukatani consecutively is 5.793 ± 3.028 CFU/m3 and 1.782 ± 431 CFU/m3. Average concentration of airborne fungi at Pasar Agung and Pasar Sukatani consecutively is 1.886 ± 1.097 CFU/m3 and 1.598 ± 329 CFU/m3. The average concentration of airborne bacteria in order from highest to lowest in Pasar Agung is located at fish, poultry, and vegetable section, while at Pasar Sukatani it is poultry, vegetable, and fish section. The average concentration of airborne fungi in order for highest to lowest in both Pasar Agung and Pasar Sukatani is located at fish, poultry, and vegetable section. Sanitation condition of markets is one of many factors affecting the concentration of bioaerosols, while the breakdown of bioaerosol sources found can affect each sanitation variables."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yang, Chin S.
New Jersey: Wiley-Interscience, 2007
579.17 SAM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sujan Balami
"Belowground modification of soil microbial community by invasive plants is well evident. Similar instances of Ageratina adenophora invasion have been reported. This study was aimed to determine the effect of A. adenophora invasion on species richness, species or community composition and occurrence frequency of soil fungi. These parameters were analyzed using culture method on invaded and uninvaded soils. Species richness of soil fungi was lower in the A. adenophora invaded soil compared to the uninvaded soil. The occurrence frequency of particular fungi was different for those two soil conditions. A. adenophora also altered soil fungi species composition in the invaded soil by replacing saprophytic fungi and accumulating pathogenic fungi. Thus, A. adenophora is associated to lower species richness of saprophytic soil fungi and high occurrence frequency of pathogenic soil fungi. This study concluded that the invasive A. adenophora modifies belowground soil fungi communities as one of the mechanisms involved in the successful invasion of A. adenophora."
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2017
634.6 BIO 24:3 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucky Hartati Moehario
"Tujuan Menunjukkan adanya A. anitratus pada isolat klinik (darah) yang berasal dari pasien rawat di rumah sakit di Jakarta selama periode 2002-2008 dan pola sensitivitas mikroorganisme ini terhadap antibiotika. Metode Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian retrospektif dari semua spesimen darah yang masuk ke laboratorium Mikrobiologi Klinik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (LMK-FKUI) dari tahun 2002-2008. Kultur dan pemeriksaan kepekaan terhadap antibiotik dilakukan berdasarkan praktek standar di LMK-FKUI dan Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute pada tahun yang bersangkutan. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan program WHO-NET 5.4. Semua mikroorganisme Gram negative yang diisolasi dari spesimen darah ditabulasi juga termasuk dengan uji kepekaan A. anitratus terhadap antibiotik. Selain itu juga dilakukan analisis terhadap asal spesimen atau dari institusi mana spesimen tersebut berasal. Hasil A. anitratus merupakan bakteri Gram negatif yang paling banyak diisolasi selama tujuh tahun sejak 2002 sampai 2008 dari spesimen darah, dan selalu ditemukan setiap tahunnya. Hampir 50% bakteri yang diisolasi terdiri dari bakteri tersebut dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa, dan keduanya adalah bakteri lingkungan. Pemeriksaan kepekaan bakteri A. anitratus terhadap antibiotik menunjukkan adanya resistensi terhadap beberapa antibiotik yang diuji. Evaluasi asal spesimen darah menunjukan sebagai berikut: 88 spesimen (74%) berasal dari Rumah Sakit pemerintah, 18 spesimen (15%) dari Rumah Sakit swasta, 3 spesimen (3%) dari pasien praktek dokter dan 10 spesimen (8%) tidak diketahui asalnya. Kesimpulan Ditemukan A.anitratus setiap tahun sejak 2002 sampai 2008 dari spesimen darah dari pasien rawat inap di beberapa Rumah Sakit di Jakarta. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mencari faktor resiko bakteremia A. anitratus agar dapat mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya infeksi rumah sakit. Selain itu sangat dianjurkan untuk melanjutkan sampai tahap genotyping untuk menentukan hubungan antara strain yang ada di Rumah Sakit dengan strain yang diisolasi dari pasien.

Aim To report the presence of environmental microorganisms, A. anitratus, in blood of hospitalized patients in Jakarta from 2002 to 2008 and their susceptibility to antibiotics. Methods A Retrospective study w as performed on all blood specimens that were received in Clinical Microbiology Laboratory (CML) Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia during 2002-2008. Culture and antimicrobialsusceptibility examination were carried out according to up to date standard practice in CML and Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute, recpectively. Data was collected by WHONET 5.4 program. All Gram-negative microorganisms that were isolated from blood specimens were tabulated, and so the antibiotics susceptibility of A. anitratus. The origin of the specimens in term of institutions where the specimens came from was also analyzed. Results In a 7 year period up to 2008, A. anitratus was found in blood specimens, and these invironmental bacteria were in fact the most predominant isolated Gram negative microorganisms. Together with another environmental microorganism, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, it composed nearly 50%. Antimicrobial susceptibility test of this microorganism showed some degree of resistance to all tested antibiotics. The origin of those blood specimens which yielded A. anitratus were mainly from government-owned hospitals, that was 88 specimens (74%), followed by private hospitals (18 specimens, 15%), individuals (3 specimens, 3%), and unknown source (10 specimens, 8%). Conclusion Persistent occurrence of A. anitratus in blood specimens of hospitalized patients in hospitals in Jakarta was observed. In the near future, a study to fi nd risk factors for the acquisition of A. anitratus bacteremia is needed to reduce potential hospital associated infection. Moreover, genotyping is advised in order to determine the relationship of hospital and patient derived strains."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reiss, Michael
Cambridge, UK: University Press, 2000
577 REI e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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