ABSTRAKMakalah ini menyelidiki apakah kualitas tata kelola (governance)
pemerintahan berkorelasi dengan pembangunan ekonomi di tingkat Kabupaten di
Indonesia. Menggunakan analisis cross-sectional, penelitian ini meneliti dampak
dari indikator pemerintahan di kabupaten terhadap kinerja ekonomi. Selain itu,
metode variabel instrumental digunakan untuk menyelidiki masalah kausalitas
antara tata kelola dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penelitian ini menggunakan survei
Tata Kelola Ekonomi Daerah sebagai variabel untuk tata kelola pemerintahan dan
jumlah kecamatan sebagai variabel instrumental. Temuan utama penelitian ini
adalah bahwa interaksi pemerintah dengan pihak swasta, biaya transaksi dan tata
kelola infrastruktur merupakan faktor penting untuk meningkatkan kinerja
ekonomi. Penelitian ini juga menemukan indikasi bahwa terdapat hubungan positif
dari tata kelola terhadap kinerja ekonomi.
ABSTRACTThis paper explore whether the quality of governance correlate with economic
development at local level in Indonesia. Using cross-sectional analyses, this study
examines the impacts of governance indicators on districts economic performance.
In addition, instrumental variable method is use to investigate the causality issue
between governance and economic growth. This study utilizes the Local Economic
Governance survey as the variable for governance and the number of subdistricts
as the instrumental variable. The main finding is that that government-business
interaction, transaction costs and infrastructure governance are important factors to
increase economic performance. This study also finds tentative evidence of the
positive relationship from economic governance to economic performance, This paper explore whether the quality of governance correlate with economic
development at local level in Indonesia. Using cross-sectional analyses, this study
examines the impacts of governance indicators on districts economic performance.
In addition, instrumental variable method is use to investigate the causality issue
between governance and economic growth. This study utilizes the Local Economic
Governance survey as the variable for governance and the number of subdistricts
as the instrumental variable. The main finding is that that government-business
interaction, transaction costs and infrastructure governance are important factors to
increase economic performance. This study also finds tentative evidence of the
positive relationship from economic governance to economic performance]"