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Johnson, Conrad D.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991
171.5 JOH m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinar Kurniandari
Tesis ini membahas mengenai perkawinan yang telah memenuhi rukun dan
syarat menurut hukum Islam tetapi belum dicatatkan di Kantor Urusan
Agama beserta akibat yang ditimbulkan dari perkawinan tersebut. Obyek
yang akan diteliti dalam tesis ini adalah Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Nomor:
468/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Jkt.Sel. Yang menjadi permasalahan dalam tesis ini adalah
apakah jual beli yang dilakukan oleh seorang istri dalam ikatan perkawinan siri
harus mendapat persetujuan suaminya sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 92
Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Apakah Hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan Nomor:
468/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Jkt.Sel sudah tepat bila ditinjau berdasarkan hukum Islam.
Metode Penelitian dalam Tesis ini menggunakan metode analisis-preskriptif
dengan menggunakan data sekunder yakni bahan hukum primer dan sekunder.
Pendekatan Hakim dalam memutus perkara ini menggunakan prespektif
berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 2 ayat (1) dan (2) Undang-undang nomor 1 Tahun
1974 tentang Perkawinan. Hakim berpendapat bahwa perkawinan tersebut
sah menurut hukum agama karena telah memenuhi rukun dan syaratsyaratnya
sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 2 ayat 1, sehingga hakim
menganggap bahwa pencatatan yang diatur dalam Pasal 2 ayat 2 tersebut
hanya merupakan syarat administratif saja, bukan merupakan syarat sah
perkawinan. Dengan demikian hakim menganggap bahwa ketentuan Pasal 2
ayat 1 dan 2 nya merupakan ketentuan sesuai yang berdiri sendiri. Dalam
hal perkawinan tidak memenuhi ketentuan sesuai yang diatur dalam Pasal 2
ayat 1 dan 2, maka berdasarkan hukum negara, perkawinan tersebut
dianggap tidak sah, karenanya negara tidak melindungi terhadap akibat
hukum yang timbul dari perkawinan tersebut. Sehingga jual beli yang
dilakukan oleh suami isteri yang terikat perkawinan siri tidak memerlukan
persetujuan dari salah satu pihak.
This thesis discusses the marriage that have met the requirements and
conditions according to the islmaic law but not yet registered in the
registry office and its consequences. The object to be studied in this thesis
is a court verdict number 468/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Jkt.Sel. the problem in this
thesis is whether the purchase is done by a wife in unregistered marriage
must be approved by her husband as provided for in Article 92
Compilation of Islamic Law. The court verdict number
468/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Jkt.Sel viewed by Islamic law. The research method in
this thesis-prescriptive analysis method using secondary data that primary
and secondary legal materials. Judge approach in deciding this case using a
perspective based on the provisions of Article 2 (1) and (2) of Act No.1
of 1974 about Marriage. The judge found that marriage is lawful religion
because it has met along and sets of requirements in accordance with the
provisions of Article 2, paragraph 1, so that the judge considers that the listing
set forth in Article 2, paragraph 2 is merely an administrative requirement, not a
condition of lawful marriage. Thus the judge considers that the provisions of
Article 2, paragraph 1 and 2 it is appropriate stand-alone provision. In the event
that the marriage does not meet the appropriate provisions set forth in Article 2,
paragraph 1 and 2, then by state law, marriage is considered invalid, and therefore
the state does not protect against legal consequences arising from the marriage. So
buying and selling is done by a husband and wife are bound marriage siri does not
require the consent of one party.;This thesis discusses the marriage that have met the requirements and
conditions according to the islmaic law but not yet registered in the
registry office and its consequences. The object to be studied in this thesis
is a court verdict number 468/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Jkt.Sel. the problem in this
thesis is whether the purchase is done by a wife in unregistered marriage
must be approved by her husband as provided for in Article 92
Compilation of Islamic Law. The court verdict number
468/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Jkt.Sel viewed by Islamic law. The research method in
this thesis-prescriptive analysis method using secondary data that primary
and secondary legal materials. Judge approach in deciding this case using a
perspective based on the provisions of Article 2 (1) and (2) of Act No.1
of 1974 about Marriage. The judge found that marriage is lawful religion
because it has met along and sets of requirements in accordance with the
provisions of Article 2, paragraph 1, so that the judge considers that the listing
set forth in Article 2, paragraph 2 is merely an administrative requirement, not a
condition of lawful marriage. Thus the judge considers that the provisions of
Article 2, paragraph 1 and 2 it is appropriate stand-alone provision. In the event
that the marriage does not meet the appropriate provisions set forth in Article 2,
paragraph 1 and 2, then by state law, marriage is considered invalid, and therefore
the state does not protect against legal consequences arising from the marriage. So
buying and selling is done by a husband and wife are bound marriage siri does not
require the consent of one party., This thesis discusses the marriage that have met the requirements and
conditions according to the islmaic law but not yet registered in the
registry office and its consequences. The object to be studied in this thesis
is a court verdict number 468/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Jkt.Sel. the problem in this
thesis is whether the purchase is done by a wife in unregistered marriage
must be approved by her husband as provided for in Article 92
Compilation of Islamic Law. The court verdict number
468/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Jkt.Sel viewed by Islamic law. The research method in
this thesis-prescriptive analysis method using secondary data that primary
and secondary legal materials. Judge approach in deciding this case using a
perspective based on the provisions of Article 2 (1) and (2) of Act No.1
of 1974 about Marriage. The judge found that marriage is lawful religion
because it has met along and sets of requirements in accordance with the
provisions of Article 2, paragraph 1, so that the judge considers that the listing
set forth in Article 2, paragraph 2 is merely an administrative requirement, not a
condition of lawful marriage. Thus the judge considers that the provisions of
Article 2, paragraph 1 and 2 it is appropriate stand-alone provision. In the event
that the marriage does not meet the appropriate provisions set forth in Article 2,
paragraph 1 and 2, then by state law, marriage is considered invalid, and therefore
the state does not protect against legal consequences arising from the marriage. So
buying and selling is done by a husband and wife are bound marriage siri does not
require the consent of one party.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Irfandi Nandityo
"Tesis ini membahas tentang peran dan kedudukan hukum Majelis Kehormatan Etik Kedokteran dalam putusan hakim dan menganalisis putusan No. 90/PID.B/2011/PN.MDO, Kasasi No. 365 K/PID. 2012, dan Putusan Nomor 79 PK/PID/2013. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami peran Majelis Kehormatan Etik Kedokteran dalam menyelesaikan sengketa medis di pengadilan umum dan menganalisis putusan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan secara tepat ciri-ciri seseorang, kondisi, gejala atau kelompok tertentu, atau untuk mengetahui penyebaran suatu gejala, atau untuk mengetahui hubungan suatu gejala dengan gejala lainnya. gejala di masyarakat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa persidangan MKEK dapat dibuka atau ditutup dengan memperhatikan kondisi tertentu dan diumumkan oleh Majelis Penguji MKEK, dan putusan MKEK dapat menjadi alat bukti dalam persidangan umum dengan izin Ketua MKEK. MKEK Pusat. Dalam menjalankan profesinya, dokter dan tenaga kesehatan lainnya diharapkan memperhatikan hak pasien dan kewajibannya dalam berusaha menyembuhkan penyakit pasien sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, serta senantiasa berpedoman pada Kode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia. , yang bertujuan untuk mencegah dokter dari perselisihan dan kerusakan medis. tidak diinginkan. Kemudian masih ada ketentuan di ORTALA yang terkesan berpihak pada dokter, belum kepada masyarakat sehingga perlu ditinjau kembali guna melindungi kepentingan semua pihak. Sebaiknya ketentuan tata cara persidangan MKEK juga diatur dalam UU Praktik Kedokteran yang bertujuan untuk memperjelas kedudukan hukum sidang MKEK agar tidak disalahgunakan untuk kepentingan satu pihak saja.

This thesis discusses the role and legal position of the Medical Ethics Honorary Council in judge decisions and analyzes decision No. 90/PID.B/2011/PN.MDO, Cassation No. 365 K/PID. 2012, and Decision Number 79 PK/PID/2013. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of the Medical Ethics Honorary Council in resolving medical disputes in general courts and analyzing decisions. This research is a type of juridical normative descriptive research, that is, this research aims to describe precisely the characteristics of a person, condition, symptom or a certain group, or to determine the spread of a symptom, or to determine the relationship of a symptom to other symptoms. symptoms in society. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that MKEK trials can be opened or closed with due observance of certain conditions and announced by the MKEK Examination Council, and MKEK decisions can serve as evidence in general trials with the permission of the Chief Justice of the MKEK. Central MKEK. In carrying out their profession, doctors and other health workers are expected to pay attention to the rights of patients and their obligations in trying to cure a patient's illness in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, and always be guided by the Indonesian Medical Code of Ethics. , which aims to prevent doctors from medical disputes and damage. undesirable. Then there are still provisions in ORTALA that seem to side with doctors, not to the community so that it needs to be reviewed in order to protect the interests of all parties. It is better if the provisions for the trial procedure of the MKEK are also regulated in the Medical Practice Law which aims to clarify the legal position of the MKEK trial so that it is not misused for the benefit of one party only."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fuller, Lon L.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1974
340.112 FUL m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sadurski, Wojciech
Dordrecht-Holland: Kluwer Academic, 1990
340.112 SAD m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Posner, Richard A.
London: Harvard University Press, 2002
340.112 POS p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farley Richie Leardo
"[Perbuatan Melawan Hukum diartikan sebagai suatu perbuatan yang melanggar hukum tertulis maupun hukum tidak tertulis. Dalam hal ini Notaris telah membuat akta Perubahan anggaran dasar CV yang melawan hukum dikarenakan adanya kelalaian Notaris dalam membuat minuta akta, yang mana notaris tidak memintakan bukti fisik dari surat kuasa pihak yang berkepentingan dalam akta sehingga terdapat keterangan palsu dalam akta tersebut. Dalam hal ini bagaimana prosedur pembuatan akta menurut Undang-Undang dan apa akibat hukum terhadap akta tersebut yang dibuat tidak sesuai undang-undang serta apa sanksi yang dikenakan terhadap notaris yang melakukan pelanggaran tersebut, Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan yaitu metode yang memiliki kegiatan mengumpulkan data sekunder yang dapat berupa bahan hukum primer maupun bahan hukum sekunder. Analisa kasus dilakukan terhadap putusan Pengadilan Negeri Pekanbaru Nomor 116/Pdt/G/2012/Pn.Pbr, dan adapun prosedur pembuatan akta notaris yang dibuat oleh (akta relaas) atau dihadapan (akta partij) Notaris dan akibat dari tidak dibuatnya akta menurut Undang-Undang adalah akta tersebut batal demi hukum. Sanksi yang dikenakan pada notaris tersebut bisa berupa sanksi perdata, sanksi pidana, dan sanksi administratif. Dalam hal ini Notaris hendaknya memiliki sifat kehati-hatian, ketelitian dan memiliki itikad baik dalam pembuatan akta otentik serta mematuhi ketentuan hukum yang berlaku dan berlandaskan pada moral dan etika.

Unlawful acts defined as an act in violation of written law and unwritten law. In this case notary had been made of amendment the articles of partnership CV that unlawful because of negligence in making notarial deed, notary did not ask physical evidence the power of attorney of interested parties in the act so there is false information in the act. In this case how the deed manufacturing procedures according to law and what sanctions are imposed on the notary who committed the offense, In thisresearch literature using the methods that have a secondary data gathering activities that
can be either primary law materials or secondary legal materials. In this case analysis to the decisions of the District Court of Pekanbaru Number 116/Pdt/G/2012/Pn.Pbr. and as for making procedure that is created by (deed party) or presence (announcement notarial) deed, and the consequences of the deed not made under the act is the deed is null and void, and sanctions imposed on the notary which are able to form civil sanctions, criminal sanctions, and administrative sanctions. In this case notary should have a prudent nature, thoroughness, and good faith in making authentic deed and to comply with applicable law and based on moral and ethical. Unlawful acts defined as an act in violation of written law and unwritten law. In this case notary had been made of amendment the articles of partnership CV that unlawful because of negligence in making notarial deed, notary did not ask physical
evidence the power of attorney of interested parties in the act so there is false information in the act. In this case how the deed manufacturing procedures according to law and what sanctions are imposed on the notary who committed the offense, In this research literature using the methods that have a secondary data gathering activities that can be either primary law materials or secondary legal materials. In this case analysis to the decisions of the District Court of Pekanbaru Number 116/Pdt/G/2012/Pn.Pbr. and as for making procedure that is created by (deed party) or presence (announcement notarial) deed, and the consequences of the deed not made under the act is the deed is null and void, and sanctions imposed on the notary which are able to form civil sanctions, criminal sanctions, and administrative sanctions. In this case notary should have a prudent nature, thoroughness, and good faith in making authentic deed and to comply with applicable law and based on moral and ethical.;Unlawful acts defined as an act in violation of written law and unwritten law. In
this case notary had been made of amendment the articles of partnership CV that
unlawful because of negligence in making notarial deed, notary did not ask physical
evidence the power of attorney of interested parties in the act so there is false
information in the act. In this case how the deed manufacturing procedures according to
law and what sanctions are imposed on the notary who committed the offense, In this
research literature using the methods that have a secondary data gathering activities that
can be either primary law materials or secondary legal materials. In this case analysis to
the decisions of the District Court of Pekanbaru Number 116/Pdt/G/2012/Pn.Pbr. and as
for making procedure that is created by (deed party) or presence (announcement
notarial) deed, and the consequences of the deed not made under the act is the deed is
null and void, and sanctions imposed on the notary which are able to form civil
sanctions, criminal sanctions, and administrative sanctions. In this case notary should
have a prudent nature, thoroughness, and good faith in making authentic deed and to
comply with applicable law and based on moral and ethical., Unlawful acts defined as an act in violation of written law and unwritten law. In
this case notary had been made of amendment the articles of partnership CV that
unlawful because of negligence in making notarial deed, notary did not ask physical
evidence the power of attorney of interested parties in the act so there is false
information in the act. In this case how the deed manufacturing procedures according to
law and what sanctions are imposed on the notary who committed the offense, In this
research literature using the methods that have a secondary data gathering activities that
can be either primary law materials or secondary legal materials. In this case analysis to
the decisions of the District Court of Pekanbaru Number 116/Pdt/G/2012/Pn.Pbr. and as
for making procedure that is created by (deed party) or presence (announcement
notarial) deed, and the consequences of the deed not made under the act is the deed is
null and void, and sanctions imposed on the notary which are able to form civil
sanctions, criminal sanctions, and administrative sanctions. In this case notary should
have a prudent nature, thoroughness, and good faith in making authentic deed and to
comply with applicable law and based on moral and ethical.]
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Pranajaya
"Tesis ini merupakan sebuah studi komparatif terhadap pengaturan Jabatan dan Kode Etik Notaris di Indonesia dan Jepang. Keduanya merupakan Lantijnse Notariat yang terhimpun dalam International Union of Latin Notaries (UINL). Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, Notaris berpedoman pada Undang-Undang Jabatan dan Kode Etik Notaris. Melalui pendekatan komparatif, tesis ini membandingkan aturan hukum tentang Jabatan Notaris yang berlaku di Indonesia dan Jepang, serta membandingkan pengaturan Kode Etik Notaris yang dikeluarkan oleh UINL sebagai perhimpunan Notaris Internasional, Ikatan Notaris Indonesia (I.N.I) sebagai organisasi Notaris Indonesia, dan Japan National Notary Association (JNNA) sebagai Organisasi Notaris Jepang.

This thesis draws up a comparison study between the regulation and Ethics Code of Notaries in Indonesia and Japan. Both are recognized as Latijnse Notariat and listed as the members of International Union of Latin Notaries (UINL). Notary in their work complies with the Notary Law and Notary Ethics Code. By using comparative approach, this thesis compares the regulation concerning Notary in Indonesia and Japan, also compares the Ethics Codes which are drown up by UINL as the International Notary Union, Ikatan Notaris Indoneisa (I.N.I) as the Notary organization in Indonesia, and Japan National Notary Association (JNNA) as the Notary organization in Japan."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dokter adalah profesi yang terikat pada prinsip dalam etika kedokteran dan prinsip dasar yang tidak mengambarkan nilai atau tujuan komersil dari profesi kedokteran dalam melakukan praktik kedokteran. Akan tetapi tidak dipungkiri permintaan akan pelayanan jasa kedokteran semakin meningkat sehingga jumlah fakultas kedokteran maupun rumah sakit di Indonesia juga meningkat. Dalam lingkungan ASEAN profesi jasa kedokteran dalam perdagangan jasa dibentuk melalui MRA Praktisi Medis, yang dasar pembentukannya adalah Artikel VII GATS, yang lalu diatur kembali dalam Artikel V AFAS perihal pengakuan atas pendidikan dan pengalaman seseorang yang telah ditempuh atau diterima di suatu negara anggota oleh negara anggota lainnya yang menjadi negara tujuan. Meski MRA Praktisi Medis telah diakomodir oleh Perkonsil 157/2009 tentang Tata Cara Registrasi Dokter Warga Negara ASEAN yang akan Melakukan Praktik di Indonesia, UU 29/2004 tentang Praktik Kedokteran, UU 44/2009 tentang Rumah Sakit dan aturan terkait lainnya di Indonesia, tidak semata-mata menyatakan bahwa Pemerintah Indonesia membuka akses pasar bagi jasa kedokteran terutama dalam Modus 4 jasa kedokteran. Masing-masing negara anggota ASEAN telah mengatur persyaratan dan kualifikasi untuk mendapatkan registrasi bagi praktisi medis asing untuk melakukan praktik kedoteran di negara tujuan dengan mengacu kepada MRA Praktisi Medis dengan menambahkan persyaratan tambahan yang dirasa perlu (necessary) berdasarkan prinsip domestic regulation. Hal ini dapat menjadi hambatan dalam pelaksanaan MRA Praktisi Medis di Indonesia terutama kendala kemampuan bahasa. Akan tetapi diluar dari hambatan tersebut terdapat peluang pelaksanaan MRA Praktisi Medis yaitu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kesehatan di wilayah-wilayah Indonesia dan lapangan pekerjaan di dalam maupun luar negeri.

Doctor is a profession that is bound by principles in medical ethics and basic principles that do not reflect the value or commercial objectives of the medical profession in practicing medicine. However, it is undeniable that the demand for medical services is increasing so that the number of medical faculties and hospitals in Indonesia is also increasing. In the ASEAN environment, the medical services profession in the service trade is formed through the MRA of Medical Practitioners, the basis of which is Article VII GATS, which is then rearranged in Article V AFAS regarding the recognition of one's education and experience that has been taken or received in a member country by member countries. others which are the destination countries. Although the MRA of Medical Practitioners has been accommodated by Perkonsil 157/2009 concerning Procedures for the Registration of Doctors for ASEAN Nationals to Practice in Indonesia, Law 29/2004 on Medical Practice, Law 44/2009 on Hospitals and other related regulations in Indonesia, are not simply stated that the Indonesian government opens market access for medical services, especially in Mode 4 of medical services. Each ASEAN member country has regulated the requirements and qualifications to obtain registration for foreign medical practitioners to perform medical practice in the destination country by referring to the MRA of Medical Practitioners by adding additional requirements deemed necessary based on the principle of domestic regulation. This can be an obstacle in the implementation of MRA Medical Practitioners in Indonesia, especially language skills constraints. However, apart from these obstacles, there are opportunities for the implementation of MRA for Medical Practitioners, to meet the needs of health workers in Indonesian regions and employment opportunities at home and abroad."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Hingga saat ini belum ada kompilasi aturan hukum dan etika bagi pers ketika memberitakan proses peradilan pidana. Aturan yang tersebar menyulitkan pers mengetahui hal-hal yang menjadi hak dan kewajibannya. Oleh karena itu, hal utama yang dibahas dalam tesis ini ialah hukum dan etika tersebut kemudian membuat kompilasinya. Pembahasan selanjutnya lebih fokus pada hukum dan etika pers ketika memberitakan privasi pihak yang terlibat dalam proses peradilan pidana, serta hukum dan etika pers dalam siaran langsung sidang pengadilan. Penelitian ini berbentuk deskriptif analitis dengan menggunakan metode kepustakaan dan wawancara mendalam dengan narasumber. Peneliti menggunakan data sekunder dengan alat pengumpul data berupa studi kepustakaan dan data primer melalui wawancara mendalam dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara terhadap wartawan, perusahaan pers, Dewan Pers, Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia, ahli hukum, penasihat hukum, dan keluarga korban. Hasil penelitian menyarankan adanya penelitian sosiologis lebih lanjut mengenai penerapan asas praduga tak bersalah yang dihubungkan dengan penyebutan identitas tersangka dan terdakwa; saran bagi Dewan Pers dan Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia agar menyusun aturan yang lebih rinci mengenai privasi yang boleh diberitakan dan kepentingan umum yang menjadi pengecualian dari penghormatan terhadap privasi seseorang; saran bagi para pihak yang terlibat dalam proses peradilan pidana, juga pers, agar saling bekerja sama (kooperatif) dengan tetap memahami hukum dan etika profesi satu sama lain; dan saran bagi pers agar diwajibkan untuk mengikuti pendidikan profesi yang mengikutsertakan materi pemberitaan proses peradilan pidana secara khusus.

Until now there is not a compilation of laws and ethics for the Indonesian press in reporting the criminal justice process. So the scattered laws have given some problems for the press in knowing their rights and duties. Therefore the main problem which is discussed in this thesis is about the press laws and ethics with their compilation. The further discussion is more focused on the laws and ethics for the press in reporting the privacy of the persons who are involved in the criminal justice process, and the laws and ethics for the press in making the direct broadcasting from the criminal court. This research used analytic descriptive interpretation by using the library books and sincere interviews with the resource persons. The researcher collected the primary data through the literary study and got the secondary data by a sincere interview with the journalists, the press company, Dewan Pers, Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia, the law experts, the lawyers and the family of the victim. The result of this research suggests a further sociological research about the application of the principle for the innocent presumption which deals with the identity of the accused. The other suggestions are directed to the Dewan Pers and Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia to arrange the more detailed rules about the privacy which are allowed to be broadcasted for the respect of privacy and the criteria which can be excluded for the public interest. The persons who are concerned with the criminal justice process, including the journalists are suggested to be more understanding and cooperative with each other in dealing with their laws and ethics professions. Finally the journalists are suggested to follow a professional education which includes particularly about the broadcasting of the criminal justice process as one of the subjects."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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