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Ditemukan 7267 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Tony Djubiantono
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional & Museum Nasional D'histoire Naturelle , 1990
930.1 TON m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Whittaker, Joss R.
In places with limited access to manufactured goods, people must develop creative strategies to make the most of available materials, both those produced by humans and those taken from the natural world. Although Pulau Ujir, in the Aru Islands, has a long history of engagement with global trade networks, until recently the communitys access to manufactured goods was limited and infrequent. As a result, in the past objects there tended to take on new lives, and still do today: they are modified, re-purposed, and recycled in ingenious ways. This article explores the relationship between people and things in Ujir from the perspectives of object biography and Actor Network Theory. I argue that the complex life stories of material things in such conditions of scarcity deserve special attention, because they may explain not only puzzling archaeological phenomena, but also aspects of the social lives of the people who used andreused them. Two modified and repurposed fragments, one of porcelain and one of glass, serve as examples."
Depok: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2019
909 UI-WACANA 20:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sofwan Noerwadi
The issue of globalization is booming recently, but it is not really a new thing in the history of human civilization. However, the issue of globalization in the past, -particularly in Archaeological perspective- is not too much discussed among social sciences in Indonesia. This paper aims to open the isolation by understanding the processes of globalization and its correlation to the maritime trade through archaeological data based on human remains from Leran burial site, Rembang, Central Java. Research method used in this paper is Bioarchaeological approach based on dental metric and non-metric characters analysis which performed to determine the biological affinity of Leran people in comparison with some samples from surrounding area. The result could be seen that the Leran population has a fairly diverse biological affinity which correlated to the strategic position of this site in the ancient global network of maritime trade. "
Yogyakarta: Balai Arkeologi D.I Yogyakarta, 2017
930 ARKEO 37:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunadi Kasnowihardjo
Generally in Indonesia and especially in Java, until now, in East Java dolmens are known to be found in, which is in Bondowoso and Besuki. Lately, it is known that dolmen are also found in the area of Banyuwangi Regency. One of the monuments from this megalithic tradition found in the area of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII Malangsari, Banyuwangi, East Java. Based on information from the local community it is estimated that the Malangsari plantation area is the Dolmen Tomb Site. Physically, construction of the dolmen in this area only has a few interference because it is buried between 50-60 cm and covered by a coffee plantation which owned by PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII. However, some of the dolmens have been excavated by people looters. They were able to open the dolmen tomb simply by opening a stone without unpacking its construction. Dolmen that was found from the excavation at Petak D 55 Sidomaju Block, Afdeling Mulyosari, Malangsari, are still intact if it is seen physically and from the construction, but both the human remains and artifacts ware not found. It is a proof that this dolmen has been opened before. Nevertheless, Malangsari dolmen is a very interesting object to conduct research, because of its wide distribution area and there has not been done a comprehensive research for this object. In the future, this object is important to investigate, both for the development of archaeological research, as well as for the benefit of archaeological resource management in Indonesia. "
Yogyakarta: Balai Arkeologi D.I Yogyakarta, 2017
930 ARKEO 37:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Nugroho
Patirthān merupakan peninggalan arsitektur bangunan atau kolam penampungan
air yang memiliki fungsi profan yakni sebagai pemenuh kebutuhan air dan sakral
yakni sebagai sarana pendukung kegiatan keagamaan. Patirthān muncul dan
berkembang dari masa klasik tua hingga masa klasik muda. Berbeda dengan
bangunan candi, bangunan patirthān tidak memiliki pedoman pembangunan yang
baku, sehingga tidak diketahui ciri, gaya serta penataan dari bangunan tersebut.
Penelitian ini membahas 11 patirthān yang ada di wilayah Jawa Tengah dan
Yogyakarta guna mengetahui ciri, gaya serta penataan dari bangunan patirthān
dan membandingkannya dengan patirthān masa klasik muda di Jawa Timur.

Patirthān is one of architectural remains or a sacred pool which believed having
profane function as a daily needs and sacred function as part or ritual. In ancient
Javanese period, Patirthān can be found both in early classic and late classic
period. Patirthān can be distinguished from Candi, especially in guiding aspect
and manual books, Most of Patirthān do not have some sort of manual book. This
concept, then implicate the form and style of Partithān’s architecture. This
undergraduate thesis will deliberate 11 Patirthān located in Central Java and
Yogyakarta for the purpose acquiring characteristic, style, and placing from
Patirthān and comparing from Patirthān in Ancient Javanese Late Period."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dzulfiqar Isham
"Perjudian merupakan kegiatan bertaruh atau mempertaruhkan sesuatu yang berharga. Perjudian biasanya melibatkan beberapa faktor penting diantaranya adalah pelaku perjudian, lokasi perjudian, dan kegiatan perjudian itu sendiri. Perjudian pada masa lalu memiliki jejak rekam sejarah melalui prasasti. Prasasti yang menyimpan rekaman sejarah tersebut adalah prasasti sima, selain prasasti sima juga terdapat data pendukung yang lain speerti naskah dan juga relief. Data pendukung tersebut juga memberikan gambaran yang jelas mengenai perjudian pada masa Jawa kuno. Berdasarkan perbandingan data utama dengan isi naskah sastra maka perjudian memang ada dan muncul pada masa Jawa Kuno namun perjudian pada naskah belum ditemui pada prasasti yang sezaman. Teori-teori masuknya budaya dan agama India ke Indonesia tampaknya tidak diikuti oleh masuknya perjudian ke dalam budaya Indonesia. Data etnografi juga menunjukkan bahwa perjudian tradisional yang ada sekarang ini berbeda dengan perjudian di India. Berdasarkan data itu juga memperkuat asumsi bahwa perjudian tradisional seperti sabung ayam, adu kambing, dan adu babi masih berlangsung hingga kini. Bentuk-bentuk perjudian adu hewan yang berlangsung hingga saat ini merupakan usaha dan upaya masyarakat dalam mempertahankannya. Sabung ayam yang bertahan diseluruh pelosok Jawa dan Bali, adu kambing atau domba masih dilestarikan oleh masyarakat Jawa Barat, adu babi masih dilestarikan oleh masyarakat Sumedang dan adu balap burung dara oleh masyarakat Jawa Barat merupakan bentuk budaya yang masih bertahan hingga kini.

Gambling is an activity bet or risking something of value. Gambling usually involves several important factors including the perpetrators of gambling, gambling location, and gambling itself. Gambling in the past has a track record history through inscriptions. Inscriptions keep the historical record is the inscription sima, sima inscription in addition there are also other supporting data speerti script and also relief. The supporting data also provide a clear picture of the future of gambling in ancient Java. Based on comparison of key data to the content of literary texts, the gambling exists and appears in ancient Javanese period but gambling on the manuscript has not been found in contemporary inscriptions. Theories entry of culture and religion of India to Indonesia does not seem to be followed by the entry of gambling into the culture of Indonesia. Ethnographic data also show that the current traditional gambling is different from gambling in India. Based on that data also reinforces the assumption that traditional gambling such as cock fighting, fighting goats, and pigs fighting has continued until now. The forms of gambling animal fights that took place today is a business and community efforts to maintain it. Cockfighting sustained throughout the corners of Java and Bali, fighting goats or sheep are still preserved by the people of West Java, the pig race is still preserved by the people of Soil and race racing pigeons by the people of West Java is a form of culture that still survives to this day."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Napitupulu, Intan Mardiana
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Libra Hari Inagurasi
"Obyek penelitian ini adalah peninggalan industri yang masih hidup (living industrial heritage) yang dikaji melalui arkeologi industri (industrial archaeology). Dipilihnya tema tersebut dalam penelitian ini dengan pertimbangan, selama ini penelitian arkeologi di Indonesia yang mengangkat topik arkeologi industri belum pernah dilakuan, meskipun peninggalan industri banyak terdapat di Indonesia. Manusia sejak masa lampau telah mengenal alat yang digunakan untuk mempermudah pekerjaannya. Seperti halnya dalam pembuatan gula berbahan baku tebu (Saccharum officinarum). Awal mulanya manusia mengenal pembuatan gula secara tradisional yakni menggunakan seperangkat alat sederhana yang dinamakan ?kilang?, yakni alat yang dibuat dari bahan kayu atau batu, gunanya untuk memeras atau menggiling tebu, digerakkan oleh tenaga hewan sapi atau kerbau. Cara-cara pembuatan gula secara tradisional tersebut setidak-tidaknya telah dikenal sejak abad ke-17 hingga abad ke-18 di Banten, Batavia dan sekitarnya. Bersamaan dengan kekuasaan bangsa Belanda, pada abad ke-19 mulai diperkenalkan teknologi baru dalam hal cara-cara pmbuatan gula, yakni menggunakan mesin-mesin mekanik dan mendirikan pabrik-pabrik gula. Mesinmesin tersebut adalah mesin bertenaga uap air bertekanan tinggi, merupakan wujud teknologi yang berkembang pada abad ke-19, yang ditemukan bersamaan dengan Revolusi Industri di Inggris abad ke-18. Industri gula merupakan suatu mekanisme yang terdiri dari beberapa komponen, lingkungan atau sumberdaya alam yang mendukung, ketersediaan bahan baku, mesin, peralatan, bangunan, dan orang-orang atau manusia yang melakukannya. Industri tersebut telah direncanakan secara matang dengan memperhatikan pertimbangan ekologis. Aktivitas industri gula Cepiring didukung oleh lingkungan alam atau lingkungan fisik yang ada disekitarnya. Berbagai benda-benda teknologi yang ditinggalkan, di masa kini menjadi buktibukti fisik kemajuan teknologi masa lampau, yakni kemajuan teknologi industri dan transportasi. Kemajuan teknologi tersebut disertai pula dengan perubahanperubahan pada masyarakat yakni munculnya masyarakat industri.

The Object of the research is living industrial heritage seen from the point view of industrial archaeology. The theme is chosen because thus far research on industrial archaeology has not been carried out in Indonesia. Since a very long time ago, human beings have known tools to make their works easier. This was also the case with sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) based sugar manufacture. Initially people made sugar traditionally using a series of simple tools made of wood or stone named ?mill? (kilang) to press or grind sugarcanes. The tool is moved by a bull or water buffalo. Such traditional way sugar manufacture had been practiced at least within 17th?18th centuries AD in Banten, Batavia, and the surrounding environment. With the coming of the Dutch colonial, in 19th century AD new technologies was introduced in sugar manufacturing procedure, such as: the use of mechanical machines and the establishment of more modern sugar factories. The new machines were powered by high-pressured steam, which was a type of technology that was developed in 19th century AD and was innovated during the Industrial Revolution in the United Kingdom in 18th century AD. Sugar manufacture industry as a mechanism that consist of several component: suitable environment or natural sources, availability of raw material, machinery, apparatus, factory building and manpower. This type of industry was thoroughly planned and taking into account the ecological factors. The activities of the Cepiring sugar factory were supported by suitable natural sources or physical environment. The various technological items that survived are the physical evidences of technological advancement in the past in the fields of industry and transportation, which were accompanied."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional, 2000
930.1 KRO (2)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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