ABSTRAKPT XYZ telah menjalankan banyak kontrol TI untuk menjaga agar proses bisnis yang dijalankan dapat terhindar dari risiko-risiko kesalahan dan kecurangan. Kontrol tersebut diuji keefektifitasannya oleh Internal Audit Group IAG . Terdapat area dan kontrol yang diujikan secara berulang setiap tahun yang dilakukan secara manual oleh auditor menggunakan metode sampling. Selain itu, IAG juga melakukan pemantauan secara berkala terhadap temuan-temuan audit yang dikeluarkan. Pemantauan audit dilakukan berdasarkan dokumen tertulis oleh setiap divisi dengan mengacu pada timeline yang disepakati dengan Auditee.Berdasarkan hasil analisis dari permasalahan pengujian kontrol dan pemantauan hasil audit, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat rancangan spesifikasi kebutuhan Sistem Pengujian Kontrol dan Pemantauan Hasil Audit yang dapat digunakan oleh IAG PT XYZ. Spesifikasi kebutuhan sistem dirancang menggunakan proses rekayasa perangkat lunak Rational Unified Process RUP pada satu iterasi fase inception dan dua iterasi fase elaboration dengan ruang lingkup business modeling workflow dan requirements workflow. Hasil dari penelitian didapatkan 18 stakeholder request STRQ , 19 NEED, 27 fitur FEAT , 33 kebutuhan spesifikasi sistem SRS dengan 10 kebutuhan fungsional UCS dan 28 kebutuhan non-fungsional SUPP . Seluruh hasil tersebut didokumentasikan pada artefak Requirement Management Plan, Stakeholder Request, Vision, Software Requirement Specification, Use Case Specification, Supplementary Specification, dan Glossary.
ABSTRACTPT XYZ has implemented many IT controls to prevent the business process from risk of fraudulent. The effectiveness of the controls are tested by conducting audit activities performed by the Internal Audit Group IAG . There are recurring audit of controls that are performed manually by the auditor using sampling method. In addition, IAG also conducts regular monitoring of audit findings. Audit monitoring is done manually by each division based on the agreed timeline with Auditee.Based on the problem analysis of control testing and monitoring audit results, this study aims to make the requirement specification design for continuous auditing and monitoring system that can be used by IAG PT XYZ. The requirement specification is designed using the Rational Unified Process RUP software process through inception and elaboration phases with the scope of business modeling workflow and requirements, analysis and design workflow.The result of this research are 18 stakeholder request STRQ , 19 NEED, 27 features FEAT , 33 software requirement specifications SRS that consist of 10 functional requirements UCS and 28 non functional requirements SUPP . All the results are documented in Requirement Management Plan, Stakeholder Request, Vision, Software Requirement Specification, Use Case Specification, Supplementary Specification, and Glossary artifacts."