Mirza S. Mashudi
"Jumlah komunitas kendaraan roda dua saat ini semakin meningkat, namun komunitas-komunitas hanya sedikit memperoleh dukungan dari pihak produsen. Hal ini sangat berbeda dengan yang dilakukan oleh produsen Harley Davidson yang mempergunakan komunitas pelanggan untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan konsumen terhadap produk dan Ioyalitas pelanggan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas pelanggan dalam komunitas terhadap Ioyaiitas pelanggan. Tipe penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kuantitatif.
Profil anggota komunitas digunakan untuk memperoieh gambaran tentang demografi anggota komunitas pada segmen 100 s.d. 125 cc. Perilaku pelanggan diukur dengan variabel Perceived Used Value (PUV) untuk mengetahui persepsi konsumen terhadap produk, dan variabel Customer Bonding untuk mengetahui respon konsumen terhadap aktititas produsen yang melibatkan customer.
Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah komunitas pelanggan yang memiliki kendaraan sejenis yaitu, Honda Karisma, Yamaha Jupiter, dan Suzuki Shogun 125. Teknik pengambilan sampei secara insiden kritis sehingga diperoleh jumlah responden sebanyak 100 orang.
Dari hasil perhitungan PUV dimensi global diperoleh skor perfomance sebesar 6,28, durability 6.35, feature sebesar 5,89, consistency sebesar 5,67, design sebesar 6,06, service reliability sebesar 5,97, responsiveness sebesar 6,05, tangible sebesar 5,68, estetika sebesar 5,87, seif expressive value sebesar 5,78, dan kemudahan sebesar 6,07.
Hasil perhitungan pada community bonding diperoleh skor total sub variabel awarennes bonding sebssar 4,20, relationship bonding sebesar 4,09, community bonding sebesar 4,23 dan advocacy bonding sebesar 4,09.
Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini, yaitu diperlukan peningkatan kualitas produk, aktivitas customer bonding, dukungan pada komunitas pengguna, serta reorganisasi pada komunitas pengguna.
Amount of community of motorcycle in this time progressively mount, but scanty community get support from producer. This is matter very differing from which done by Harley Davidson producer utilizing customer community to increase involvement of consumer to customer loyality and product.This research aim to know customer activity in community to customer loyality. This Research type is descriptive analysis with quantitative approach. Member community profile used to get picture about community member demography at segment 100 to 125 cc. Behavioral of customer measured with Perceived Used Value variable (PUV) to know consumer perception to product, and Customer Bonding variable to know consumer respond to producer activity entangling customer.Population which is used in research is customer community owning vehicle of a kind that is. Honda Karisma. Yamaha Jupiter, and Suzuki Shogun 125. Technique intake of sampel incidently critical is so that obtained by the amount of responder counted 100 people.From result of calculation of obtained by global PUV dimension of performance score equal to 6.28, durability 6.35. feature equal to 5.89, consistency equal to 5.67. design equal to 6.06, reliability service equal to 5.97, responsiveness equal to 6.05, tangible equal to 5.68. esthetics equal to 5.87, value expressive self equal to 5.78. and amenity equal to 6.07.Result of calculation at community bonding obtained by total score of awarennes bonding variable sub 4,20. relationship bonding equal to 4.09, community bonding equal to 4.23 and advocacy bonding equal to 4.09.Recommendation from this research, that is needed bythe make-up of the quality of product, customer bonding activity, support at consumer community, and also reorganization at consumer community."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006