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Ditemukan 97596 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Bayu Asih Yulianto
"Tesis ini membahas dinamika strategi bertahan hidupnya keluarga-keluarga petani di perdesaan, terutama menyangkut dimensi ekonomi dan politik pada kurun waktu setelah tumbangnya rezim penguasa orde baru. Tesis ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis metode etnografi di salah satu desa di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Hasil dari penelitian ini antara lain menyatakan bahwa kelompok petani kecil seperti buruh tani dan petani penggarap di perdesaan cenderung mengalami stagnasi kemiskinan, dimana proses eksploitasi yang dilakukan saat ini semakin canggih dan tidak kentara. Pasar melakukan eksploitasi simbolik dengan memanfaatkan jaringan kekerabatan dan sistem kepercayaan yang kuat diantara masyarakat desa. Dalam konteks ini pula, adanya kekuasaan yang semakin terdistribusi diantara warga desa semakin menyuburkan serta semakin menyamarkan praktek-praktek eksploitasi yang tengah berlangsung. Dan oleh karenanya, batasan antara negara, pasar dan masyarakat semakin kabur.

This research explored the dinamic of how peasant society survive in rural area linked to political and cconomic dimension in post reformation period. This reseach located at a village in Bogor district, West Java and used qualitative approach with ethnograph method. The result showcd that the group of the peasant like poor peasant or small farmer still in the same circumstances, which is poverty stagnation. The exploitation now tend in the shopisticated and vague form. The market exploitation today seen as simbolic exploitation where the kindship ties and trust System have been used by them. Still in this context, the distributive power between people in the village made exploitation practices become vague and more effective. And because of the distributive power, the limitation between state, market and civil society become borderless."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bandung: Alumni, 2001
384.55 CHU k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khairil Anwar
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab tentang desentralisasi asimetris di Indonesia pasca reformasi berupa bagaimana penerapannya dan bagaimana bentuk ideal yang seharusnya diterapkan. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Agus Brotosusilo yang bersumber dari Pancasila yang barasal dari hukum adat nusantara berupa dominannya sikap komunal dari individual, spiritual daripada materialisme dan romatisme dari rasionalisme. Selain itu digunakan juga teori lainnya berupa teori konflik Dahrendorf. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkap terjadi resentralisasi dari daerah ke pusat berupa diambilnya kewenangan pada UU Ciptakerja untuk keseluruhan daerah dan perubahan Otsus Papua, Papua Barat dan Aceh bagi daerah asimetris. UU Sapu jagat didapati resentralisasi; pertama, perizinan usaha ditentukan dan dimiliki pusat, kedua, wewenang penataan ruang terpusat, ketiga, amdal dipermudah, keempat, sanksi dimiliki pusat dan dipermudah, dan kelima, pajak ditarik pusat. Sedangkan pada perubahan Otsus Papua didapati; pemekaran Papua dipermudah, perubahan UU otsus tidak perlu persetujuan DPRP dan MRP, pengawasan domain pusat, pendirian parpol oleh Orang Papua dihilangkan dan kewajiban konsultasi parpol ke MRP dan DPRP disunat, dan jabatan wagub dapat diisi. Sementara pada Aceh tidak dipenuhinya Pengatutan lambang Aceh dan pengaturan suku bunga. Tidak terdapat harmonisasi sebagaimana teori Agus Brotosusilo karena pusat sangat mendominasi dengan terjadinya resentralisasi sehingga daerah merasa tidak dimanusiakan. Preskriptif yang ditawarkan adalah mewujudkan harmonisasi dan memperluas penerapan desentralisasi asimetris. Kesimpulannya adalah dari skema tujuan desentralisasi terdapat kemiripan antara orde baru dengan masa kini yaitu menguatnya resentralisasi.

This study aims to answer about asymmetric decentralization in post-reform Indonesia in terms of how it is implemented and how the ideal form should be implemented. The theory used is Agus Brotosusilo's theory which comes from Pancasila which comes from the customary law of the archipelago in the form of the dominant communal attitude of the individual, spiritual rather than materialism and romanticism from rationalism. In addition, other theories are also used in the form of Dahrendorf's conflict theory. The results of this study reveal that there has been recentralization from the regions to the center in the form of the taking of authority in the Job Creation Law for the entire region and changes to the Special Autonomy for Papua, West Papua and Aceh for asymmetric regions. The Sweeping Universe Law is found to be recentralized; first, business licenses are determined and owned by the center, second, the authority for spatial planning is centralized, third, amdal is facilitated, fourth, sanctions are owned and facilitated by the center, and fifth, taxes are levied by the center. Meanwhile, in the changes to the Special Autonomy for Papua, it was found; The expansion of Papua was facilitated, changes to the Special Autonomy Law did not require the approval of the DPRP and MRP, central domain supervision, the establishment of political parties by Papuans was eliminated and the obligation to consult political parties to the MRP and DPRP was circumcised, and the position of deputy governor could be filled. Meanwhile, in Aceh, the acknowledgment of the Aceh symbol and interest rate arrangements was not fulfilled. There is no harmonization like Agus Brotosusilo's theory because the center dominates with the recentralization so that the regions feel they are not being humanized. The prescriptive offered is to realize harmonization and expand the application of asymmetric decentralization. The conclusion is that from the scheme for the purpose of decentralization, there are similarities between the new order and the present, namely the strengthening of recentralization."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Galuh Mega Pratiwi
"Tesis ini meneliti reposisi nilai pada lembaga Negara pasca reformasi. Lembaga Negara yang dipilih adalah Tentara Nasional Indonesia. Untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi yang digunakan TNI untuk memperbaiki citranya pasca reformasi. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori repositioning organisasi. Paradigma yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah paradigm post positivist. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara dan sumber dokumen. Peneliti melakukan wawancara dengan beberapa narasumber yang berasal dari militer, pengamat militer dan masyarakat. Hasil penelitian adalah reposisi yang dilakukan oleh lembaga Negara TNI berjalan dengan baik, namun masih membutuhkan revisi dan evaluasi dengan tujuan menyempurnakan reposisi. Strategi komunikasi yang digunakan adalah komunikasi internal dan eksternal. TNI melakukan doktrin, perubahan kurikulum pendidikan dan latihan- latihan untuk mengkomunikasikan segala perubahan yang terjadi didalam organisasi. Komunikasi eksternal yang digunakan TNI adalah melalui media massa dan terjun langsung ditengah- tengah masyarakat sehingga tujuan untuk memperbaiki citra dapat terlaksana. (repositioning, positioning, image atau citra)

This thesis specifically examines the repositioning of the value of the State Institutions post 1998 Reform. The State Institution selected is the Indonesian National Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia), to determine the communication strategy employed by TNI to improve its image after the reform. The paradigm used in the study were the post-positivist paradigm. This type of research is a qualitative research. Data collection techniques are interviews and researching some document sources. Researchers conducted interviews with some of the speakers who are or used to be an active military personnel, military observers and public. The result of the research is that the repositioning which is planned by this specific State Institusion, in this case, the TNI is so far going well but still requires some revisions and evaluation to further enhance the repositioning. Communication strategies used are internal and external communications. TNI should reform its doctrine by embedding missions of its reposition, should enhance changes its curriculum and exercise to communicates any changes that occur within the organization due to its repositioning mission. External communications which is commonly used by TNI is through the mass media and by going actively in the society so that its objective to improve its image can be accomplished successfully. So far, the implementation of its repositioning policies that are exercised by the military to reach a new position in the public mind is going well. Research stated that the military is now have a much better image and the position compared to the time before the reforms because public confidence and trust is beginning to return. But of course, the military must continue to strive to gain and win the hearts of the public hoping to restore a"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nada Salsabila

Penelitian ini berfokus pada segregasi permukiman kota di Indonesia di era Pasca-Reformasi yang menghasilkan ketimpangan akses pada masyarakat kota. Penelitian ini bertujuan menelaah dampak perencanaan kota yang timpang terhadap produksi ruang kota yang segregatif. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa segregasi permukiman kota menghasilkan masalah ketimpangan akses, marjinalisasi penghuni kota, hingga absennya keterlibatan masyarakat dalam perencanaan dan pembangunan kota. Metode yang digunakan adalah Neo-Marxisme, dengan produksi ruang sebagai basis teori. Artikel ini berargumen bahwa perencanaan kota memproduksi permukiman segregatif yang bertendensi mengawasi dan mendisiplinkan masyarakat kota. Perencanaan kota yang bertumpu pada kepentingan pemodal dan pemerintah menyebabkan permukiman kota dibangun dengan motif-motif kapital yang membentuk representasi kota yang ideal. Perencanaan tersebut memunculkan berbagai permukiman elit bagi masyarakat kelas atas yang diproduksi dengan gentrifikasi. Segregasi dikukuhkan dengan pendisiplinan dalam kota lewat berbagai bangunan dan pengawasan dari aparatus. Akibatnya, terjadi ketimpangan akses terhadap fasilitas, ruang publik, dan hak yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat kelas bawah. Untuk mengatasinya, hak atas kota dapat digunakan untuk memaksimalkan hak partisipasi masyarakat kota tanpa memandang status sosial dan ekonomi mereka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan pengaruh perencanaan kota dalam memproduksi permukiman segregatif yang dapat diatasi dengan pengupayaan hak atas kota.

This study focuses on the unequal access to urban communities caused by the segregation of urban settlements in Indonesia during the Post-Reformation era. The purpose of this study is to investigate how unequal urban planning contributes to the creation of segregated urban space. This study found that the segregation of urban settlement resulted in problems of access inequality, citizen marginalization, to the absence of community involvement in urban planning and development. Neo-Marxism, with space production as its theoretical underpinning, is the methodology applied. According to this article, urban planning results in segregated communities that tend to monitor and control urban communities. Urban settlements are constructed with capital themes that create an ideal picture of the city when urban planning is based on the interests of investors and the government. The plan resulted in the creation of a number of elite communities for upper class society, which were segregated by gentrification. Discipline in the city with enforced by numerous buildings and apparatuses, emphasized segregation. As a result, the lower class experiences a disparity in access to resources, public areas, and rights. This problem can be solved by maximizing the participation rights to the city, despite their socioeconomic standing. The findings of this study show how urban design influences the development of segregated communities, which can be overcome by pursuing the right to the city

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlanda Juliansyah Putra
Didalam penelitian ini peniliti memberikan gagasan mengenai pembubaran partai
politik korup melalui celah hukum pembubaran partai politik di indonesia dengan
memberikan tafsir terhadap makna hukum positif yang mengatur tentang pembubaran
partai politik, salah satunya yaitu adanya nomenklatur yang disebutkan didalam Pasal 2
huruf b Peraturan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 12 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pedoman
Beracara Pembubaran Partai Politik yang menyebutkan bahwa partai politik dapat
dibubarkan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi apabila kegiatan/akibat yang dilakukan oleh
partai politik tersebut bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Klausul
?akibat? yang ditimbulkan tersebut dapat disamakan dengan kegiatan korupsi yang
melibatkan pengurus/anggota partai politik yang melaksanakan kegiatan aktifitas
kepartaian untuk dapat dibubarkan. Adanya persamaan pengertian yang ditujukan
antara korporasi selaku badan hukum yang disamakan dengan pengertian partai politik
selaku badan hukum dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan untuk menarik keterlibatan
partai politik melalui pengurusnya dalam melakukan tindak pidana korupsi dengan
mempergunakan doktrin strict liability dan doktrin vicarious liability yang
memungkinkan partai politik tersebut bertanggungjawab atas perbuatan yang dilakukan
oleh pengurus/anggota partai politik yang menjalankan aktivitas kepartaian.

Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party., Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azizah Ramadhani
"Artikel ini akan membahas mengenai bentuk reposisi dan pembenahan citra yang dilakukan oleh ABRI pada masa reformasi (1999-2000). Penulisan ditujukan untuk mengetahui kebijakan dan kronologis penghapusan peran sosial-politik ABRI serta kembalinya ABRI sebagai lembaga pertahanan melalui rangkaian publikasi media surat kabar sezaman. Penulis menganalisis rangkaian peristiwa pembenahan yang ABRI lakukan melalui publikasi Paradigma Baru dan penerapan Reformasi Internal. Penulisan akan berfokus pada penerapan kebijakan Reformasi Internal dan dampaknya bagi pemulihan citra ABRI di masyarakat Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi dan historiografi. Penulis kemudian melakukan kajian terhadap literatur dan arsip terkait serta surat kabar sezaman yang disusun menjadi narasi penulisan sejarah. Hasil dari penulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan Reformasi Internal dan Paradigma Baru TNI berfokus pada redefinisi, reorganisasi dan reaktualisasi TNI sebagai lembaga pertahanan keamanan bangsa dan Upaya TNI dalam menghapus peran sosial-politiknya. Penulisan akan berfokus pada rangkaian Reformasi Internal dan publikasinya melalui surat kabar dalam rangka penyebaran pemahaman Paradigma Baru dan perubahan fungsi TNI sebagai pertahanan keamanan masyarakat.

This article will discuss the form of image repositioning and improvement carried out by ABRI during the reform period (1999-2000). The research is aimed at knowing the policy and chronology of the elimination of ABRI's socio-political role and the return of ABRI as a defense institution through a series of contemporary newspaper media publications. The researcher analyzed the series of reforms carried out by ABRI through the publication of the New Paradigm and the implementation of Internal Reform. The research will focus on implementing the Internal Reform policy and its impact on restoring ABRI's image in Indonesian society. The method used in this study uses the historical method which consists of four stages, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation and historiography. The researcher then conducted a study of related literature and archives as well as contemporary newspapers which were compiled into historical research narratives. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Internal Reform and the New Paradigm of the TNI focuses on the redefinition, reorganization and re-actualization of the TNI as a national defense and security institution and the efforts of the TNI in eliminating its socio-political role. This research will focus on the Internal Reform series and its publication in newspapers in the context of disseminating understanding of the New Paradigm and changing the TNI's function as a defense of community security."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dodik Limansyah
Stroke merupakan penyebab kematian tertinggi di wilayah perkotaan, salah satu daerah di Indonesia dengan angka stroke melebihi angka nasioanal adalah kota Pontianak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan strategi koing keluarga dengan kualitas hidup lansia pasca stroke di kota Pontianak. Desain penelitian analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional . pengambilan sampel secara total sampling dengan responden berjumlah 58. Sampel penelitian ini adalah lansia pasca stroke dan anggota keluarga sebagai caregiver atau pelaku rawat utama yang merawat lansia dengan pasca stroke. Hasil analisa regresi linier berganda atau uji anova (uji f) dengan p value=0,001 (<0,05) yang menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan sosial, reframing, usaha mencari dan menerima pertolongan, penerimaan pasif dan pendapatan dengan kualitas hidup lansia pasca stroke. Dukungan sosial merupakan elemen strategi koping yang paling dominan

Stroke was the highest cause of death in urban areas, one area in Indonesia with stroke rate exceeded nasional the city of Pontianak. This study aims to determine the association between family coping stategy and post stroke quality of life of the elderly in city of Pontianak. Design descriptive corelation reasearch with cross sectional approach was used in this study. Total sampling technique was held in the study with the sample size of the study was 58. Samples of this study are post-stroke and elderly family members as caregivers or primary caregiver caring for the elderly with post-stroke. The results of multiple linear regression analysis or ANOVA test (F test) with p value = 0.001 (<0.05) which indicates that there is a significant association between social support, reframing, the search for and accept help, and passive receipt of income by the quality of life of elderly post-stroke. Social support is an element of the most dominant coping strategy."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Disertasi ini dilatarbelakangi dengan seringnya terjadi pemasalahan perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia yang sangat menganggu keamanan dan kedaulatan NKRI. Ketertinggalan pembangunan perbatasan Indonesia merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya permasalahan perbatasan khususnya di Kabupaten Nunukan Kalimantan Utara. Berdasarkan UU No. 43 Tahun 2008 Tentang Wilayah Negara dan Perpres No. 12 Tahun 2010 Tentang Badan Nasional Pengelolaan Perbatasan (BNPP), negara mempunyai kekuasaan dan kewenangan dalam pembangunan perbatasan guna pencapaian masyarakat perbatasan yang sejahtera dan aman. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Nunukan mengusulkan pembangunan jalan, dermaga, listrik, sarana pendidikan, kesehatan dan lainnya sesuai RPJMD tahun 2012-2016 kepada Pemerintah Pusat untuk membuka keterisolasian dan ketertinggalan pembangunan pada 12 wilayah kecamatan perbatasan.
Pertanyaan penelitian ini bagaimana peran BNPP dan power interplay antar lembaga, mengapa terjadi perbedaan prioritas kebijakan dan kepentingan Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah, serta mengapa anggaran minim dan bagaimana respon dan nasionalisme masyarakat perbatasan?
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitiatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan dan wawancara. Teori Miliband tentang negara memiliki otoritas sebagai teori utama. Teori Distribusi kekuasaan dalam hubungan Pusat-Daerah oleh B.C.Smith, Rondinelli dan Cheema serta teori nasionalisme sebagai teori pendukung dalam kajian ini.
Temuan penelitian menunjukkan peran BNPP sebagai lembaga koordinasi. Keanggotaan BNPP di dominasi oleh kementerian dan lembaga negara sehingga terjadi ego sektoral dan power interplay antar lembaga dan pemerintah daerah mengakibatkan BNPP tidak efektif. Perbedaan prioritas kebijakan dan kepentingan program pembangunan infrasruktur perbatasan terjadi, karena kepentingan nasional Pemerintah meliputi aspek politik, keamanan dan strategis geografi. Kepentingan Daerah meliputi membuka isolasi wilayah, pelayanan masyarakat, membangun kawasan ekonomi dan nasionalisme. Anggaran perbatasan minim, dan masyarakat mengalami pergeseran orientasi nasionalisme.
Implikasi teoritis menunjukkan bahwa hubungan (distribusi) kekuasaan dan kewenangan Pemerintah Pusat pada Daerah dalam pembangunan infrastruktur perbatasan di Kabupaten Nunukan masih dominasi Pusat. Sesuai dengan teori negara oleh Miliband dan Skocpol, dan Smith tentang distribusi kekuasaan dalam hubungan Pusat-Daerah, sehingga belum memberikan dampak pada kesejahteraan masyarakat dan kemajuan daerah perbatasan Kabupaten Nunukan Kalimantan Utara. Perlu penguatan regulasi dan institusi BNPP serta keberpihakan pemerintah pusat (negara) pada percepatan pembangunan perbatasan

The background of this study is often happen problems in Indonesian-Malaysian borders which very threatened security and sovereignty of NKRI. Underdevelopment in Indonesian border were one of cause Indonesian border problems in Nunukan Regency of North Borneo Province. According State Territorial Policy Number 43, year of 2008 and Presiden Policy Number 12 year of 2010 about National State Institution of Border Management (BNPP), state have outhority in border developments for society prosperity and security. Nunukan Local Goverment had to proposed road developments, port, electric construction, education and health facilities according RPJMD 2012-2016 policy for central Government to opens territorial isolation and underdevelopment in 12 border districs.
This research questios, how was the rule of BNPP and power interplay with other institutions, why happen differences of policy priority and Central-Local Goverment intersts. Why were budgets and nationalism border society.
This research used kualitatif methods and the case study, data collecting by library studi and interview. State theory by Miliband as main theory, Central-Local Governments Relations by B.C.Smith, Rondinelli and Cheema and nationalism were supports theories in this research.
The result of reserch showed that BNPP rule as coordinatif institution, members of BNPP dominant by departements and state institutions so that ego sectoral happen and power interplays with anathor institutions and local government so that BNPP was not efectif. Policy priority defferences and national interests of Central Goverment consists politic aspec, security and strategic geografic. Local Government including to opens isolation territorial, public service, economics development territorial and nationalism.
Theoritical implications showed that outhority distributions relations Central Government for Local Government in border infrastructur developments in Nunukan Regency of North Borneo Provinci dominated by Central Government. So that relevants by State theory about authority of Miliband and Skocpol and Central-Local Government distribution theory by Smith. Thus border infrastructur developments by Central Government were not give impacts for society prosperity and local development of Nunukan Regency of North Borneo Provinci. So that must to sthreengtness for regulations and institution of BNPP and aligmants Central Government (state) for border developments accelerations."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
La Ode Zalaluddin Kapege
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang kemerdekaan pers pasca reformasi bebas dan bertanggung jawab dengan menggunakan metode analisis normatif baik dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan perbadingan hukum. Bebas dimaksud yaitu pers bebas melakukan aktifitas jurnalistiknya sesuai dengan kaidah UU Pers, UU Penyiaran dan kode etik jurnalistik. Tanggung jawab yaitu kewenangan pemerintah mengawasi kemerdekaan pers salah satunya hak atas privasi. Lahirnya UU ITE salah satu kebijakan untuk melindungi hak atas privasi. Namun kehadirannya justru menghambat kebebasan pers dalam menyampaikan informasi khususnya terhadap aktifitas pejabat publik dan informasi publik yang menyimpang dan melanggar hukum. Dalam pasal 26 ayat (3) penghapusan informasi tidak relevan di pengadilan, pasal 27 ayat (3) sanksi pidana terhadap setiap orang dengan sengaja mendistribusikan, mentransmisikan dan membuat dapat diakses informasi memuat tentang pencemaran nama baik, dan pasal 40 ayat (2b) kewenangan pemerintah dan penyelenggara sistem elektronik melakukan pencabutan akses informasi dan/atau dokumen elektronik memuat unsur melanggar hukum. Ketiga pasal tersebut memuat tentang pencemaran nama baik. Akibatnya pers yang mempunyai kewenangan menyiarkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan pencemaran nama baik dengan mengacu pada pasal 5 ayat (3) dan pasal 2 dan 9 kode etik jurnalistik akan sangat rentan terkena UU ITE. Walau demikian pers juga harus mempunyai batasan yang tidak diskriminatif dalam menyampaikan informasi pribadi agar informasi tersebut tidak disampaikan secara sensasional dan hanya mengharapkan keuntungan. Olehnya itu penulis memberikan saran memperjelas kedudukan UU Pers sebagai lex spesialis dan memperkuat kewenangan Dewan Pers melakukan pencabutan informasi melanggar hak atas privasi yang bersifat sensasional dan hanya mencari keuntungan.

This research discusses the freedom of the press after free and responsible reform using normative analysis methods with both a statutory and comparative legal approach. Free means that the press is free to carry out its journalistic activities in accordance with the rules of the Press Law, the Broadcasting Law and the journalistic code of ethics. Responsibility, namely the government's authority to oversee press freedom, one of which is the right to privacy. The enactment of the ITE Law is a policy to protect the right to privacy. However, its presence actually hinders press freedom in conveying information, especially on the activities of public officials and public information that deviate and violate the law. In article 26 paragraph (3) the elimination of irrelevant information in court, article 27 paragraph (3) criminal sanctions against everyone deliberately distributing, transmitting and making accessible information containing defamation, and article 40 paragraph (2b) government authority and the electronic system operator shall revoke access to information and / or electronic documents containing elements of violating the law. The three articles contain defamation. As a result, the press which has the authority to broadcast information related to defamation with reference to article 5 paragraph (3) and articles 2 and 9 of the journalistic code of ethics will be very vulnerable to being exposed to the ITE Law. However, the press must also have non-discriminatory limits in conveying personal information so that the information is not conveyed sensationally and only hopes for profit. Therefore, the authors provide suggestions to clarify the position of the Press Law as a lex specialist and strengthen the authority of the Press Council to revoke information that violates the right to privacy which is sensational in nature and only seeks profit"
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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