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Ditemukan 51419 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"The people in devoloping countries typically live in rural area and work in agricultural sector. In 1992, around 66 % of those people live in rural area and 62% of labor force worked agriculturre, but they contribute only about 17 % of the GNP...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endina Putri Purwandari
"Image splicing is a form of digital image manipulation by combining two or more image into a new image. The application was developed through a passive approach using demosaicking and wavelet transformation method. This research purposed a method to implement the demosaicking and wavelet transform for digital image forgery detection with a passive approach. This research shows that (1) demosaicking can be used as a comparison image in forgery detection; (2) the application of demo-saicking and wavelet transformation can improve the quality of the input image (3) demosaicking and wavelet algorithm are able to estimate whether the input image is real or fake image with a passive approach and estimate the manipulation area from the input image.
Penggabungan citra adalah bentuk manipulasi citra digital dengan cara menggabungkan dua atau le-bih citra menjadi sebuah citra baru. Aplikasi dikembangkan melalui pendekatan pasif menggunakan metode demosaicking dan transformasi wavelet. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan metode da-lam implementasi demosaicking untuk deteksi pemalsuan citra digital dengan pendekatan pasif. Pene-litian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) citra demosaicking dapat menjadi citra pembanding dalam deteksi pemalsuan; (2) penerapan kombinasi algoritma demosaicking dan transformasi wavelet telah dapat meningkatkan kualitas citra masukan; (3) Algoritma demosaicking dan wavelet dengan pendekatan pasif telah dapat memperkirakan citra input adalah citra asli atau palsu dan memperkirakan wilayah citra masukan yang telah mengalami manipulasi digital."
University of Bengkulu, Engineering Faculty, Informatics Engineering Department, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In this edited volume, scholars from Mumbai, Bengaluru, Jakarta, Cape Town, Sao Paulo and other cities of the global South explore the complex relationship between platformization and informality through a different lens. Drawing on extensive theoretical, quantitative and qualitative scholarship, they provide both a useful overview and insights into the lived realities of gig work for platforms covering a range of skills, working conditions, and forms of algorithmic management. Platform work has attracted considerable attention from scholars in the global North, who have tended to view it as a form of casualisation of work that was previously regulated. But what about the global South, where most employment, especially that of women and migrant workers was historically already informal?
Beyond a focus on livelihoods, employment, and work, the authors show how labour platforms take on powers that bring about broader impacts, including those affecting identity and personal wellbeing. They also illustrate the impact of platformization on the governance of affected sectors by public agencies, thus affecting political power, and how public data infrastructures contribute to further platformization. The purpose of this pioneering work is to lay bare these interactions to then rebuild our understanding of platformization and its social, political, cultural and economic impacts. Its insights are attentive to gender and ethnic differences, as well as geographical ones."
Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2023
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jonathan Swift
Jakarta, sebagai kota bekas penjajahan, memiliki banyak wilayah dan bangunan-bangunan bersejarah. Salah satu area bersejarah tersebut adalah Glodok yang merupakan wilayah Pecinaan atau China Town. Wilayah tersebut menyimpan sejarah panjang bagi warga Tiong Kok yang dulunya bermigrasi dari wilayah Tiong Kok Selatan. Di awal abad-19, ada seorang Mayor Cina-Batavia bernama Souw Thian Pie yang membangun sebuah hunian tradisional China bernama siheyuan di Jalan Perniagaan Raya, Glodok. Dewasa ini, banyak hunian tradisional China di Glodok, termasuk siheyuan keluarga Souw, telah mengalami transformasi dan adaptasi sebagai akibat dari modernisasi. Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi siapa, apa, kapan, mengapa, dan bagaimana transformasi tersebut telah terjadi di siheyuan keluarga Souw dan kemungkinan kaitannya dengan modernisasi. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, sebuah observasi langsung dilakukan di siheyuan keluarga Souw yang masih bertahan selama hampir dua abad. Kebanyakan informasi terkait studi kasus merupakan hasil wawancara dengan Bapak Yong Yong yang merupakan salah satu kepala keluarga dari generasi ke lima dan keturunan langsung dari Souw Thian Pie. Analisis dari studi kasus menyimpulkan bahwa modernisasi berperan besar dalam menyebabkan terjadinya transformasi berupa rotasi dari selatan ke utara pada akses utama dan hilangnya sayap barat pada siheyuan keluarga Souw.

As a former colonial city, there were many historical sites and buildings in Jakarta. One of the historical sites in Jakarta is Glodok, which is also called ?China Town? or ?Pecinaan Area?. The area has a long history for Chinese migrants, who mostly came from Southern China. In the early 19th century, there was a Chinese mayor, Souw Thian Pie, who built a ?siheyuan? (traditional Chinese dwelling) at Jalan Perniagaan Raya in Glodok. Today, many traditional Chinese dwellings in Glodok, including Souw family siheyuan, have experienced transformation and adaptation due to modernism. This undergraduate thesis aims to find who, what, when, why, and how transformation has occurred in Souw family siheyuan and its possible relations with modernism. To achieve this, an observation was held directly in the Souw family siheyuan that has survived for almost two centuries. Most of the information regarding the case study was obtained from the interview with Mr. Yong Yong, who is one of the 5th generations head families and a direct descendant of Souw Thian Pie. Analysis of the siheyuan concludes that modernism played significant role in causing transformation of the main entrance to be rotated from south to north and elimination of the west wing."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The Convergence profile of the conventional conjugate gradient Method ( (CGM) algorithm is based on the symmetry of the control operator for quadratic funcitions.This work considers the quadratic functions with a non-symnetric control operator under suitable matrix transformations. Itwas proved that the get conventional CGM algorithm produced resulth that were favourably comparable in relation to problems with sy"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Taufik
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dinamika proses transformasi lembaga kepresidenan, meredesain kesekretariatan lembaga kepresidenan, dan mendesain Manajemen Talenta kesekretariatan lembaga kepresidenan melalui perspektif Teori Transformasi Organisasi Gouillart dan Kelly, 1995 . Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah multimetodologi dengan menggabungkan pendekatan SSM dan Metode Listening dalam Teori U diharapkan akan mensinergikan dua metode yang mempunyai nature yang sama-sama soft systems , SSM berlandaskan teori sosial fenomenologi dan Teori/Metodologi U menyebut dirinya sebagai the social technology of presencing Scharmer: 2009.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak semua sub-elemen yang ada dalam elemen 4R reframing, restructuring, revitalizing, dan renewing dapat diterapkan dalam organisasi sektor publik, khususnya lembaga kepresidenan. Untuk menyusun rancangan undang-undang tentang lembaga kepresidenan, dirasakan sulit karena terkendala faktor readiness baik dari aspek SDM, process, maupun leverage. Transformasi yang dapat diwujudkan adalah meredesain restrukturisasi sekretariat lembaga kepresidenan dengan suatu Peraturan Presiden, dimana Mensesneg diusulkan sebagai koordinator sekretariat lembaga kepresidenan yang membawahi Sekretaris Kabinet dan Kepala Staf Kepresidenan. Untuk menjamin tersedianya talenta pada lembaga kepresidenan yang dapat memberikan excellence service kepada Presiden dan Wakil Presiden diperlukan penyusunan Permensesneg tentang Manajemen Talenta.
Hasil kajian menunjukkan research novelty pada elemen revitalizing yaitu perlunya menambahkan sub-elemen building network security system pengembangan sistem keamanan jaringan melalui pembuatan dashboard monitoring kendali akses pengguna sistem informasi di lembaga kepresidenan, dengan pertimbangan instalasi kepresidenan adalah sangat vital sehingga diperlukan security awareness di lingkungan kepresidenan.

This research analyses the transformation process of the Presidential Institutions, redesigns the Secretariat of The Presidential Institutions, and designs the talent management of the Presidential Institutions through the theory of organization transformation Gouillart and Kelly, 1995. The method of this research is multi-methodology, which uses SSM and listening method in the theory of U. Hopefully, this method will have the same nature, because SSM is based on the social theory of phenomenology and the theory of U, or the social technology of presencing Scharmer: 2009.
The research shows that not all of the sub-elements of 4R can be applied in the public organizations, especially in the Presidential Institutions. It is indeed hard to make the plan of the laws of the Presidential Institutions, because of the readiness factor from the human resources, process, and leverage. The transformation which can be done is redesigning restructuring the Secretariat of the Presidential Institutions through the Presidential laws, in which the Minister of State Secretary is advised as the coordinator of the Secretariat of the Presidential Institutions. Moreover, the Cabinet Secretary and the Head of Presidential Staff are under the Minister of State Secretary. It is necessary to formulate the regulations of the Minister of State Secretary in order to guarantee the excellence service that will be given to the President and The Vice President.
The result of the research shows research novelty in revitalizing element, which needs to add sub-element of the building network security system through dashboard monitoring control access in the Presidential Institutions. In addition, security awareness plays an important role in the area of the Presidential Institutions.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Sofwan
"Watermarking merupakan teknik untuk menyisipkan informasi yang disebut watermark kedalam suatu data digital lainnya, tetapi tidak diketahui kehadirannya oleh indera manusia. Sehingga data tersebut dapat didistribusikan tanpa adanya kecurigaan terdapat tanda rahasia didalamnya. Teknik watermarking dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu teknik watermarking yang bekerja pada domain spasial (domain waktu) dan teknik watermarking yang bekerja pada domain transformasi (domain frekuensi). Watermarking yang bekerja dalam domain spasial langsung merubah nilai piksel pada citra atau gambar aslinya. Watermarking pada domain transformasi diperoleh dengan melakukan transformasi image menjadi domain frekuensi. Watermarking dalam domain transformasi seperti Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) atau Discrete Laguerre Transform (DLT) memiliki lebih banyak keuntungan dan kinerja yang lebih baik daripada teknik yang bekerja dalam domain spasial. Pada makalah ini, dilakukan analisis mengenai DLT berdasarkan ukuran matriks dan membandingkannya dengan DCT.

Watermarking is a technique to insert information called watermark into any other digital data, which is the presence is unknown by human senses. So the data can be distributed without any suspicions there are a secret message in it. There are two techniques in watermarking, spatial domain and frequency or transformation domain. Spatial domain watermarking technique works by changing the original image or picture pixels value into the new pixels value. Frequency domain watermarking technique works by transforming the original image into frequency domain. Frequency domain watermarking techniques such as Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) or Discrete Laguerre Transform (DLT) have a better performance and advantages than spatial domain watermarking technique. This paper analysed Discrete Laguerre Transform (DLT) by its matrix size and compared it with DCT."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alberta Natasia Adji
9 Summers 10 Autumns (2011) is an autobiographical novel about a young man from a small city of Batu who later succeeds in pursuing his dream by working in the United States. The novel was written based on lwan Setyawan's life story and it was made into a movie by the same title in 2013. Two years later, the movie was adapted into an augmented motion picture hinted illustrative book which combines novel, comic, app, and movie together. This phenomenon of re-transformation of a literary work is said to be the first of its kind in Indonesia and has somewhat contributed to the rising trend of movies adapted into books or comics in Indonesia, such as Assalamualaikum Beijing (2015) and Ada Apa dengan Cinta? (What's Up with Love?) (2016). This study examines lwan Setyawans strategy for achieving legitimacy in the arena of Indonesian literature through his motivational rags-to-riches ideals which are depicted in the book. The discussion is carried out by applying Pierre Bourdieus field of cultural production theory, as well as the sociology of literature approach, in order to highlight the phenomenon of transformation from novel into movie and eventually into an augmented motion picture hinted illustrative book. Later, this study discovered that the phenomenon has changed the image of Indonesian art and literary world. lt proves that such prestigious legitimacy can now be achieved through commercial strategies, making it seem dynamic, but at the same time questionable in its most authentic sense."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
907 PJKB 8:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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