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"It is a must that the process of general election needs law enforcement in every step of electoral process and all the process of election should be done in democratic principles such as direct,free and fair,accountable and accesseble...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marindra Prahandi Ferdianto
"Tesis ini membahas tentang penanganan perkara tindak pidana Pemilu khususnya menyangkut koordinasi antara Panwaslu, Kepolisian dan Kejaksaan yang tergabung dalam Sentra Gakkumdu dengan titik beratnya adalah peran kejaksaan dalam penanganan perkara tindak pidana Pemilu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah yuridis normatif yang ditunjang dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan konsep. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan dan selanjutnya diolah secara deduktif.
Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dalam penanganan perkara tindak pidana Pemilu Legislatif 2009 yang dilakukan oleh Panwaslu, Kepolisian dan Kejaksaan adalah membuat Kesepahaman Bersama tentang Pola Penanganan Perkara Tindak Pidana Pemilu dan Pembentukan Sentra Penegakan Hukum Terpadu sebagai usaha untuk mengefektifkan penanganan perkara tindak pidana Pemilu. Dalam penanganan perkara tindak pidana Pemilu, Kejaksaan yang mempunyai peran sebagai bagian dari sistem peradilan pidana terpadu dan sebagai bagian Sentra Gakkumdu mempunyai berbagai permasalahan dalam melaksanakan fungsinya. Namun yang dapat digarisbawahi dalam penanganan perkara tindak pidana Pemilu Legislatif 2009 adalah adanya reposisi peran kejaksaan sebagai upaya untuk percepatan penanganan perkara pidana dan sebagai usaha rekonstruksi Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Pemilu.

The thesis discusses the administration of criminal offenses associated to the General Election specifically in aspects related to the coordination between coordination of the Election Supervision Committee (Panwaslu), the National Police and the District Attorney Office as part of the Integrated Law Enforcement Center (Sentra Gakkumdu), wherein the emphasis is on the role of the district attorney office in managing election related offenses. The method used in this study is judicial normative augmented by laws and conceptual approaches. Data gathering is done through literature review then deductively processed.
This study reveals that for the purpose of managing criminal offenses committed during the 2009 Legislative Election, the Election Supervision Committee (Panwaslu), the National Police and the District Attorney Office have set up a Memorandum of Understanding on the Pattern for Managing Election Related Criminal Offenses as well as establishing the Integrated Law Enforcement Center (Sentra Gakkumdu) in the effort to effectively manage election related criminal offenses. In managing election related criminal offenses, the district attorney office in its role as part of the judiciary system and the Sentra Gakkumdu had to content with a number of obstacles to execute its function properly. Furthermore, throughout the management of election related criminal offenses committed during the 2009 Legislative Election, there was a repositioning of the district attorney office's in the effort to accelerate the management of criminal cases and in the attempt to reform the Criminal Court System.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"General election as a democratic instution should be processed honestly and fairly.It's a pity that with its age more than a half of century,Indonesia only carried out nine general elections with the quality of process,impact and far from fulfiled the political necessity...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The sentence of constitutional council related to judicial review against article 59 of law No.32 of 2004 opens widely the opportunity to individual or other organization,besides political party,to propose candidates to the position of regional chief to be elected by general election....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Law 10/2008 on General Elections for Members of DPR,DPD and DPRD has introduced a new model of electoral campaign.This new model arranges for a long duration of electoral campaign;and it has brought about a potential opportunity for the intimacy relations between political parties and voters...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endang Mulyani
Komisi Pemilihan Umum yang disingkat KPU merupakan lembaga penyelenggara pemilu sebagaimana amanah Pasal 22 E UUD 1945. Sebagai penyelenggara pemilu yang nasional, tetap dan mandiri, KPU merupakan lembaga penyelenggara yang independen dalam menjalankan pemilihan umum yang demokratis, lembaga ini harus terbebas dari segala pengaruh kepentingan apapun, baik politik maupun pemerintah. Dalam mewujudkan indepedensi KPU sebagai penyelenggara pemilu, proses rekruitmen KPU menjadi salah satu hal yang berpengaruh dalam mewujudkan KPU yang independen. Indepedensi secara institusi, Independensi orang yang mengisinya, Independensi sumber keuangannya dan Independensi dalam kewenangan dan otoritas dalam menjalankan kewenangannya tersebut. Keberadaan badan penyelenggara pemilu Independen di 25 negara demokrasi di dunia, menjadi perbandinga untuk KPU di Indonesia, dalam mencari format penyelenggara pemilu yang ideal yang mampu menjamin indepedensi penyelenggara pemilu. Dalam beberapa hal KPU di Indonesia masih dipengaruhi oleh pemerintah dan legislatif seperti dalam pembentukan institusional penyelenggara pemilu, kewenangan regulasi, akuntabilitas dan anggaran, dan kesekretariatan KPU. Dan disisi lain masih perlunya pembenahan untuk penguatan KPU dalam hal sengketa kewenangan lembaga negara, masa jabatan anggota KPU, dan model seleksi KPU. Hal ini diperlukan, agar KPU sebagai lembaga pengawal demokrasi mampu menjadi lembaga penyelenggara pemilu yang independen yang terpisah dari pengaruh eksekutif, legislatif dan Yudikatif, dimana keberadaannya sederajat dengan lembaga utama.

General Election Commission that is abbreviated election management bodies, as the mandate of Article 22 E of the UUD 1945 As organizers of a national election, permanent and independent, the Commission is organizing an independent institution in carrying out democratic elections, these institutions must be free from any influence of any interest both politics and government. In realizing independency KPU as election organizer, the recruitment process the Commission became one of the influential in creating an independent Commission. Independency in institutions, independence of people who fill it, independence of its financial resources and independence of the powers and authority in the running of the authority. The existence of independent election management bodies in the 25 democracies in the world, be a comparison to the Commission in Indonesia, in the search for the ideal format election organizer who is able to ensure independency election organizer. In some cases the Commission in Indonesia is still influenced by the government and the legislature as the institutional establishment of election management, regulatory authority, accountability and budget, and the secretariat of the Commission. And on the other hand is still the need for reforms to strengthen the Commission in the case of a dispute the authority of state institutions, tenure of members of the Commission, and the Commission selection model. It is necessary, in order that the Commission as the guardian of democratic institutions able to become an independent election management bodies which are separate from the influence of the executive, legislative and judiciary, in which the existence equal to the main body.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sudiyatmiko Aribowo
"Tesis ini membahas tentang sistem pemilu yang berkembang saat ini termasuk di Indonesia. Pemilu merupakan pelaksanaan kehendak rakyat sebagai perwujudan dari demokrasi. Anggota legislatif yang terpilih adalah wakil rakyat yang diharapkan dapat mengemban amanat rakyat. Indonesia pada dasarnya menganut sistem pemilu proporsional dengan daftar calon yang disusun oleh partai pada daerah dengan perwakilan jamak. Pada awalnya sistem pemilu Indonesia menerapkan daftar tertutup (proporsional tertutup) tetapi sejak diberlakukannya UU Nomor 10 Tahun 2008, daftar calon bersifat terbuka (proporsional terbuka) sehingga calon yang memperoleh suara terbanyak ditetapkan menjadi calon terpilih. Penetapan calon yang terpilih ternyata tidak semudah yang dibayangkan karena terdapat sistem yang mengatur tentang penghitungan dan pembagian kursi legislatif bagi partai dan calon. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian Yuridis Normatif, pendekatan dilakukan dengan teori pemilu, teori aturan pemilu serta konsep tentang pemilihan sistem pemilu, perbandingan sistem pemilu, desain aturan pemilu, mekanisme pemilu, partisipasi pemilih, dan proporsionalitas. Untuk memperoleh kesimpulan dari tujuan penelitian, maka hal-hal yang disampaikan adalah meliputi sistem pemilu, perbandingan sistem penghitungan perolehan kursi DPR dalam UU pemilu, dan penerapan sistem penghitungan perolehan kursi dalam Pemilu Tahun 2009.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa sistem penghitungan perolehan kursi DPR pada Pemilu Tahun 2009 dan yang akan diterapkan dalam Pemilu Tahun 2014 ternyata sangat rumit dan tidak mudah untuk dipahami bagi penyelenggara pemilu, partai dan calon legislatif, apalagi rumusan yang dibuat oleh pembentuk UU ternyata tidak sederhana dan berbelit-belit. Akibatnya, terdapat berbagai penafsiran atas sistem penghitungan perolehan kursi DPR baik oleh KPU, partai maupun calon legislatif, sehingga pada Pemilu Tahun 2009, Mahkamah Agung dan Mahkamah Konstitusi mengeluarkan putusan judicial review dan pengujian undang-undang yang saling bertentangan tentang sistem penghitungan perolehan kursi DPR. Kerumitan rumusan sistem penghitungan perolehan kursi DPR tersebut dapat mengakibatkan disproporsionalitas pembagian kursi DPR yang pada akhirnya banyak suara pemilih yang terbuang sia-sia.

This thesis discusses the development of electoral system developed, including in Indonesia . Election is the implementation of the will of the people as the embodiment of democracy . Legislators are representatives of the people, who are expected to carry out the mandate of the Indonesian people, basically adhere to the proportional representatives system with a list of candidates drawn up by the party in the multi member district. At first, Indonesian electoral system implements a closed list but since the enactment of Act No. 10/2008, electoral system implements an open list so that the candidate who gets the ost votes is elected . Determination of the elected candidate was not as easy as one might imagine because there is a complex system for calculation and distribution of legislative seats for parties and candidates . By using normative juridical research methods, the approach made by the theory of elections, electoral rules theory and the concept of electoral system choice, comparative electoral systems, the design of electoral rules, electoral mechanisms, voter participation, and proportionality. To obtain the conclusion of the study objectives were presented with the electoral system, the comparative of the legislative distribution seats system in the Indonesia election law, and the application of the distribution seats system in the general election at the 2009.
Based on the results of the research is that the distribution seats system at the election in 2009 and which will be implemented in the 2014 election are complicated and not easy to understand for the organizers of the election, prty and the candidates, especially the formulation made by the law maker was not a simple and complicated. As a result, there are different interpretations of distribution seats system, either by the electoral Commission, parties and candidates, so that the election of 2009, the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court made an opposing judicial review about the distribution seats system. The complexity formula of distribution seats system could result in disproportionality distribution of legislative seats and at the end, many voters are wasted.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Donny Tri Istiqomah
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai Pemilihan Umum Setelah Perubahan UUD NRI 1945 khususnya Pemilihan Umum Presiden dan Wakil Presiden, Pemilihan Umum anggota DPR, DPD dan DPRD dan Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah, yang dikaji berdasarkan studi risalah rapat selama Perubahan UUD NRI 1945 di MPR. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa dalam rangka menyusun suatu pemilihan umum demokratis dan tetap berpijak kepada prinsip-prinsip kedaulatan rakyat agar tetap mengacu kepada ide dan nilainilai yang berkembang selama proses perubahan UUD NRI 1945.

The focus of this study is general election in Indonesia, particularly election for the President and Vice President, Election for member of House of Representatives and Senate, and local election, of which are discussed in the study of minutes of meetings during Constitution Amendment in the Assembly. The results suggest that in order to construct a democratic election and remain grounded on the principles of popular sovereignty in order to keep referring to the ideas and values that developed during the process of changing the Constitution NRI 1945."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Uli Nathasya
Kedaulatan rakyat, demokrasi, dan pemilihan umum (pemilu) merupakan hal yang terkait satu dengan yang lain. Pemilu menjadi cara yang dipilih untuk menciptakan wakil-wakil rakyat yang dapat merepresentasikan keinginan dan kebutuhan rakyat. Di Indonesia, pemilu dilangsungkan untuk memilih anggota legislatif dan untuk memilih Presiden dan Wakil Presiden. Calon Presiden dan Wakil Presiden di Indonesia harus memenuhi persyaratan untuk terpilih menjadi Presiden dan Wakil Presiden di Indonesia. Persyaratan tersebut adalah syarat suara mayoritas mutlak dan syarat persebaran suara. Kedua syarat tersebut diatur dalam Pasal 6A ayat (3) UUD 1945. Pada pemilu Presiden dan Wakil Presiden tahun 2014, syarat persebaran suara tidak diberlakukan. Hal ini karena hanya terdapat dua pasangan calon Presiden dan Wakil Presiden. Padahal, kehadiran syarat persebaran suara adalah untuk mengakomodasi keberagaman antar daerah di Indonesia. Keberagaman atau perbedaan tersebut terutama dalam hal jumlah penduduk. Hadirnya syarat persebaran suara juga menjadikan daerah sebagai objek sehingga kelak daerah dapat memberikan legitimasinya kepada pasangan calon Presiden dan Wakil Presiden tersebut. Ketidakberlakuan syarat persebaran suara akan membawa berbagai dampak baik dari sisi pasangan calon Presiden dan Wakil Presiden maupun dari sisi daerah. Dampak yang mungkin timbul diantaranya adalah perolehan suara yang terpusat di daerah-daerah tertentu, muncul konsep minority of directors vs. majority of directed, kampanye yang berfokus pada daerah tertentu, dan pengesampingan makna demokrasi.

People’s sovereignty, democracy, and election are connected to each other. Election happens to be the method that is chosen to generate people’s representatives who can represent people’s wishes and needs. In Indonesia, election is held to choose the member of legislature and President and Vice President. The presidential candidates must fulfill the requirements to be elected as President and Vice President of Indonesia. The requirements are the majority requirements votes absolute and distribution requirement votes. Both of these requirements are regulated in Article 6A of the Act of 1945. On the presidential election in 2014, the distribution requirement was not implemented, because there were two pairs of President and Vice President Candidates. As a matter of fact, the existence of the distribution requirement votes is beneficial to accommodate the diversity among regions in Indonesia, particularly in terms of population. The existence of distribution requirement votes also makes the region becomes the object. As a result, the region can provide the legitimacy to the Presidential Candidates. Non-enforcement of distribution requirement votes will impact the Presidential candidates and the region itself. The possible impacts that will come out because of the non-enforcement of absolute distribution requirement are the ballot will be focused in certain regions, the concept of minority if directors vs. majority of directed will be appear, the campaign will be focused on certain regions, and the meaning of democracy will be neglected., People’s sovereignty, democracy, and election are connected to each other. Election happens to be the method that is chosen to generate people’s representatives who can represent people’s wishes and needs. In Indonesia, election is held to choose the member of legislature and President and Vice President. The presidential candidates must fulfill the requirements to be elected as President and Vice President of Indonesia. The requirements are the majority requirements votes absolute and distribution requirement votes. Both of these requirements are regulated in Article 6A of the Act of 1945. On the presidential election in 2014, the distribution requirement was not implemented, because there were two pairs of President and Vice President Candidates. As a matter of fact, the existence of the distribution requirement votes is beneficial to accommodate the diversity among regions in Indonesia, particularly in terms of population. The existence of distribution requirement votes also makes the region becomes the object. As a result, the region can provide the legitimacy to the Presidential Candidates. Non-enforcement of distribution requirement votes will impact the Presidential candidates and the region itself. The possible impacts that will come out because of the non-enforcement of absolute distribution requirement are the ballot will be focused in certain regions, the concept of minority if directors vs. majority of directed will be appear, the campaign will be focused on certain regions, and the meaning of democracy will be neglected.]"
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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