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Prakoso Budi Wibowo
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kinerja jangka pendek terhadap kinerja jangka panjang dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja IPO Pada Bursa Efek Jakarta Periode 2001-2003. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah regresi linier dengan obyek penelitian adalah perusahaan yang melakukan IPO di Bursa Efek Jakarta antara tahun 2001 sampai tahun 2003.
Hasil uji regresi secara parsial, menunjukan variable opening price return (OPR) dan intraday return (INTRA) mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap initial return (INI). Hal ini berarti, INI merupakan fungsi dari OPR dan INTRA. Demikian pula OPR mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap INTRA. Uji regresi untuk jangka pendek menunjukan bahwa variable Total Assets, Umur Perusahaan, Prosentase Saham, Rasio P/E, Gross Proceed, Working Capital dan Debt Equity Ratio secara bersama mempunyai pengaruh dan signifikan terhadap INI dan OPR, sedangkan untuk jangka panjang variable Total Assets, Umur Perusahaan, Prosentase Saham, Rasio P/E, Gross
Proceed, Working Capital dan Debt Equity Ratio secara bersama menunjukan hasil yang signifikan terhadap AR_12 dan AR_24."
T 23821
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azita Zandian Aridyantie
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui penggunaan manajemen laba akrual dan manajemen laba riil (manipulasi aktivitas penjualan, overproduction, serta pengurangan biaya diskresioner) pada perusahaan yang melakukan IPO di periode 2002-2011, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi preferensi manajemen laba akrual versus manajemen laba riil, serta dampaknya pada kinerja keuangan pasca IPO. Penelitian ini menemukan perusahaan melakukan manajemen laba akrual diskresioner serta manajemen laba riil (manipulasi aktivitas penjualan ataupun overproduction) pada periode satu tahun sebelum IPO dan saat IPO. Dari faktor auditor eksternal, masa audit, serta level net operating asset (NOA), hanya level NOA ditemukan berdampak pada kecenderungan perusahaan untuk tidak memilih manipulasi aktivitas penjualan ataupun overproduction. Selain itu, ditemukan pula bahwa dari penggunaan manajemen laba akrual dan riil, hanya penggunaan manajemen laba riil pengurangan biaya diskresioner yang berdampak negatif pada kinerja perusahaan.

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether firms conducting IPO on 2002 - 2011 engaged in accrual earnings management and real earnings management (sales manipulation, over-production, and reduction in discretionary expense), factors that influence the tendency to engage in accrual versus real earnings management, and the impact of those earnings management on firm‟s performance after IPO. The results show that firms used accrual earnings management and real earnings management (sales manipulation or over-production) in one year before IPO and in IPO-year. Among external audit-firm, audit tenure, and the level of net operating asset (NOA) factors, only level of NOA is found to affect the tendency not to engage in sales manipulation or over-production. It is also found that only reduction in discretionary expense that found to significantly affect the decrease on firm‟s performance.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizna Citra Pertiwi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan dari struktur jajaran direksi dan dewan komisaris terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Variabel dependen adalah ROA dan Tobin?s q sedangkan variabel independen adalah ukuran jajaran direksi, keberadaan direktur wanita, ukuran dewan komisaris, presentase komisaris independen, lama direktur menjabat, jumlah rapat, leverage , umur perusahaan, ukuran perusahaan dan lama listing. Penelitian ini membuktikan ukuran jajaran direksi mempunyai hubungan positif terhadap kinerja perusahaan baik segi keuangan (ROA), maupun dari segi pasar (Tobin?s q). Keberadaan direktur wanita tidak mempunyai hubungan terhadap kinerja perusahan baik segi keuangan (ROA), maupun dari segi pasar(Tobin?s q). Ukuran dewan komisaris tidak mempunyai hubungan terhadap kinerja perusahan dari segi keuangan (ROA) dan mempunyai hubungan positif terhadap kinerja perusahan dari segi pasar (Tobin?sq). Komisaris independen tidak mempunyai hubungan terhadap kinerja perusahan baik segi keuangan (ROA), maupun dari segi pasar(Tobin?s q).

The aim of this research is to examine the relationship of the Board of Director and Board of Commissioner?s structure towards the company's performance. Dependence variable are ROA and Tobin?s q, whereas independence variable are size of Board of Direction, presence female directors, size of Board of Commissioner, president director tenure, number board meetings, leverage, firm age, size of the company, and years listing. This research proof that size of the board of director gives positive relationship towards company?s performance both in financial terms (ROA) and market value (Tobin?s Q). There is no relationship between presence of female director with company?s performance both in financial terms (ROA) and market value (Tobin?s Q). There is no relationship between size of board of commissioner with company?s performance in financial terms (ROA) and have a positive relationship towards company?s performance and market value (Tobin?s Q). There is no relationship between independent commissioner with company?s performance both in financial terms (ROA) and market terms (Tobin?s Q).;The aim of this research is to examine the relationship of the Board of Director and Board of Commissioner?s structure towards the company's performance. Dependence variable are ROA and Tobin?s q, whereas independence variable are size of Board of Direction, presence female directors, size of Board of Commissioner, president director tenure, number board meetings, leverage, firm age, size of the company, and years listing. This research proof that size of the board of director gives positive relationship towards company?s performance both in financial terms (ROA) and market value (Tobin?s Q). There is no relationship between presence of female director with company?s performance both in financial terms (ROA) and market value (Tobin?s Q). There is no relationship between size of board of commissioner with company?s performance in financial terms (ROA) and have a positive relationship towards company?s performance and market value (Tobin?s Q). There is no relationship between independent commissioner with company?s performance both in financial terms (ROA) and market terms (Tobin?s Q)., The aim of this research is to examine the relationship of the Board of Director and Board of Commissioner’s structure towards the company's performance. Dependence variable are ROA and Tobin’s q, whereas independence variable are size of Board of Direction, presence female directors, size of Board of Commissioner, president director tenure, number board meetings, leverage, firm age, size of the company, and years listing. This research proof that size of the board of director gives positive relationship towards company’s performance both in financial terms (ROA) and market value (Tobin’s Q). There is no relationship between presence of female director with company’s performance both in financial terms (ROA) and market value (Tobin’s Q). There is no relationship between size of board of commissioner with company’s performance in financial terms (ROA) and have a positive relationship towards company’s performance and market value (Tobin’s Q). There is no relationship between independent commissioner with company’s performance both in financial terms (ROA) and market terms (Tobin’s Q).]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gina Insyira
"Untuk go public dan terdaftar sebagai emiten di Bursa Efek Indonesia maka perusahaan harus melakukan penawaran umum di pasar perdana melalui proses Initial Public Offering (IPO). Proses IPO ini terkadang dapat memakan waktu lama karena banyaknya persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi perusahaan serta proses administrasi yang berbelit-belit, dan biaya yang cukup mahal. Agar perusahaan dapat terhindar dari proses IPO yang memakan waktu lama, berbelit-belit, dan biaya pelaksanaan yang cukup besar, terdapat alternatif lain bagi perusahaan untuk go public yaitu melalui proses back door listing atau reverse takeover. Reverse takeover merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk go public dimana perusahaan tertutup diakuisisi perusahaan terbuka dengan tujuan untuk melakukan pendaftaran saham tanpa melalui penawaran umum.
Penelitian ini menganalisis mengenai karakteristik dan kinerja perusahaan pelaku reverse takeover dan membandingkannya dengan karateristik dan kinerja perusahaan pelaku initial public offering. Pada penelitian ini akan terlihat apakah perusahaan pelaku reverse takeover memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik daripada kinerja perusahaan pelaku initial public offering atau tidak. Dalam penelitian ini terlihat bahwa perusahaan reverse takeover cenderung memiliki tingkat likuiditas yang lebih rendah, kurang menguntungkan (less profitable), berisiko besar untuk bangkrut, tingkat pertumbuhan yang rendah dan cenderung mengalami overvalued setahun setelah menjadi perusahaan publik."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roseline Mannuela Anwar
"Pandangan terkait dengan Resource Based View memiliki perspektif bahwa social capital yang dimiliki oleh anggota dewan perusahaan dapat menjadi kekuatan serta keunggulan bagi perusahaan. Salah satu bentuk dari social capital tersebut adalah koneksi internal yang terjalin antar anggota dewan baik komisaris maupun direksi perusahaan. Penelitian yang mengkaji terkait koneksi internal dewan perusahaan sampai sejauh ini masih relatif jarang dijumpai di dalam literatur keuangan, khususnya di Indonesia. Di dalam penelitian ini akan ditelusuri bagaimana pengaruh dari board internal connection terhadap kinerja perusahaan di Indonesia. Sampel yang diamati meliputi perusahaan publik pada seluruh sektor di Indonesia terkecuali sektor keuangan selama periode tahun 2017 sampai dengan 2019. Di samping itu mengingat mayoritas perusahaan di Indonesia di dominasi oleh perusahaan keluarga, maka dalam penelitian ini akan ditelusuri juga bagaimana kehadiran dari adanya kontrol keluarga dapat mempengaruhi hubungan antara board internal connection terhadap kinerja perusahaan di Indonesia. Pada hasil pengujian empiris yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa adanya kontrol keluarga di dalam perusahaan mampu memperlemah hubungan positif antara board internal connection terhadap kinerja perusahaan.

Resource Based View has a perspective that board social capital can become an advantage for the company. Internal connection is one of the social capital that exist in firm’s board members. Empirical study that focus on investigating the board internal connection on firm performance are still rare in the financial literature, especially in Indonesia. The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of board internal connection on firm performance in Indonesia. This study employs a sample comprising all Indonesian listed companies during the period 2017 to 2019, excluding the financial and banking sector. Majority of companies in Indonesia are dominated by family companies, so in this study also investigates how the existence of family control can affect the relations between board internal connection and firm performance in Indonesia. This study provides empirical evidence that the existence of family control in the company weaken the positive relationship between board internal connection and firm performance."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liliek Gajatri Hadinoto
"This research is done to find a more objective and comprehensive formula for performance evaluation of banks listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange. This is based on the statistical theory of how to find some key variables used to evaluate banks performance, and the finance/banking management theory to formulate the model and to further evaluate those key variables found. If we already have those variables which we get from the statistical evaluation, we do not have to consider all the financial ratios. All we can have is just those key variables. Hopefully, the findings can be applied for all banks in the Indonesian economy.
Most researches are merely univariate, so that they are quite subjective. In this research I try to eliminate eveything that is based on subjectivity. Although I still use financial ratios to find the key variables (as the independent variables), I also use three more variables to formulate the model (as the dependent variables). Those are the growth of the stock prices, the growth of the (quality) assets and the ratio of Non Interest Income to Total Asset (a measure of fee-based income). These three variables are used as the indicator of the bank performance. In other words, I would like to know whether the groupings which is based on the three performance variables is right and consistent. I also would like to know whether the ratios chosen can be used to describe the bank performance.
To find those key variables, I use data from the Jakarta Stock Exchange. There were twenty two banks listed from January to December 1996 and used as the models (the other two banks were not considered in the analysis because they were just listed on November dan December 1996). I then devided the banks into two groups, each of which consists of nine and thirteen members. The first group has a bad performance indicating that the members can not generate fee-based income and has a much lower growth of the stock prices compare to the growth of the asset. The second group has a good performance which means that the group has a higher level of fee-based income and has a little lower growth of the stock prices compare to the growth of the asset during the same period. (Cluster analysis is used in making the groupings).
By using a Multivariate Discriminant Analysis, I get three key variables succesfully. Then, I will say this function as The Alternative Model for Bank Performance Evaluation, and is expressed as :
X1 : Non Interest Income to Total Asset (NOIITA)
X2 : Loss Reserve to Total Loan (LRTL)
X3 : Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR)
The results tells us the following points :
The formula can be applied to all bank in the economy for the performance evaluation as they find no misclassification in the groupings, and are supported by a good statistical test result.The banks have a tendency to operate outside their main business. The banks are also exposed to risk. They have given more loans to the public higher than their deposits and have more loss reserve in their operation. The banks performance is sensitive to LDR and then to NOI1TA, shown by the relatively high elasticity of LDR (1.2721) and NDIITA (1.2188). Any changes in those two variables will significantly affect the bank performance. Each bank has a relatively high growth of its asset compare to growth of its stock prices.
The only thing that will cause a little effort in applying this formula is the fact that the bank financial statements are not in good standard, so that people have to look thoroughly in those statements. This research can be followed by further research concerning extension of the period and extension to non-banks business operation. It might also be done to test the findings of any further situations such as whether the banks have a tendency to operate outside their main business (or not), whether the banks are likely to operate exceeding their maximum credit limit (or not), and whether the risk factor is dominant in the banking business (or not)."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pandu Wicaksono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh diversifikasi global terhadap kinerja perusahaan dan pengaruh tata kelola perusahaan dalam memoderasi hubungan keduanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel 75 perusahaan pada industri manufaktur yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2007-2012. Kinerja perusahaan yang dimaksud menggunakan proksi excess value dan return on asset. Dengan menggunakan dua ukuran diversifikasi global yang berbeda, ditemukan bahwa diversifikasi global tidak berpengaruh pada kinerja perusahaan. Di sisi lain, pengaruh interaksi tata kelola perusahaan terhadap hubungan diversifikasi global dan kinerja perusahaan tidak signifikan.


This study aims to examine the effect if global diversification on firm performance and the effect of corporate governance in moderating the relationship between both. The study was using samples of 75 firms conducting business in manufacturing industry listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2007-2012. Firm performance used excess value and return on asset as proxy. The result shows, using two different measures of global diversification, that global diversification has no effect on firm performance. In addition, corporate governance is not significant in moderating the relationship between global diversification and firm performance.

Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Pahlevi Zahrie
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan proporsi serta keragaman latar belakang profesional komisaris independen dengan kinerja perusahaan. Komisaris independen dipercaya dapat menjalankan fungsi pengawasan perusahaan secara lebih objektif. Selain itu, fungsi pemberian nasihat dapat ditingkatkan dengan semakin beragamnya latar belakang profesional komisaris independen. Oleh karena itu, proporsi serta keragaman latar belakang profesional komisaris independen diprediksi dapat meningkatkan kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Pengujian dilakukan pada 253 perusahaan yang terdaftar di BEI tahun 2013-2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi serta keragaman latar belakang profesional komisaris independen secara signifikan berkorelasi positif dengan kinerja perusahaan.

The research objective is to examine the relation between proportion and professional background diversity of independent commissioners with company performance. Independent commissioners are considered to have the capability to implement monitoring function of the company more objectively. Besides, advisory function can be improved through the more diversed independent commissioners rsquo professional background. Hence, the proportion and professional background diversity of independent commissioners are predicted to increase the company rsquo s financial performance. This research takes 253 companies that are listed in Indonesia rsquo s Stock Exchange BEI from 2013 to 2015. The empirical study shows that the proportion and professional background diversity of independent commissioners are significantly and positively correlated with company performance."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risnawati Ramli
"Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) masih menjadi masalah yang kompleks bagi banyak perusahaan. Mereka masih kesulitan memperoleh return on investment dalam sistem ERM mereka. Inti permasalahan dalam penerapan ERM tersebut adalah ketidakmatangan proses learn dalam sistem ERM mereka. Proses learn dalam ERM merupakan basic right dalam terciptanya kematangan penerapan ERM yang berujung pada efektivitas penerapan ERM itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh tingkat kematangan aktivitas learn dalam sistem ERM terhadap kinerja perusahaan baik kinerja operasional maupun pasar. Analisis konten laporan tahunan berdasarkan GRC Capability model 3.0 dilakukan untuk menilai kematangan proses learn dalam sistem ERM. Data sampel terdiri dari 91 perusahaan manufaktur di United Kingdom dan Jerman selama 5 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan tingkat kematangan aktivitas learn dalam ERM selama 5 tahun. Penelitian ini memberikan bukti bahwa tingkat kematangan akivitas learn dalam ERM yang tinggi memiliki manfaat dalam peningkatan kinerja operasional, namun tidak ditemukan manfaat dalam peningkatan kinerja pasar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penting sebuah perusahaan memiliki tingkat kematangan aktivitas learn yang tinggi untuk peningkatan kinerja operasional yang lebih baik.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is still a complex problem for many companies. They are still having trouble getting a return on investment in their ERM system. The core problem of ERM implementation is the immaturity of the learning process in their ERM system. The learning process in ERM system is a basic right in the creation of maturity in ERM implementation which leads to the effectiveness of ERM implementation itself. This study aims to examine the effect of the learning process maturity in ERM on firm performance both operational and market. Content analysis of annual report based on GRC Capability model 3.0 is conducted to assess learning process maturity in ERM system. The data sample consisted of 91 manufacturing companies listed in the United Kingdom and Germany for 5 years. The result shows that an increase in the learning process maturity in ERM system for 5 years in all samples. This study provides evidence that an high learning maturity process in ERM system has benefits in improving operational performance, but found no benefits in increasing market performance. The result indicates that it is important for a company to have a high level of learning process maturity to improve operational performance."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Ferry Firmansyah
"Krisis moneter yang mulai merebak pada bulan Juli 1997 ditambah suasana chaotic menjelang dan sesudah lengsernya mantan Presiden Soeharto, mengakibatkan business confidence hilang sehingga terjadi capital flight, devaluasi nilai rupiah yang besar, tingginya tingkat suku bunga, melonjaknya tingkat inflasi, resesi ekonomi di dalam negeri, ditambah rush akibat krisis kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap perbankan nasional menimbulkan dampak yang berat, sehingga krisis perbankanpun tidak dapat dihindari. Tindakan pemerintah untuk membenahi sektor perbankan nasional yang terpuruk adalah melalui restrukturisasi dengan alternatif penggabungan (merger). Dalam penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus merger empat bank pemerintah yaitu BBD, BDN, Bank Exim dan Bapindo ke dalam PT Bank Mandiri (persero).
Hasil analisa berdasarkan pendekatan organisasi industri untuk menentukan kondisi persaingan berdasarkan tingkat konsentrasi CR4 dan HHI, kemudian berdasarkan penggunaan alat analisa keuangan untuk menentukan kinerja dilihat dari aspek permodalan, kualitas aset, rentabilitas, likuiditas, dan efisiensi, disimpulkan bahwa PT Bank Mandiri (persero) tampil sebagai bank besar kepercayaan masyarakat dan mampu bersaing di tengah kondisi persaingan industri perbankan Indonesia pasta krisis yang lebih terkonsentrasi dibandingkan dengan kondisi persaingan sebelum krisis. Akan tetapi hal yang sangat disayangkan adalah Bank Mandiri belum mampu menjalankan fungsi intermediasi perbankan dan belum mampu menghasilkan kinerja maksimal dengan kategori sangat bagus.
Hasil analisa terhadap Undang-undang No.7 tahun 1992 sebagaimana diubah dengan Undang-Undang No.10 tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan, Peraturan BI No.2/23/PBI/2000 tentang Fit & Proper Test, dan No.3/22/PBI/2001 tentang Transparansi Kondisi Keuangan Bank, telah menunjukan upaya pemerintah untuk benar-benar mewujudkan perbankan yang dapat menjawab tantangan dan tuntutan publik di tengah perekonomian yang semakin komplek dan berkembang."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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