ABSTRAKPada proyek pembangunan pengamanan pantai seringkali ditemui masalah yang
dapat menyebabkan kegagalan maupun tidak selesainya proyek tepat pada
waktunya sehingga mengakibatkan menurunnya kinerja waktu pelaksanaan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan faktor-faktor resiko yang sangat berperan
atau mendominasi sebagai penyebab keterlambatan dengan maksud agar proses
perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penjadwalan proyek konstruksi dapat dilakukan
dengan lebih lengkap dan cermat sehingga keterlambatan sedapat mungkin
dihindarkan atau dikendalikan. Temuan penyebab keterlambatan dikonfirmasikan
dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang didistribusikan kepada para pemilik proyek
di masing-masing balai, menunjukkan bahwa masalah-masalah keterlambatan
penyerahan lapangan dan perubahan desain merupakan faktor-faktor yang
dominan sebagai penyebab keterlambatan waktu dari sisi pemilik proyek.
ABSTRACTIn the construction of coast protection projects often encountered problems that
can cause a failure or not timely completion of the project, resulting in degraded
performance of implementation time. This study aims to find risk factors that
greatly contributed to or dominated as the cause of the delay with a view to the
planning, implementation, construction project scheduling can be done with a
more complete and accurate so that the delay as much as possible be avoided or
controlled. The findings of the cause of delay confirmed using a questionnaire
distributed to the owners of the project in each of the office, showed that the
problems of delay delivery of the field and design changes are the dominant
factors as the cause of the delay time of the project owner, In the construction of coast protection projects often encountered problems that
can cause a failure or not timely completion of the project, resulting in degraded
performance of implementation time. This study aims to find risk factors that
greatly contributed to or dominated as the cause of the delay with a view to the
planning, implementation, construction project scheduling can be done with a
more complete and accurate so that the delay as much as possible be avoided or
controlled. The findings of the cause of delay confirmed using a questionnaire
distributed to the owners of the project in each of the office, showed that the
problems of delay delivery of the field and design changes are the dominant
factors as the cause of the delay time of the project owner]"