Dari evaluasi ini belum dapat disimpulkan angka keberhasilannya karena jumlah kasus sedikit, tetapi bila dilihat dari kelima kasus yang diamati maka terlihat peningkatan angka suroival, mungkin oleh karena penanganan kasus amputasi traumatik sudah dikerjakan oleh satu tim. Permasalahan pada kasus replantasi atau revaskularisasi di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo bukan pada survival saja, tetapi sudah mulai berkembang pada pengembalian fungsi. Ternyata kasus mild crush injury juga bisa berhasil dengan baik ditinjau dari segi survival dan fungsinya, sehingga pernyataan mengenai kontra indikasi mild crush injury untuk disambung perlu dievaluasij ditinjau kembali.
From this evaluation, it cannot be concluded that the success rate is small because the number of cases is small, but when viewed from the five cases observed, it can be seen that the suroival rate has increased, perhaps because the handling of traumatic amputation cases has been carried out by one team. The problem in the case of replanting or revascularization at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital is not only in suroival, but has begun to develop in the return of function. It turns out that mild crush injury cases can also be successfully reviewed in terms of suroival and function, so that the statement regarding the contraindications of mild crush injury to be continued need to be evaluated and reviewed.