Telah dilakukan penelitian dengan desain cross-sectional dengan teknik deskriptif dan korelatif untuk mendapatkan gambaran maturasi fistula A V dengan USG Doppler, mengkorelasikan antara kecepatan draining vein, flow darah pada draining vein, diameter internal draining vein, ketebalan dinding draining vein, diameter internal feeding artery, kecepatan feeding artery dengan flow darah pada mesin hemodialisa yang mencerminkan keadekuatan hemodialisis.
A study has been conducted with a cross-sectional design with descriptive and correlative techniques to obtain an image of the maturation of the A V fistula with Doppler ultrasound, correlating between the velocity of the draining vein, the blood flow at the draining vein, the internal diameter of the draining vein, the thickness of the drainage vein wall, the diameter of the Internal Feeding Artery, the speed of feeding the artery with blood flow on the hemodialysis machine which reflects the adequacy of hemodialysis.