Stereotip gender dalam pembagian rubrik liputan merupakan salah satu diskriminasi terhadap jurnalis perempuan. Tulisan ini meninjau penelitian “Sustaining the ‘Pink Ghetto’? The identity negotiations of Chinese women journalists in the field of digital journalism”, “Perempuan, Media, dan Profesi Jurnalis”, serta “The Gender of ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ news: Female journalists' views on gendered story allocations” untuk melihat pengalaman jurnalis perempuan dalam ruang redaksi menggunakan model struktur gender sebagai praktik sosial dan konsep hegemoni maskulinitas. Terdapat struktur gender dalam bentuk relasi produksi, relasi kuasa, dan relasi emosional yang mendukung keberlanjutan hegemoni maskulinitas dalam perusahaan media. Pembagian rubrik liputan didasari stereotip peran gender, stereotip sifat maskulin-feminin, hingga dominasi laki-laki di media.
Gender stereotypes in media desk allocations is a form of discrimination against women journalists. This research paper reviews the past studies “Sustaining the ‘Pink Ghetto’? The identity negotiations of Chinese women journalists in the field of digital journalism”, “Perempuan, Media, dan Profesi Jurnalis”, and “The Gender of ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ news: Female journalists' views on gendered story allocations” to look at the experiences of women journalists in the newsroom using the model of gender as a structure of social practices and the concept of hegemonic masculinity. Gender structure is present in the form of labor relations, power relations, and emotional relations which allow the persistence of hegemonic masculinity in media organizations. Desk allocations are based on gender role stereotypes, masculine-feminine traits stereotypes, to men’s domination in media.