Pelayanan Obstetri dan Neonatal Emergensi Dasar (PONED) merupakan salah satu pelayanan Puskesmas yang diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi untuk penurunan AKI dan AKB. Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI), Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) dan Angka Kematian Balita (AKABA) di Indonesia tertinggi dibandingkan negara-negara ASEAN lainnya. Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu memiliki 2 Puskesmas Kecamatan yang memiliki rawat inap yang berfungsi PONED dan 4 Puskesmas Kelurahan yang mempunyai perawatan 24 jam. Namun demikian indikator pelayanan Program PONED masih belum mencapai target, salah satunya angka Kematian Bayi dan Rujukan Ibu Melahirkan yang masih sangat tinggi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik kualitatif. Informan ditentukan dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Informan penelitian antara lain masyarakat, Pemerintah Daerah, Tim PONED Puskesmas, Para Kepala Puskesmas PONED, penanggung jawab program PONED Sudinkes Pulau Seribu, dan Penanggung Jawab SDM Kesehatan Sudinkes Kepulauan Seribu. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data primer dan data sekunder berupa hasil wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian diperoleh data bahwa pada standar dan ukuran kebijakan telah dipahami oleh pelaksana kebijakan. Pemahaman ini didukung komunikasi yang jelas dan berkelanjutan antara Dinas Kesehatan, puskesmas dan stakeholder, kejelasan informasi dan konsistensi informasi. Ketersediaan anggaran, sarana dan prasarana sudah mencukupi tetapi terkendala masalah pemeliharaan alat karena faktor air asin yang menyebabkan peralatan mudah berkarat dan rusak. Struktur birokrasi sudah terdapat Keputusan Bupati mengenai tim PONED, namun belum ada struktur khusus PONED di Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kepulauan Seribu Disposisi ditunjukan dengan sikap positif berupa komitmen bersama Pemerintah Daerah dan Puskesmas dalam penanganan ibu hamil, penanganan kasus rujukan ibu melahirkan dengan penyulit. Peran serta masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan PONED sudah ditunjukan dengan pemanfaatan Puskesmas PONED dalam pemeriksaan kehamilan dan proses melahirkan, Output pelaksanaan program PONED sudah dilakukan pencatatan dan pelaporan capaian program kepada penanggung jawab di Sudinkes, belum ada format pelaporan khusus PONED dan belum dilakukan analisa pelaporan PONED serta feedbacak pelaporan belum dilaksanakan. Implementasi pelayanan PONED di Puskesmas Kepulauan Seribu Selatan dan Puskesmas Pulau Seribu Utara sudah berjalan tapi belum optimal dengan adanya hambatan dan kendala di komponen input, proses maupun output yang harus diatasi sehingga pelayana PONED di Kepulauan Seribu bisa berjalan dengan baik.
Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (PONED) is one of the Primary Health Care services that is expected to contribute to the reduction of MMR and IMR. Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and Toddler Mortality Rate in Indonesia are the highest compared to other ASEAN countries. The Seribu Islands Administrative Regency has 2 sub-district health centers that have PONED inpatient care and 4 sub-district health centers that have 24-hour care. However, the service indicators of the PONED program have not yet reached the target, one of which is the very high infant mortality rate and maternal referral. This study was a qualitative analytic study. Informants were determined using purposive sampling. The research informants included the community, local government, Primary Health Care PONED team, Heads of Primary Health Care PONED, the person in charge of the Thousand Island sub-district PONED program, and the person in charge of the Thousand Islands sub-district health human resources. The research results show that the policy standards and measures have been understood by implementers. This understanding is supported by clear and continuous communication between the Health Service, community health centers and stakeholders, clarity of information and consistency of information. The availability of budget, facilities and infrastructure is sufficient but is hampered by equipment maintenance problems due to the salt water factor which causes the equipment to rust easily and cause damage. The bureaucratic structure already has a Regent's Decree regarding the poned team, but there is no special PONED structure in the Seribu Islands Health Sub-Department. The disposition is shown by a positive attitude in the form of a joint commitment between the Regional Government and the Community Health Center in handling pregnant women, handling referral cases of mothers giving birth with complications. Community participation in the implementation of PONED has been demonstrated by the use of PONED Community Health Centers in pregnancy checks and the birthing process. The output of the implementation of the PONED program has been recorded and reported on program achievements to the person in charge at the Health Sub-Department. reporting has not been implemented. The implementation of PONED services at the South Seribu Islands Community Health Center and North Thousand Islands Health Center is already underway but is not yet optimal due to the existence of barriers and obstacles in the input, process and output components that must be overcome so that PONED services in the Thousand Islands can run well.