Industri garmen saat ini menghadapi tantangan cukup besar dalam memenuhi permintaan buyer dari luar negeri. Tren fast fashion membuat siklus produksi garmen menjadi lebih pendek dan membuat pabrik garmen harus bekerjasama dengan suplier yang dapat diandalkan, terutama suplier benang jahit, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan produksi di pabrik garmen dalam waktu singkat. Penelitian ini menekankan pentingnya membangun kemitraan strategis antara pabrik garmen dan suplier benang jahit dalam kerangka hubungan pemasaran B2B untuk memastikan rantai pasok yang efektif dan berkesinambungan. Penelitian terdahulu menyatakan terdapat pengaruh positif antara commitment, trust, dan Relative dependence terhadap customer satsifaction dan customer loyalty dalam hubungan distributor dan seller. Penelitian ini membangun model untuk menganalisis lebih lanjut pengaruh faktor-faktor Affective commitment, Instrumental Commitment, Capability-based Trust, Benevolence-based Trust, dan Relative dependence untuk mencapai customer satisfaction dan customer loyalty dalam hubungan pabrik garmen dan suplier benang jahit. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui survei yang dikirimkan kepada pabrik garmen yang berada di Propinsi Banten, Jawa Barat, dan DKI Jakarta. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan SmartPLS untuk menentukan hubungan antara variabel-variabel penelitian. Temuan dari penelitian ini menyatakan Affective commitment, Instrumental Commitment, Capability-based Trust, dan Benevolence-based Trust dapat meningkatkan customer satisfaction dan customer loyalty, namun relative dependendence ditemukan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction dan customer loyalty. Temuan ini memberikan wawasan baru bagi perusahaan dalam mengembangkan strategi bisnisnya.
The garment industry is currently facing considerable challenges in meeting the demands of overseas buyers. The fast fashion trend has shortened garmen production cycles and forced garmen factories to work with reliable suppliers, especially sewing thread suppliers, to fulfil the production needs of garmen factories in a short period of time. This research emphasises the importance of building strategic partnerships between garmen factories and sewing thread suppliers within the framework of B2B marketing relationships to ensure an effective and sustainable supply chain. Previous research states that there is a positive influence between commitment, trust, and Relative dependence on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in distributor and seller relationships. This study builds a model to further analyse the influence of Affective commitment, Instrumental Commitment, Capability-based Trust, Benevolence-based Trust, and Relative dependence factors to achieve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the relationship between garmen factories and sewing thread suppliers. The research method used is quantitative method with data collection through surveys sent to garmen factories located in Banten, West Java, and DKI Jakarta Provinces. Data analysis was conducted using SmartPLS to determine the relationship between the research variables. The findings of this study state that Affective commitment, Instrumental Commitment, Capability-based Trust, and Benevolence-based Trust can increase customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, but Relative dependence was found to have no significant effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. These findings provide new insights for companies in developing their business strategies.