Serial drama You Are My Glory (你是我的荣耀) disutradarai oleh Wang Zhi (王之) dan ditayangkan pada tahun 2021 lalu dengan total 32 episode. Penelitian ini menganalisis 14 episode pertama yang menghadirkan popularitas game Honor of Kings (王者荣耀) melalui interaksi dan dialog antar dua tokoh utama yaitu Yutu (于途) dan Qiao Jingjing (乔晶晶). Penggabungan game online HoK yang sedang populer di masa kini dengan serial drama You Are My Glory yang dimainkan oleh aktor dan aktris papan atas merupakan strategi baru yang menarik untuk dikaji lebih lanjut. Analisis dilakukan secara intrinsik yang bersumber dari penokohan dua tokoh utama dalam serial drama You Are My Glory, dan secara ekstrinsik berupa gambaran realitas sosial masyarakat urban Cina masa kini. Penelitian ini menemukan analisis penghadiran popularitas game HoK melalui interaksi dan dialog antar dua tokoh utama merefleksikan kondisi Cina di masa kini. Aspek-aspek yang merefleksikan tentang kondisi Cina di masa kini yaitu, game online HoK sangat populer di kalangan anak muda perkotaan Cina; popularitas game online HoK menjadi gambaran kemajuan pembangunan teknologi informasi; dan, penghadiran popularitas game online HoK melalui penokohan menjadi strategi kesuksesan serial drama You Are My Glory. Strategi ini mendukung inti tujuan Dua Seratus Tahun dan isi pidato Xi Jinping, serta sebagai penguatan pembangunan budaya lingkup lokal Cina dan penyebaran kekuatan budaya lunak Cina secara global.
The drama series You Are My Glory (你是我的荣耀) was directed by Wang Zhi (王之) and aired in 2021 with total 32 episodes. This research analyzes the first 14 episodes which present the popularity of the Honor of Kings Game (王者荣耀) through interactions and dialogue between the two main characters, namely Yutu (于途) and Qiao Jingjing (乔晶晶). Combining the online game HoK which is currently popular with the drama series You Are My Glory played by top actors and actresses is an interesting new strategy to study further. The analysis was carried out intrinsically based on the characterization of the two main characters in the drama series You Are My Glory and extrinsically in the form of a description of the social reality of China urban society. This research found that the analysis of the popularity of the HoK game through interaction and dialogue between the two main characters reflects the conditions in China today. Aspects that reflect the current condition of China, namely, the online game HoK is very popular among China young urban; the popularity of the HoK online game is an illustration of the progress of information technology development; presenting the popularity of the online game HoK through characterization is a strategy for the success of the drama series You Are My Glory. This strategy of combining the online game HoK with the drama series You Are My Glory supports the core goals of the Two Hundred Years and the content of Xi Jinping's speech. This new China strategy is to strengthen China's local cultural development and spread China's soft cultural power globally.