Serah terima belum optimal di beberapa rumah sakit di Indonesia dan ditemukan masih banyak kejadian tak terduga dan insiden nyaris celaka. Pentingnya komunikasi yang efektif dalam serah terima, khususnya dalam penggunaan metode SBAR untuk memastikan keselamatan pasien dan kualitas perawatan. Penerapan serah terima antar shift menggunakan metode SBAR di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit X belum optimal. Sosialisasi, role play, dan supervisi terbukti dapat mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan serah terima keperawatan sehingga perlu diterapkan pada ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit X. Tujuan penulisan ini yaitu menganalisis gambaran serah terima dan upaya pengoptimalan serah terima antar shift dengan metode sosialisasi, role play, dan supervisi. Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah case report dengan pendekatan teori perubahan terencana Kurt Lewin. Tahapan yang dilakukan yaitu mengidentifikasi gambaran situasi, mengidentifikasi masalah, mengumpulkan data, menganalisis masalah, menerapkan serta mengevaluasi solusi sesuai evidence-based practice, dan penulisan laporan kasus. Hasil dari penerapan intervensi evidence-based practice menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan tentang serah terima menggunakan SBAR sebesar 85% dan persentase capaian pelaksanaan serah terima 63%. Sosialisasi dan role play berkala dapat dilakukan sebagai upaya optimalisasi pelaksanaan serah terima. Temuan ini juga menyoroti pentingnya pelaksanaan supervisi untuk mendukung proses timbang terima yang optimal di ruangan.
Handover has not been optimal in several hospitals in Indonesia and it was found that there were still many unexpected events and near-accident incidents. The importance of effective communication in handover, especially in the use of the SBAR method to ensure patient safety and quality of care. The application of handover between shifts using the SBAR method in the inpatient room of Hospital X has not been optimal. Socialization, role play, and supervision are proven to optimize the implementation of nursing handover so that it needs to be applied to the inpatient room of Hospital X. The purpose of this writing is to analyze the handover picture and efforts to optimize handover between shifts with socialization, role play, and supervision methods. The writing method used is a case report with Kurt Lewin's planned change theory approach. The stages carried out are identifying the situation picture, identifying problems, collecting data, analyzing problems, implementing, and evaluating solutions according to evidence-based practice, and writing case reports. The results of the implementation of evidence-based practice interventions show the level of knowledge about handover using SBAR is 85% and the percentage of achievement of handover implementation is 63%. Periodic socialization and role play can be carried out as an effort to optimize the implementation of handover. These findings also highlight the importance of implementing supervision to support an optimal weighing process in the room.