Tugas dan tanggung jawab dari tenaga ahli teknologi laboratorium medik, melaksanakan pelayanan laboratorium medis, yang meliputi pengambilan dan analisis terhadap spesimen biologi. Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 43 Tahun 2019 menyebutkan minimal 9 jenis tenaga di Puskesmas, salah satunya tenaga ATLM, berdasarkan data SISDMK terdapat 43 Puskesmas di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Lebak, semantara Puskesmas yang memiliki tenaga ATLM hanya ada 15 Puskesmas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat gambaran ketersediaan tenaga ATLM dan upaya pemenuhan tenaga ATLM. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus Analisis Ketersediaan tenaga ATLM dan upaya pemenuhan Tenaga Ahli Teknologi Laboratorium Medik (Atlm) Puskesmas di Kabupaten Lebak Provinsi Banten Tahun 2023. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 43 Puskesmas di level Kabupaten ada 28 Puskesmas yang belum memiliki tenaga ATLM sehingga belum memenuhi kesesuaian standar PMK 43 tahun 2019, hanya 15 Puskesmas yang memiliki tenaga ATLM dan baru 7 Puskesmas yang memiliki 9 jenis tenaga. Perencanaan yang baik, insentif yang memadai, pengembangan karier yang jelas diharapakan mampu menjadi solusi terhadap ketersediaan dan pemenuhan tenaga ATLM di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Lebak Provinsi Banten.
Duties and responsibilities of medical laboratory technology experts, carrying out medical laboratory services, which include taking and analyzing biological specimens. Minister of Health Regulation Number 43 of 2019 states that there are a minimum of 9 types of personnel in Puskesmas, one of which is ATLM personnel. Based on SISDMK data, there are 43 Puskesmas in the Lebak District Health Service, while there are only 15 Puskesmas that have ATLM personnel. The aim of this research is to see a picture of the availability of ATLM personnel and efforts to fulfill ATLM personnel. This research uses a qualitative research method with a case study design, analysis of the availability of ATLM personnel and efforts to fulfill medical laboratory technology experts (ATLM) for health centers in Lebak Regency, Banten Province in 2023. The results of the research show that of the 43 health centers at the district level, there are 28 health centers that do not yet have ATLM personnel therefore do not meet the standards of PMK 43 of 2019, only 15 Community Health Centers have ATLM personnel and only 7 Community Health Centers have 9 types of personnel. Good planning, adequate incentives, clear career development are expected to be a solution to the availability and fulfillment of ATLM personnel in the Lebak District Health Service, Banten Province.