Adanya kemajuan teknologi dan pergeseran aktivitas masyarakat dari luring ke daring menyebabkan kebutuhan akan smartphone meningkat. Pasar
smartphone yang besar menarik banyak pelaku bisnis untuk bersaing melalui inovasi teknologi. Brand atau merek memainkan peran penting dalam persaingan di pasar
smartphone. Untuk memenangkan persaingan, strategi merek yang efektif digunakan untuk menjangkau target pasar. Penelitian ini akan meneliti pengaruh dari
Brand Engagement dan
Brand Love terhadap
Repurchase Intention produk
smartphone di Indonesia. Sampel pada penelitian ini merupakan Warga Negara Indonesia berusia 18 tahun ke atas. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 484 responden melalui kuesioner secara
online dan analisis data menggunakan perangkat SmartPLS 4 untuk menganalisis 7 hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
Brand Engagement berpengaruh positif terhadap
Brand Love serta
Repurchase Intention secara langsung dan melalui mediator
Brand Love. Brand Love berpengaruh positif terhadap
Repurchase Intention. Variabel moderasi
Usage Duration memoderasi hubungan
Brand Engagement dan
Brand Love.
The advancement of technology and the shift in societal activities from offline to online have increased the demand for smartphones. The large smartphone market attracts many business players to compete through technological innovations. Brands play a crucial role in the competition within the smartphone market. To win the competition, effective brand strategies are used to reach the target market. This study will examine the influence of Brand Engagement and Brand Love on Repurchase of smartphones in Indonesia. Sample of this research is Indonesian aged 18 and above. This research was conducted with 484 respondents through online questionnaires, and data analysis was performed using SmartPLS 4 to examine 7 hypotheses. The results show that Brand Engagement has a positive effect on Brand Love and Repurchase Intention both directly and through mediation variable Brand Love. Brand Love positively influences Repurchase Intention. The moderation variable Usage Duration moderates correlation between Brand Engagement and Brand Love.