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Pandemi COVID-19 telah membawa perubahan signifikan pada berbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk kesehatan mental dan kesejahteraan individu bagi mahasiswa kedokteran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan tingkat distres psikologis dan disfungsi sosial pada mahasiswa kedokteran preklinik selama masa puncak pandemi dan masa pascapuncak pandemi.
Desain studi komparatif digunakan, dengan data yang dikumpulkan dari mahasiswa kedokteran preklinik di fakultas kedokteran di Indonesia. Kuesioner General Health Questionnaire 12 (GHQ-12) diberikan untuk menilai distres psikologis dan disfungsi sosial selama periode puncak pandemi (Mei–Agustus 2021) dan periode pascapuncak pandemi (Februari–Mei 2022) di antara mahasiswa. Sebanyak 286 mahasiswa kedokteran preklinik diikutsertakan kemudian statistik deskriptif digunakan untuk meringkas karakteristik demografi peserta, serta uji Mann-Whitney digunakan untuk membandingkan skor rata-rata GHQ-12, skor distres psikologis, dan skor disfungsi sosial antara periode pandemi dan pascapuncak pandemi.
Uji Mann-Whitney menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan tingkatan distres psikologis dan disfungsi sosial pada masa puncak pandemi dan masa pascapuncak pandemi. Uji Chi-kuadrat menunjukkan tingkat distres psikologis lebih tinggi pada masa puncak pandemi (p < 0,001) daripada masa pascapuncak pandemi dan tingkat disfungsi sosial lebih tinggi pada masa puncak pandemi daripada masa pascapuncak pandemi (p = 0,033).
Terdapat perbedaan tingkatan distres psikologis dan disfungsi sosial terhadap mahasiswa kedokteran preklinik antara masa puncak pandemi dan masa pascapuncak pandemi.
IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant changes to various aspects of life, including mental health and individual well-being for medical students. This study aims to compare the levels of psychological distress and social dysfunction in pre-clinical medical students during the peak period of the pandemic and the post-pandemic period.MethodA comparative study design was used, with data collected from preclinical medical students at medical faculties in Indonesia. The General Health Questionnaire 12 (GHQ-12) was administered to assess psychological distress and social dysfunction during the peak period of the pandemic (May–August 2021) and post-peak period of the pandemic (February–May 2022) among students. A total of 286 pre-clinical medical students were included, then descriptive statistics were used to summarize the demographic characteristics of the participants, and the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the mean GHQ-12 scores, psychological distress scores, and social dysfunction scores between the pandemic and post-pandemic periods.ResultsThe Mann-Whitney test shows that there are differences in levels of psychological distress and social dysfunction during the peak of the pandemic and the post-pandemic period. The Chi-square test showed that the level of psychological distress was higher during the peak period of the pandemic (p < 0.001) than during the post-pandemic period as well as the level of social dysfunction was higher during the peak period of the pandemic than during the post-peak pandemic period (p = 0.033). ConclusionThere are differences in the levels of psychological disorders and social dysfunction in pre-clinical medical students between the peak of the pandemic and the post-pandemic period.