Latar Belakang Kasus lansia dengan gangguan tidur yang mengunjungi pelayanan kesehatan semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya, Beberapa penyebab gangguan tidur yaitu penurunan fisiologis akibat penuaan, perubahan lingkungan, gaya hidup dan perubahan psikologis. Salah satu perubahan psikologis penyebab gangguan tidur pada lansia adalah kesepian. Salah satu cara lansia mengatasi kesepiannya adalah menggunakan Smartphone , namun dampak penggunaan Smartphone terhadap kualitas tidur dan kesepian pada lansia belum banyak diteliti. Tujuan: Penelitian ini mencari adakah hubungan penggunaan Smartphone Screen Time dan platform media sosial dengan kualitas tidur dan kesepian lansia. Metode: Penelitian Cross sectional terhadap 98 pasien yang menjalani rawat jalan di Pusat Kesehatan Jiwa Nasional RS Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor dengan kriteria inklusi lansia yang mengalami gangguan tidur, mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan menggunakan Smartphone (iPhone minimal versi 12 atau Android minimal versi 9). Analisis data yang dipakai adalah Regresi logistik. Hasil:Dari hasil uji data bivariat maupun multivariat. Didapatkan bahwa pemakaian smartphone screen time yang melebihi 5 jam sehari memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap kualitas tidur yang buruk pada lansia. namun smartphone screen time tidak terbukti secara statistik memiliki hubungan dengan tingkat kesepian. Selain itu akses platform media sosial tidak terbukti secara statistik memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kualitas tidur, namun memiliiki hubungan bermakna dengan tingkat kesepian pada lansia. Kesimpulan: Pemakaian Smartphone screen time yang rendah dapat meningkatkan kualitas tidur dan penggunaan platform media sosial berbasis bergambar dibandingkan saat lansia mengakses platform media sosial berbasis gambar menurunkan tingkat kesepian pada lansia. Saran: Berdasarkan hal tersebut, perawat perlu memberikan pengawasan dan edukasi pada lansia mengenai pembatasan waktu penggunaan Smartphone screen time terutama menjelang tidur malam serta panduan mengakses jenis platform media sosial berbasis gambar untuk mengatasi kesepian pada lansia.
Background. Elderly people with sleep disorders cases which visiting health services are increasing every year, but the health care services provided have not focused on the causes. Some of the causes of sleep disorders are physiological decline due to aging, environmental changes, lifestyle and psychological changes. One of the psychological changes that cause sleep disturbances in the elderly is loneliness. Complaints of loneliness in the elderly in the service have also not been optimally explored. The elderlie’s way to overcome their loneliness is to use a Smartphone , but the impact of Smartphone usage on sleep quality and loneliness levels in the elderly has not been widely studied. Objective. This study looks for the relationship between the use of Smartphone Screen Time and social media platforms with sleep quality and the level of loneliness of the elderly. Methods. The study was conducted with a cross-sectional method on 98 patients undergoing outpatient care at PKJN (National Mental Health Center) Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital Bogor with the inclusion criteria of elderly people who experience sleep disorders, able to communicate well and use Smartphone (iPhone at least version 12 or Android at least version 9). The data analysis method used was multivariate logistic regression. Results. From the results of bivariate and multivariate data tests. It was found that the use of smartphone screen time that was more than 5 hours a day had a significant relationship with poor sleep quality in the elderly. but smartphone screen time was not statistically proven to have a relationship with the level of loneliness. Conclusion. Sleep quality in the elderly has a relationship with Smartphone Screen Time. Low screen time smartphone usage can improve sleep quality in the elderly compared to high screen time smartphone usage. The level of loneliness in the elderly has relationship with accessing text-based social media platforms than when the elderly access image-based social media platforms. Suggestion. Based on this, nurses need to provide supervision and education to the elderly regarding limiting the use of Smartphone screen time, especially before going to bed at night and guidance accessing types of image-based social media platforms to overcome loneliness in the elderly.