Penelitian ini mendalami hubungan antara kompetensi digital (IP-TIK) dan rasio penduduk bekerja (RPB) di 34 provinsi Indonesia, dengan faktor-faktor seperti upah minimum provinsi, PDRB-HK per kapita, inflasi, dan kepadatan penduduk. Data diperoleh dari BPS dan Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan. Menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan analisis regresi model ekonometrika dengan metode
Fixed Effect Model, hasil penelitian menunjukkan IP-TIK berhubungan positif dan signifikan dengan RPB, di mana peningkatan 1% (relatif) IP-TIK berhubungan dengan peningkatan 0,1138% (absolut) RPB. PDRB-HK per kapita dan kepadatan penduduk juga positif signifikan, sementara UMP dan inflasi negatif signifikan. Terdapat variasi regional di mana IP-TIK signifikan di luar Jawa dengan peningkatan 1% (relatif) IP-TIK berhubungan dengan peningkatan 0,0908% (absolut) RPB, namun tidak signifikan di Jawa. Dari komponen IP-TIK, hanya komponen penggunaan yang signifikan, dengan peningkatan 1% (relatif) berhubungan dengan peningkatan 0.05154% (absolut) RPB.
This study explores the relationship between digital competency that is represented by Information and Communication Technology Development IndekX (ICT-DI) and Employment-to-Popultaiton Ratio (EPR) in 34 provinces of Indonesia, considering factors such as the provincial minimum wage, GRDP per capita, inflation, and population density. Data were obtained from BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Indonesia) and the Ministry of Manpower, Republic of Indonesia. Using a quantitative approach and regression analysis with an econometric model employing the Fixed-Effect Model method, the results show that ICT-DI has a positive and significant relationship with EPR, where a 1% (relative) increase in IP-TIK is associated with a 0.1138% (absolute) increase in EPR. GRDP per capita and population density are also significantly positive, while the minimum wage and inflation are significantly negative. There are regional variations where ICT-DI is significant outside Java, with a 1% (relative) increase in ICT-DI is associated with a 0.0908% (absolute) increase in EPR, but it is not significant in Java. Among the components of ICT-DI, only the “use” component is significant, with a 1% (relative) increase associated with a 0.05154% (absolute) increase in EPR.