Latar Belakang: Kebersihan gigi dan mulut pada santri di pondok pesantren masih tergolong rendah. Teknik perubahan perilaku mengacu pada strategi khusus yang digunakan dalam intervensi untuk mendorong perubahan perilaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti peran intervensi pendidikan kesehatan gigi dan mulut terhadap kebersihan gigi dengan menggunakan pendekatan teori model Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation for changing Behavior (COM-B) pada santri di pondok pesantren.
Metode: Sebanyak 88 santri dan santriwati pada pondok pesantren dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok. Kelompok 1 mendapatkan intervensi pendidikan kesehatan gigi biasa dan Kelompok 2 mendapatkan intervensi pendekatan kesehatan gigi dengan pendekatan model COM-B. Komponen kapabilitas, kesempatan, dan motivasi terkait pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut serta pengetahuan terkait perawatan kebersihan gigi dan mulut dievaluasi menggunakan kuisioner sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Status kebersihan gigi dan mulut dievaluasi menggunakan Indeks OHI-S dan GI sebelum dan sesudah intervensi.
Hasil: Terdapat perubahan signifikan perilaku dan pengetahuan kebersihan gigi dan mulut santri pada seluruh kelompok intervensi. Komponen kapabilitas, kesempatan, dan motivasi menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan dan lebih efektif pada kelompok intervensi dengan model COM-B. Status kebersihan mulut dengan indeks OHI-S dan GI menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan pada intervensi dengan model COM-B.
Kesimpulan: Intervensi pendidikan kesehatan gigi dengan model COM-B dapat secara efektif meningkatkan kebersihan gigi dan mulut santri. Asesmen kapabilitas, kesempatan, dan motivasi pada santri terbukti dapat meningkatkan skor pengetahuan dan perilaku kebersihan gigi dan mulut dan meningkatkan skor OHIS dan GI sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pendidikan kesehatan gigi.
Background: Oral hygiene of students in Islamic boarding schools is still relatively low. Behavior change techniques refer to specific strategies used in interventions to promote behavior change. This study aims to investigate the role of dental and oral health education interventions on dental hygiene using the Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation for Behavior Change (COM-B) model theory approach among students in Islamic boarding schools.Method: A total of 88 students in the boarding school were divided into two groups. Group 1 received standard dental health education interventions, and Group 2 received dental health interventions using the COM-B model approach. The components of capability, opportunity, and motivation related to maintaining dental and oral health, as well as knowledge related to dental and oral hygiene care, were evaluated using questionnaires before and after the intervention. Dental and oral hygiene status was assessed using the OHI-S and GI indexes before and after the intervention.Results: There were significant changes in behavior and knowledge of dental and oral hygiene among students in all intervention groups. The components of capability, opportunity, and motivation showed significant and more effective results in the intervention group using the COM-B model. The oral hygiene status assessed by the OHI-S and GI indexes showed significant results in the intervention with the COM-B model.Conclusion: Dental health education interventions using the COM-B model can effectively improve the dental and oral hygiene of students. Assessing the capability, opportunity, and motivation of students has proven to increase scores in knowledge and behavior regarding dental and oral hygiene and improve OHI-S and GI scores before and after dental health education interventions.