Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara
abusive supervision dan kinerja karyawan membutuhkan mekanisme penghubung. Dibangun berdasarkan teori
conservation of resources (COR), penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran kelelahan emosional sebagai mediator serta melihat kepemimpinan diri sebagai penyangga untuk melemahkan dampak negatif
abusive supervision terhadap kinerja karyawan melalui kelelahan emosional. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah 200 karyawan yang berasal dari berbagai jenis industri di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain korelasional
time-lagged dengan teknik pengambilan sampel
convenience sampling melalui survei online yang disebar di berbagai media sosial. Analisis data penelitian dilakukan menggunakan Hayes Process Macro versi 4.2 model 7. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa kelelahan emosional berperan sebagai mediator yang menghubungkan
abusive supervision dan kinerja karyawan. Sementara itu, temuan penelitian terkait kepemimpinan diri tidak mendukung hipotesis yang diajukan, dimana kepemimpinan diri yang tinggi menguatkan hubungan antara
abusive supervision dan kelelahan emosional serta menjadikan efek mediasi kelelahan emosional pada hubungan
abusive supervision dan kinerja karyawan signifikan negatif. Temuan ini mengindikasikan bahwa organisasi perlu merancang kebijakan yang tepat untuk membatasi atau menghentikan perilaku
abusive supervision di tempat kerja karena dapat meningkatkan kelelahan emosional karyawan yang pada gilirannya menurunkan kinerja mereka.
Recent research shows that the relationship between abusive supervision and employee performance requires a connecting mechanism. Built on the theory of conservation of resources (COR), this research aims to examine the role of emotional exhaustion as a mediator and examine self-leadership as a buffer to weaken the negative impact of abusive supervision on employee performance through emotional exhaustion. The participants in this research were 200 employees from various types of industry in Indonesia. This research uses a time-lagged correlational design with convenience sampling techniques through online surveys distributed on various social media. Research data analysis was carried out using Hayes Process Macro version 4.2 model 7. The research results found that emotional exhaustion acts as a mediator that connects abusive supervision and employee performance. Meanwhile, research findings related to self-leadership do not support the proposed hypothesis, where high self-leadership strengthens the relationship between abusive supervision and emotional exhaustion and makes the mediating effect of emotional exhaustion on the relationship between abusive supervision and employee performance significantly negative. These findings indicate that organizations need to design appropriate policies to limit or stop abusive supervision behavior in the workplace because it can increase employees' emotional exhaustion which in turn reduces their performance.