Penyandang autisme dewasa memiliki berbagai kelebihan yang dapat membawa kontribusi positif bagi tempat kerja, seperti sifat detail, rapi, dan terstruktur. Meski demikian, penyandang autisme dewasa dapat memiliki keterbatasan dalam memproses pesan, sehingga memerlukan dukungan lawan bicara untuk melakukan sejumlah akomodasi komunikasi. Penelitian ini, yang mengambil studi kasus program mentorship kerja bagi penyandang autisme dewasa di Microsoft Indonesia, bertujuan untuk (1) Mengidentifikasi strategi akomodasi komunikasi mentor Microsoft dengan mentee penyandang autisme, dan (2) Menganalisis motivasi di balik akomodasi komunikasi yang mentor Microsoft lakukan dalam berinteraksi dengan mentee penyandang autisme. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan paradigma post positivisme. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa kombinasi strategi akomodasi komunikasi asymmetrical convergence, approximation, discourse management, interpretability, psychological accommodation, dan linguistic convergence yang para mentor gunakan mampu membuat proses komunikasi dengan mentee penyandang autisme lebih produktif. Beberapa bentuk akomodasi komunikasi nyata dari strategi-strategi tersebut antara lain (1) Mulai komunikasi dengan mengaitkan topik ke elemen emosional mentee, (2) Lempar pertanyaan terbuka dengan disertai contoh atau opsi, (3) Lakukan check-in dan panggil nama mentee secara berkala di tengah diskusi, (4) Ulangi pesan menggunakan diksi yang sama, dan (5) Berikan instruksi secara jelas dan runut – bisa berdasarkan prioritas, tenggat waktu, dan lain sebagainya.
Adults with autism have various strengths that can bring positive contributions to the workplace, such as being detailed, neat, and structured. However, adults with autism could have limitations in processing messages, so they need support from their conversation partners to make a number of communication accommodations. This study, which took the work mentorship program for adults with autism at Microsoft Indonesia as a case study, aims to (1) Identify the communication accommodation strategies of Microsoft mentors with mentees with autism, and (2) Analyze the motivation behind the communication accommodations that Microsoft mentors make in interacting with mentees with autism. This study is a descriptive qualitative study with a post-positivist paradigm. The results of the study revealed that the combination of communication accommodation strategies of asymmetrical convergence, approximation, discourse management, interpretability, psychological accommodation, and linguistic convergence that the mentors use can make the communication process with mentees with autism more productive. Some forms of real communication accommodation from these strategies include (1) Start communication by linking the topic to the mentee's emotional elements, (2) Throw open questions accompanied by examples or options, (3) Have periodical check in and call the mentee's name in the middle of the discussion, (4) Repeat messages using the same diction, and (5) Give clear and sequential instructions – can be based on priorities, deadlines, and so on.