Hipertensi merupakan faktor risiko terhadap kerusakan organ penting seperti otak, jantung, ginjal, retina, pembuluh darah besar (aorta) dan pembuluh darah perifer (konsensus hipertensi). Oleh sebab itu seringkali pasien hipertensi menerima dua atau lebih obat (polifarmasi) sehingga terdapat kemungkinan resiko interaksi antar obat yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil terapi. Pemantauan interaksi obat perlu dilakukan pada resep pasien yang menerima terapi polifarmasi. Terapi antihipertensi dilakukan dalam jangka panjang sehingga perlu dilakukan pemantauan agar diperoleh target terapi dan mencegah terjadinya reaksi obat yang tidak diinginkan (ROTD). Apotek merupakan salah satu fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan yang memberikan pelayanan kefarmasian salah satunya adalah pengkajian dan pelayanan resep. Analisa interaksi obat pada resep hipertensi di Apotek Roxy Pondok Labu dilakukan berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada leaflet obat serta pengecekan interaksi pada beberapa situs drug interaction checker. Dari tiga resep yang dipilih merupakan resep yang ditebus pada bulan Maret-April 2023 ditemukan total 9 interaksi obat berdasarkan signifikansi dan 9 interaksi obat berdasarkan mekanisme kerja obat. Berdasarkan tingkat signifikansi interaksi obat yang ditemukan sebanyak 9 interaksi dimana interaksi moderate sebagai interaksi yang paling banyak muncul dengan persentase 66,67 % atau 6 dari total 9 interaksi. Berdasarkan mekanismenya, interaksi obat yang ditemukan sebanyak 9 interaksi dimana interaksi farmakodinamik yang paling banyak muncul dengan persentase 55,56 % atau 5 dari total 9 interaksi.
Hypertension is a risk factor for damage to important organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys, retina, large blood vessels (aorta) and peripheral blood vessels (hypertension consensus). Therefore, hypertension patients often receive two or more drugs (polypharmacy) so that there is a possible risk of interactions between drugs that can affect the results of therapy. Monitoring of drug interactions needs to be done on the prescriptions of patients receiving polypharmacy therapy. Antihypertensive therapy is carried out in the long term so that monitoring is necessary to obtain therapeutic targets and prevent unwanted Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR). Pharmacy is one of the health care facilities that provides pharmaceutical services, one of which is prescription assessment and service. Analysis of drug interactions in hypertension prescriptions at Roxy Pondok Labu Pharmacy was carried out based on information contained in the drug leaflet and checking interactions on several drug interaction checker sites. Of the three prescriptions selected, which were prescriptions filled in March-April 2023, a total of 9 drug interactions based on significance and 9 drug interactions based on drug mechanism of action were found. Based on the level of significance of drug interactions found as many as 9 interactions where moderate interactions as the most common interaction with a percentage of 66.67% or 6 out of a total of 9 interactions. Based on the mechanism, 9 drug interactions were found where pharmacodynamic interactions were the most common with a percentage of 55.56% or 5 out of a total of 9 interactions.