Penelitian ini menggambarkan karakteristik perawat anak dalam konteks cultural competence dengan menggunakan Instrumen Healthcare Provider Cultural Competence Instrument (HPCCI). Menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode cross-sectional dan teknik sampling convenience, 107 perawat anak di Indonesia diambil sebagai responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas responden berusia di atas 25 tahun, perempuan dan memiliki pengalaman praktik klinik antara 11-20 tahun. Meskipun sebagian besar responden belum pernah melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri atau memiliki teman asing, mereka menunjukkan ada ketertarikan pada berita dan informasi tentang negara asing dan preferensi film/drama/dokumenter negara asing. Cultural competence perawat anak dalam aspek awareness and sensitivity, behavior, patient-centered communication, practice orientation, dan self-assessment juga tergolong baik. Penelitian ini memberikan dasar untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut dalam bidang ini.
This study describes the characteristics of pediatric nurses in the context of cultural competence using the Healthcare Provider Cultural Competence Instrument (HPCCI). Using a descriptive qualitative approach with cross-sectional method and convenience sampling technique, 107 pediatric nurses in Indonesia were taken as respondents. The results showed that the majority of respondents were over 25 years old, female and had clinical practice experience between 11-20 years. Although most respondents had never traveled abroad or had foreign friends, they showed an interest in news and information about foreign countries and a preference for foreign films/dramas/documentaries. Cultural competence of pediatric nurses in the aspects of awareness and sensitivity, behavior, patient-centered communication, practice orientation, and self-assessment were also good. This study provides a basis for further development in this field.