Praktik spesialis keperawatan medikal bedah merupakan rangkaian dari pendidikan ilmu
keperawatan yang dilaksanakan dalam tatanan pelayanan kesehatan. Selama menjalani proses residensi, residen berperan menjadi Clinical Care Manager yang bertugas sebagai pemberi asuhan keperawatan, sebagai peneliti, konsultan keperawatan bagi staf keperawatan, serta pendidik. Guna mencapai peran tersebut, residen menerapkan teori keperawatan model adaptasi Roy sebagai alat untuk mempermudah pemberian asuhan keperawatan dalam membantu individu, baik dalam kondisi sakit maupun pada proses penyembuhan dan peningkatan pemeliharaan kesehatan di setiap mode fisiologis, konsep diri, fungsi peran dan interdependen secara sistematis. Pada kasus kelolaan dengan tuberkuloma paru diperoleh hasil bahwasanya ada perbaikan kondisi setelah pemberian asuhan keperawatan selama 15 hari dan hasil pada 30 kasus resume pasien dengan penyakit sistem pernapasan terbanyak adalah tuberkulosis paru. Penerapan Evidence Based Nursing menggunakan terapi Eye Movement Training (EMT) didapatkan hasil bahwa kelompok intervensi EMT memiliki nilai perubahan kualitas tidur rerata lebih tinggi sebelum dan sesudah diberikan terapi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Pada proyek inovasi, dilakukan program peningkatan kemampuan perawat dalam melakukan perawatan trakeostomi pada pasien dewasa dengan 6 elemen bundle trakeostomi diperoleh hasil bahwa perawat ruangan merasa materi yang diberikan sangat bermanfaat dan mampu laksana sehingga tindak lanjutnya adalah terbentuknya booklet perawatan trakeostomi dan teraplikasi dalam Electronic Medical Record (EMR).
Medical-surgical nursing specialist practice is a series of nursing science education carried out in health care settings. During the residency process, the resident acts as a Clinical Care Manager in charge of providing nursing care, as a researcher, nursing consultant for nursing staff, and educator. In order to achieve this role, residents apply the Roy adaptation model nursing theory as a tool to facilitate the provision of nursing care in helping individuals, both in sickness and in the process of healing and improving health maintenance in each physiological mode, self-concept, role function and interdependence systematically. In the case of management with pulmonary tuberculosis, the results showed that there was an improvement in condition after providing nursing care for 15 days and the results in 30 cases of patient resumes with the most respiratory system diseases were pulmonary tuberculosis. The application of Evidence Based Nursing using Eye Movement Training (EMT) therapy found that the EMT intervention group had a higher mean sleep quality change value before and after therapy than the control group. In the innovation project, a programme to improve the ability of nurses to perform tracheostomy care in adult patients with 6 elements of the tracheostomy bundle was carried out. The results showed that the room nurses felt the material provided was very useful and applicable so that the follow-up was the formation of a tracheostomy care booklet and applied in the Electronic Medical Record (EMR).