Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode analisa kuantitatif dengan melakukan perhitungan keekonomian dan daya beli masyarakat pada 14 wilayah jargas Non-APBN yang dibangun pada tahun 2022. Hasil analisa daya beli masyarakat diperoleh rata-rata RT-1/PK-1 sebesar Rp. 5547/m3 dan RT-2/PK-2 sebesar Rp 7032/m3. Hasil analisa kelayakan ekonomi didapatkan bahwa jika IRR berdasarkan WACC = 12,65% diperoleh harga Rp.10.339/m3. Penelitian ini telah menerapkan kode etik dan etika profesi insinyur serta memperhatikan keselamatan, kesehatan, dan keamanan kerja dan lingkungan. Pada pekerjaan penelitian ini penulis bertugas sebagai anggota tim perhitungan harga keekonomian jargas Non APBN dan anggota tim persiapan dan pengawas kajian pengukuran daya beli masyarakat tahun 2022.
This research was carried out using a quantitative analysis method by calculating the economic and purchasing power of the community in 14 Non-APBN gas network areas built in 2022. The results of the analysis of community purchasing power obtained an average RT-1/PK-1 of Rp. 5547/m3 and RT-2/PK-2 amounting to IDR 7032/m3. The results of the economic feasibility analysis show that if the IRR is based on WACC = 12.65%, the price is IDR 10,339/m3. This research has implemented the engineer's professional code of ethics and ethics and paid attention to work and environmental safety, health and security. In this research work the author served as a member of the non-APBN economic price calculation team and a member of the preparation and supervisory team for the study of measuring people's purchasing power in 2022.