Standar waktu pelayanan resep racik diRumah Sakit Hermina Bekasi belum tercapai.
Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui lama waktu pelayanan resep racik pasien anak rawat
jalan serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Desain penelitian cross sectional;
pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif, Sampel resep racik pasien anak rawat jalan
sebanyak 120 resep diambil secara random. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata waktu
pelayanan resep racik 27 menit 30 detik, dengan rincian rerata waktu pelayanan atau
komponen proses 7 menit 20 detik (26,69%) dan komponen delay 73,31% atau rerata
waktu pelayanan 20 menit 10 detik. Terbatasnya personil, kemampuan tidak merata
serta sarana merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap lamanya waktu pelayanan
resep racik. Saran : evaluasi standar pelayanan resep dan penghitungan ketenagaan
serta peningkatan pendidikan dan sarana prasarana
Standard time of dispensing of compounding prescription at Hermina Bekasi Hospitalhas not yet been achieved. This research is to find out a total time used in dispensingof a compounding prescription child-outpatient and the attributed factors. The researchdesign involved a cross sectional with qualitative and quantitative approaches, asample size of 120 compounding prescription of child-outpatient taken as random. Theresearch has shown that the dispensing activity time averaged 27 minutes 30 seconds.The component of the process is 26,69% (the average of process time is 7 minutes 20seconds). And the 73,31% of total dispensing time was due to delay components (theaverage of delay time is 20 minutes 10 seconds). The lack of personnel, capability ofuneven and also the facility are some of factors attributed the delay components.Suggestions: evaluation of service standard prescription and calculating workload aswell as improved education and infrastructure