Latar Belakang: Perawatan implan gigi adalah perawatan penggantian gigi hilang dengan angka kesuksesan tinggi. Evaluasi radiologis perawatan implan gigi berguna untuk menilai ketahanan dan kesuksesan jangka panjang perawatan.
Tujuan: Menganalisis kehilangan tulang krestal peri-implan gigi melalui evaluasi radiologis dan hubungannya dengan faktor risiko.
Metode: Studi pada 29 implan gigi. Dilakukan pencatatan data status pasien kemudian pembuatan radiograf periapikal digital dengan teknik paralel. Analisis radiologis kehilangan tulang krestal peri-implan gigi di mesial dan distal.
Hasil: Rerata kehilangan tulang krestal mesial 1,26±0,15 mm dan distal 1,42±0,17 mm dengan angka kesuksesan sebesar 93,1%. Tidak terdapat korelasi kehilangan tulang krestal peri-implan gigi dengan letak implan di maksila dan mandibula; letak implan di regio anterior dan posterior; dan jenis implan gigi
bone level dan
tissue level (
Kesimpulan: Hasil evaluasi radiografis implan gigi di Klinik Spesialis Periodonsia FKG UI sukses.
Background: Dental implant treatment is an alternative for the replacement of teeth that has a high success rate. Radiographic evaluation of implant treatment is useful for a a long term evaluation. Aim: To evaluate implant treatments by analysing the condition of the bones around dental implants using radiography, as well as determine dental implant correlation with associated factors. Methods: A total of 29 dental Implant were assessed. Radiographic evaluations were carried out using a periapical radiographic dental x-ray unit and converted into digital images. Crestal bone loss was analysed on mesial and distal aspect. Result: The mean crestal bone loss on mesial aspect was 1.26±0.15 mm and distal aspect was 1.42±0.17 mm with the success rate of 91.6%. There are no statistically significant correlations between crestal bone loss and the location of the implant (maxilla or mandible), anteroposterior site, and type of implant (bone level and tissue level). Conclusion: The radiographic evaluation of dental implants demonstrated successful results.