Pemantauan terapi obat merupakan pelayanan farmasi klinis untuk memastikan terapi obat aman, efektif dan rasional bagi pasien. Apoteker dapat mengidentifikasi permasalahan DRPs (
Drug Related Problems) berdasarkan farmakoterapi dari berbagai literatur yang mendukung. Analisa DRPs akan dipaparkan dalam klasifikasi PCNE (
Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe) dengan beberapa kategori yaitu penyebab, masalah, rencana intervensi dan status masalah. Pelayanan farmasi ini didokumentasi dan dikomunikasikan kepada tenaga kesehatan lainnya melalui metode SOAP (
Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan.
Drug therapy monitoring is a clinical pharmacy service to ensure safe, effective and rational drug therapy for patients. Pharmacists can identify DRPs (Drug Related Problems) problems based on pharmacotherapy from various supporting literature. The DRPs analysis will be presented in the PCNE (Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe) classification with several categories namely causes, problems, intervention plans and problem status. These pharmaceutical services are documented and communicated to other health workers through the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan) method.