Dalam kondisi pasar hari ini, konsumen menginginkan brand yang mereka gunakan mengambil sikap terhadap isu sosial tertentu, termasuk di Indonesia. Ketika brand memiliki kecocokan dengan pesan aktivisme, tujuan, nilai, dengan praktik perusahaan yang pro terhadap isu sosial, serta terlibat aktif dalam Brand Activism, hal ini dapat menciptakan perubahan sosial dan keuntungan terbesar dalam brand equity.Brand Activism tumbuh dan menyebar di lingkungan pemasaran. Hal ini ditandai dengan fenomena Brand Activism yang telah mendapat perhatian baik di dunia akademis, maupun dikalangan pemasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Perceived Argument Quality, Perceived Authenticity, Perceived Altruistic Motives, Perceived Self-Interest Motives, Brand Trust, Brand Attitude, dan Brand Loyalty. Penelitian ini mengambil argumen Brand Activism kampanye “Setiap U Beri Kebaikan” Unilever Indonesia. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode descriptive sampling menggunakan survei online kepada responden generasi z dan generasi milenial dalam rentang usia 18-39 tahun yang mengetahui kampanye “Setiap U Beri Kebaikan” dari Unilever Indonesia. Sebanyak 181 responden yang memenuhi kriteria terkumpul yang kemudian diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Method (PLS-SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Perceived Argument Quality berpengaruh positif terhadap Brand Trust, tetapi tidak terhadap Brand Attitude. Selanjutnya, Perceived Authenticity memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Brand Attitude dan Brand Trust. Kemudian, Perceived Altruistic Motives memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Brand Trust, tetapi tidak terhadap Brand Attitude. Selanjutnya, Perceived Self-Interest Motives tidak berpengaruh secara positif terhadap Brand Attitude dan Brand Trust. Terakhir, Brand Attitude dan Brand Trust berpengaruh positif terhadap Brand Loyalty. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan acuan oleh pemasar dan manajemen perusahaan yang ingin menerapkan Brand Activism terhadap brand yang akan dikampanyekan.
In today's market conditions, consumers want the brands they use to take a stand on certain social issues, including in Indonesia. When a brand matches activism messages, purpose, values, with pro-social corporate practices, and engages actively in brand activism, it can create social change and the greatest gains in brand equity. Brand activism grows and spreads in the marketing environment. This is indicated by the phenomenon of Brand Activism which has received attention both in the academia and among marketers. This study aims to determine the relationship between Perceived Argument Quality, Perceived Authenticity, Perceived Altruistic Motives, Perceived Self-Interest Motives, Brand Trust, Brand Attitude, and Brand Loyalty. This research takes a case study of Unilever Indonesia's “Every U Does Good” campaign. Data collection was carried out using a descriptive sampling method using an online survey of respondents from generation z and millennial generation in the age range of 18-39 years who know Unilever Indonesia's "Every U Does Good" campaign. A total of 181 respondents who met the criteria were collected which were then processed and analyzed using the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Method (PLS-SEM). The results showed that Perceived Argument Quality had a positive effect on Brand Trust, but not on Brand Attitude. Furthermore, Perceived Authenticity has a positive influence on Brand Attitude and Brand Trust. Then, Perceived Altruistic Motives has a positive influence on Unilever Indonesia's Brand Trust, but not on Brand Attitude. Furthermore, Perceived Self-Interest Motives have no positive effect on Brand Attitude and Brand Trust. Last, Brand Attitude and Brand Trust have a positive effect on Brand Loyalty. The results of this study can be used as a reference by marketers and company management who want to apply Brand Activism to the brand that will be campaigned.