Lama rawat inap diduga dipengaruhi oleh berbagai fakor kompleks diantaranya sosio-demografis, gizi, dan kondisi klinis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor sosio-demografi (usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan terakhir, status pekerjaan, status pernikahan, kelas rawat inap), gizi (asupan energi, asupan protein, status gizi, dan risiko malnutrisi), dan kondisi klinis (tingkat keparahan, komorbiditas, riwayat rawat inap stroke) terhadap lama rawat inap pasien stroke iskemik. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional melibatkan 150 pasien stroke iskemik usia 18-59 tahun di RSPON Prof.Dr.dr. Mahar Mardjono melalui metode purposive sampling. Analisis statistik menggunakan chi-squarepada bivariat dan regresi logistik pada multivariat. Hasil menunjukkan mayoritas pasien memiliki lama rawat inap pendek (78%). Tidak ada perbedaan proporsi antara usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan terakhir, status pekerjaan, status pernikahan, kelas rawat inap, risiko malnutrisi, tingkat keparahan, komorbiditas, atau riwayat rawat inap stroke terhadap lama rawat inap bagi pasien stroke iskemik (p>0,05). Melalui analisis bivariat ada perbedan proporsi status gizi terhadap lama rawat inap (p=0,026), namun ketika dikontrol dengan variabel lain keduanya tidak signifikan (p=0,888). Ada perbedaan proporsi antara asupan energi (p=0,001) dan protein (p=0,001) terhadap lama rawat inap pasien stroke iskemik. Pada permodelan akhir asupan energi (OR=165,4; CI:4,27-6404,3) dan protein (OR=547,94; CI: 19,86-15116,4) defisit berhubungan signifikan dan berisiko meningkatkan lama rawat inap panjang pasien stroke iskemik. Asupan protein menjadi faktor dominan terhadap lama rawat inap.
Multifactorial aspects such as sociodemographic, nutrition, and clinical condition were related to length of stay among ischaemic stroke patients. The aim of the study was to explore the association between sociodemographic (age, gender, education, occupation, marital status, and type of class), nutrition (energy intake, protein intake, nutritional status, and risk of malnutrition) and clinical condition (severity, comorbidity, and previous history of stroke) with length of stay in ischaemic stroke patients. Design of the study was cross-sectional. The study recruited 150 ischaemic stroke patients aged from 18 to 59 years old at National Brain Center Hospital Prof.Dr.dr. Mahar Mardjono Jakarta. Data was analysed by using chi-square test for bivariate and logistic regression for multivariate. Most of of ischaemic stroke patients had shorted length-of-stay (78%). There was no difference proportion between age, gender, education, occupation, marital status, type of class, risk of malnutrition, severity, comorbidity, or previous history of stroke and length of stay in ischaemic stroke patients (all p>0.05). Based on bivariate analysis, there was a difference proportion between nutritional status and length of stay (p=0.026), but not significant when controlled with other variables (p=0.888). There was a difference proportion between energy intake (p=0.001) or protein intake (p=0.001) and length of stay. Patients who had inadequate energy intake (OR=165.4; CI:4,27-6404.3) and protein intake (OR=547.94; CI: 19.86-15116.4) significantly related and increased the risk of prolonged hospital length of stay in ischaemic stroke patients. Protein intake was dominant determinant factor of length of stay in ischaemic stroke patients.