Penyakit Influenza adalah salah satu penyakit ISPA yang mendapat perhatian karena dapat menimbulkan wabah. Di Indonesia positivity rate influenza mencapai 40,3%, dimana virus yang teridentifikasi adalah virus A (subtype H1N1Pdm09 dan AH3) dan virus B (subtype Victoria). Studi cross sectional dan analisis cox regression dengan estimasi nilai Prevalence Ratio (PR) dengan memanfaatkan data sekunder surveilans Influenza Like Illness di DKI Jakarta tahun 2021-2022. Hasil penelitian didapatkan prevalensi Influenza positif sebesar 27,8%. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan usia <5 tahun dan ≥65 tahun berisiko 0,51 kali (p-value=0,006; 95% CI=0,31-0,82), kontak orang sakit berisiko 2,27 kali (p-value=<0,001; 95% CI=1,45-3,56), dan musim hujan memiliki PR 3,26 kali (p-value=<0,001; 95%CI=1,68–6,33) mengalami influenza A dan B dibandingkan dengan pasien yang tidak terkonfirmasi influenza A dan B. Musim hujan merupakan faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi Kejadian influenza A dan B di DKI Jakarta Tahun 2021-2022.
Influenza is one of the ARI diseases that receives concern because it can cause outbreaks. In Indonesia, the positivity rate of influenza reached 40.3%, where the identified viruses were virus A (subtypes H1N1Pdm09 and AH3) and virus B (subtype Victoria). Cross sectional study and cox regression analysis with estimation of Prevalence Ratio (PR) value by utilizing secondary data of Influenza Like Illness surveillance in DKI Jakarta in 2021-2022. The results showed that the prevalence of positive Influenza was 27.8%. The results of multivariate analysis showed that age <5 years and ≥65 years had a risk of 0.51 times (p-value=0.006; 95% CI=0.31-0.82), contact with patients had a risk of 2.27 times (p-value=0.001; 95% CI=1.45-3.56), and the rainy season had a PR of 3.26 times (p-value=0.001; 95% CI=1.45-3.56). 26 times (p-value=<0.001; 95% CI=1.68-6.33) to experience influenza A and B compared to patients who did not have confirmed influenza A and B. The rainy season is the dominant factor influencing the incidence of influenza A and B in DKI Jakarta in 2021-2022.