Tren saat ini dimana pelanggan mengharapkan dan menuntut perusahaan untuk beroperasi secara etis menyebabkan banyak perusahaan menjunjung tinggi etika untuk mendapatkan kekuatan yang lebih besar dalam menghadapi persaingan di pasar. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk Starbucks, merek kopi yang sudah ada sejak lama yang dikenal luas di seluruh dunia dan di Indonesia. Tingginya konsumsi kopi di Indonesia semakin membuktikan bahwa perlunya memahami persepsi pelanggan terhadap sebuah kedai kopi. Namun, masih sedikit yang diketahui mengenai pengaruh customer perceived ethicality terhadap brand equity kedai kopi di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh customer perceived ethicality terhadap brand equity Starbucks di Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan dari total 212 Milenial yang lahir antara tahun 1981-1996 dan Generasi Z yang lahir antara tahun 1997-2007, yang telah menjadi pelanggan Starbucks di Indonesia setidaknya sepuluh kali seumur hidup dan tinggal di Jabodetabek. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil pre-test diolah dengan menggunakan IBM SPSS Statistics 25 untuk dinilai validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Sedangkan data yang diperoleh dari main test diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan SmartPLS (v. 3.2.9) untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa customer perceived ethicalit memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand image dan brand equity Starbucks di Indonesia. Selain itu, recognition benefits tidak memediasi pengaruhcustomer perceived ethicality terhadap brand equity Starbucks di Indonesia. Meskipun brand heritage tidak memoderasi pengaruh customer perceived ethicality terhadap recognition benefits, brand heritage memperkuat pengaruh customer perceived ethicality terhadap brand equity Starbucks di Indonesia. Ditemukan juga bahwa brand image tidak memediasi pengaruh recognition benefits terhadap brand equity, tetapi memiliki pengaruh langsung positif terhadap brand equity Starbucks di Indonesia. Implikasi manajerial dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa Starbucks Indonesia atau praktisi bisnis sejenis lainnya yang ingin memperkuat brand equity mereka perlu mengembangkan customer perceived ethicality dengan secara aktif terlibat dalam kegiatan CSR, mengembangkan brand image dengan aktivitas seperti periklanan dan hubungan masyarakat, dan mengembangkan brand heritage dengan secara konsisten memberikan layanan berkualitas tinggi kepada pelanggan mereka.
The current trend where customers expect and demand companies to operate ethically causes many companies to uphold ethics to obtain greater strength in facing competition in the market. The same is true for Starbucks, a long-established coffee brand widely known worldwide and in Indonesia. The high consumption of coffee in Indonesia further proves that it is necessary to understand customer perceptions of a coffee shop. However, little is known regarding the effect of customer perceived ethicality on the brand equity of a coffee shop in Indonesia. Therefore, this study analyzes the effect of customer perceived ethicality on the brand equity of Starbucks in Indonesia. The data was collected from a total of 212 Millennials born between 1981-1996 and Generation Z born between 1997-2007, who have been Starbucks customers in Indonesia at least ten times in their lifetime and live in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area (Jabodetabek). The data obtained from the pre-test results were processed using IBM SPSS Statistics 25 to assess its validity and reliability. On the other hand, data obtained from the main test were processed and analyzed using SmartPLS (v. 3.2.9) to answer research questions. The results show that customer perceived ethicality has a positive effect on the brand image and brand equity of Starbucks in Indonesia. Furthermore, recognition benefits do not mediate the effect of customer perceived ethicality on the brand equity of Starbucks in Indonesia. Although brand heritage does not moderate the effect of customer perceived ethicality on recognition benefits, brand heritage strengthens the effect of customer perceived ethicality on the brand image of Starbucks in Indonesia. It was also found that brand image does not mediate the effect of recognition benefits on brand equity, but has a direct positive effect on the brand equity of Starbucks in Indonesia. The managerial implications of this research are that Starbucks Indonesia or other similar business practitioners who want to strengthen their brand equity need to develop customer perceived ethicality by actively engaging in CSR, develop a brand image by emphasizing activities such as advertising and public relations, and develop a brand heritage by consistently providing high-quality service to their customers.