The paper reviews the standard ot' design and installation of the Active Fire Protection
Systems for hotel buildings to minimize tire risk. When a tire occurs, active
protection system is necessary that pinpoints its location. Once detected, the first line
of defense against tire is a sprinkler system or other active tire protection systems.
Active Fire Protection Systems are detectors & alarm systems, automatic sprinkler
systems, risers, extinguishing systems, and smoke control, all of which is aimed to
solve the problem of fire damage.
ln major cities around the world especially in Jakarta, hotel buildings have been, are
and will be designed and built to provide safe and comfortable space for human life
and various activities. The fire risk is inherent in the building itself and it is of utmost
importance to eliminate or keep this risk and its consequences as small as possible.
On December 3 lst, 1986 a tire occurred in the Dupont Plaza Hotel and Casino, San
Juan, Puerto Rico, lt happened because The Hotel did not have dispensary ot`the tire
protection system in each floor. When thc iirc came and burncd, the building could
not extinguish the tire because it did not have the needed tire detector and sprinklers
in place.
From 50 questionnaires sent to various hotel buildings in Jakarta, 30 responses were
received to be viable for in dept analysis. The result of analysis shows clearly that the
active fire protection .tyvtents are positively correlated in a linear manner to three of
the key active fire protection variables. The key variables influencing building
reliability in good design and 'installation standard. The threc variables are heat
detector, portable exting-uis/ter, and rzulomatic sprinkler. This research can bc used t0
control and measure the standard design and installation of the hotel buildings.