According to some researches and reports, diarrhea is included in the big ten diseases reported in lndonesia population. One consideration that a disease is included in the big ten diseases is that disease constantly happened in the population at nearly the same ratio each year. An indication that a child is suffered from diarrhea is losing his body liquid and electrolyte continuousht, U? this is not handled and cured properly, he will come to a stadium called dehydration. The degree of body liquid comes out of from a child in a day will show how serious he is infected by diarrhea. ln order to decide what kind of action necessary to help a child who is suffered front diarrhea, his level of dehydration must be known first. To get information on how to detect frequencv of diarrhea on children between I2 - 59 months by using mathematical model, which is liable methodologically, in my research, l collect and analyze data of household density, children age in months, body condition, money a family earn in a mtmth, level of mother education, type of source drinking water, and type of latrine used by a family. From analysis result, range of diarrhea frequencv is 3 to 8 times and 4.33 times on average during a day. Using bivariat lest, all variables tested statisticallv on p S 0.05 have correlation with diarrhea frequency. However, only household density, body condition, level of mother education, and type of latrine used by a family can be applied in the model. Model resulted from this analvsis has R2 -- (1068, it means that the model can onlv explain 6.8% causes of diarrhea frequency on children between I2 59 months. Magnitude of assumption on average number has a small range, however the assumption is wide on individual. Consequently, the model has more precision if it is applied on average number. Formula resulted jrom the model can be used to get diarrhea frequency. furthermore different situations may give d#erent results. Ana( the formula is not good enough to define diarrhea frequency on individual.